When I was writing The Cartoon Guide to Recreational Drugs I scoured the local libraries and bookstores looking for useful and interesting historical works. Drugs From A to Z• is one of my sources.
The parts I generally took notes from were either about the drugs themselves or the prohibition of drugs. You’ll find the information garnered from these books throughout the Prohibition Politics section of this site. It will also have informed some of my own postings stored in the older Prohibition Politics archive.
If you find this information useful, you will want to search out the books themselves to read the text in context. All of the books here are at least moderately interesting.
Richard R. Lingeman compiles a summary of recreational drug terms and slang, and includes some interesting if anecdotal histories and other information.
BANANA SMOKING. a hoax perpetrated in 1966 and instigated by Marvin Garson. It was alleged that the inside of a banana peel scraped off and dried in the oven would, if smoked, produce a HIGH. Prohibition of bananas would, of course, be impossible. After due investigation, federal authorities pronounced the claims a hoax. The purpose of the jest—to twit narcotics authorities—thus may be said to have been accomplished.
Related Pages
- Congressional Drug Test
- Drug Information
- Drug Sellers On the Net!
- Drugs Around the World
- Notes on Prohibition
- Altered States of Consciousness
- American Indian Legends
- Animal Play Behavior
- Beliefs & Alcohol
- Beyond the War on Drugs
- Ceremonial Chemistry
- Cocaine: A Drug and Its Social Evolution
- Cocaine: Its History, Uses and Effects
- Coffee and Coffeehouses
- The Crisis in Drug Prohibition
- Dealing With Drugs
- Drinking in America: A History
- Drinking in Modern History
- Drugs and Drug Abuse
- Drugs From A to Z
- Drugs in American Society
- Drugs, Society and Behavior 87/88
- Ethanol and Heroin
- Etymologies of Drug Words
- The Facts About Drug Abuse
- The Forbidden Medicine
- From Chocolate to Morphine
- The Great Illusion: An Informal History of Prohibition
- Growing Wild Mushrooms
- Hallucinogenic Drugs
- A History of Alcoholism
- In Pursuit of Paradise
- Intemperance
- Licit & Illicit Drugs
- Magic Mushroom Guide
- Marihuana: 12,000 Years
- Marijuana: The New Prohibition
- The Marriage of the Sun and Moon
- The Natural Mind
- The New Larousse Gastronomique
- Opiologia
- The Opium Problem
- Our Right to Drugs
- Praises of Wine
- A Primer of Drug Action
- Psilocybin Bible
- Psilocybin Cultivation
- Sane National Drug Policy
- Signal of Misunderstanding
- The Straight Dope
- The Timetables of History
- Tobacco and Shamanism
- Uses of Marijuana
- Pocket Drug Guide
- Prohibition Reading
- Robert Randall 1948-2001
- Using (Recreational) Drugs

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Interactive gaming is in its very essence highly resistant to critical analysis. This is because the gaming experience itself is not set up to be observed by outsiders. Unlike the other traditional interactive forms we have been drawing analogies to, gaming does not draw a line between artist and audience. — Robin D. Laws (The Hidden Art)
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Drugs From A to Z last modified November 18th, 2006.