Firearms Politics
More Information
- About.Com Guide to Civil Liberties
Wow! The “Guide to Civil Liberties” covers free speech, gun control, asset forfeiture, privacy, sex, and drugs. The only thing missing is rock and roll, and I probably haven’t looked hard enough. Each article includes the primary sources as well as media sources which are available on the web. Great place to go for information and editorials.
- Doctors for Sensible Gun Laws
The primary rule of medicine should also be the primary rule of politics: “first, do no harm”.
- Firearms Hard Corps Home Page
The Firearms Hard Corps report back issues are great reading. And if you haven’t subscribed to the current issues via e-mail, you should.
- Gun Control and Economic Discrimination
“While melting-point legislation prevents many of the nation’s poorer citizens from legally protecting themselves, no convincing factual, public policy, or legal arguments justify this outcome. Preventing those who have a legal right to protect themselves with a handgun from doing so on the basis of socioeconomic considerations simply cannot be the solution… A compelling argument can be made that melting-point laws (1) are arbitrary in determining which handguns they ultimately remove from the market; (2) may have a negative effect on the ability of the police to track down criminals through the use of ballistics tests; (3) do not contribute to crime reduction; and (4) discriminate against the poor who cannot afford to purchase more expensive handguns.”
- Public Health Pot Shots
How the CDC succumbed to the Gun ‘Epidemic’ (Reason Magazine, April 1997) Can bad science make good policy?
- Rec.Guns FAQ Home Page
The FAQ for rec.guns, as well as firearms safety information and the rec.guns T-Shirt! “Where the second amendment meets the first.”
- Talk.Politics.Guns
The central gun control and self-defense discussion area on the net.
- The Value of Civilian Arms
From the American Journal of Criminal Law. An overview of the value of civilian firearms ownership in reducing crime. Full title: “The Value of Civilian Arms Possession As Deterrent To Crime Or Defense Against Crime”, by Don B. Kates, Jr.