JavaScript allows you to create ‘dynamic, interactive’ web pages: web pages that do things in response to what your readers do, without having a separate page for each possible response. In this tutorial, I’m going to cover some of the very basics of using JavaScript in your web pages. I’m going to assume that you know a little bit about HTML, but nothing about programming or JavaScript. If you aren’t familiar with HTML, you’ll want to go over the Web Writing Guide at first.
First, JavaScript has nothing to do with Java. Java is a separate programming language. JavaScript is a language for scripting web browsers and web servers, although it is seeing other uses as it becomes popular. Java was created by Sun and is designed for complete software applications, while JavaScript was created separately by Netscape Corporation and was later standardized as the ECMAScript standard. It is designed for modifying (and “scripting”) web pages.
- What is that cover?
- The cover image is a tracing, done in Inkscape, of Mount Semeru and Mount Bromo on the Isle of Java. Java may mean “beyond”, but it might also mean “home”. Java was created through volcanic activity and still contains many active volcanoes. Despite these dangers, it is the most populous island in Indonesia. Volcanic activity ensures a rich soil throughout the island.