Players can’t do a whole lot except interact. Most people will probably want to be, at least, builders1. This means that they can build objects, although these objects must be based on other objects that a programmer has made. A programmer is a builder, and a wizard is automatically a programmer and a builder. Most people should not be wizards. Wizards have the ability to kill other players, to muck with other players’ objects, and to cause considerable havoc if they aren’t responsible and competent.
You also do not want to create wizards out of long-existing player. When you turn a player into a wizard, all of the verbs that player created have all the rights of wizards. Including the ones they wrote before they knew how to program. If you want to give wizard status to a long-existing player, make a new player, turn it into a wizard, and give it to the person. This also ensures that the person has a ‘non-wizarded’ player to use when testing new verbs.
You should generally leave the task of designating who is and is not a wizard to the administrator. It is their responsibility to delegate authority to the lesser wizards of the MOO.
Create builders, programmers, or wizards with the following commands:
@chparent #playernumber to $builder
@programmer #playernumber
@chparent #playernumber to $wiz
In addition, for wizards, the wizard property must be set. Wizards must be programmers before they can be wizards:
@set #playernumber.wizard to 1
A wizard can take away all programmer and builder status with the last command, which turns the player into a non-builder.
@chparent #playernumber to $player
@set #playernumber.wizard to 0
@set #playernumber.programmer to 0
Only the grand-high wizard, Thor, can take away wizard status.1