Sentence Structure
It helps to know how Valhalla interprets what you type. The simplest way to do something is to type a single verb, such as home. ‘Home’ is a verb that only works on yourself, so it doesn’t need to know any more. A verb is the word you use to tell Valhalla that you want to do something.
You can also have direct objects, indirect objects, and prepositions. For example, in
give chocolate to Garm
the chocolate is the direct object, and Garm is the indirect object of the verb give. Valhalla first attempts to find a verb. ‘Give’ is the verb in this case, and the verb is always the first single word typed. Then, it looks for a preposition (in this case, ‘to’), and assumes that what is on the left (chocolate) is the direct object, and what is on the right (Garm) is the indirect object. If one of your objects contains a preposition, you can confuse Valhalla. To keep Valhalla from looking at the prepositions inside your object, enclose the object text in quotation marks. For example:
show "Like Water For Chocolate" to Garm
If you keep in mind how Valhalla works, you’ll be better able to phrase things when you try to do something.
If there is no preposition, everything after the verb is the direct object.
Where Does Valhalla Look for Verbs?
Verbs can only be found on objects. You are an object, and you have quite a few verbs on you. So, most likely, does the room that you are in. When Valhalla looks for a verb, it looks on the player who typed the verb first. If it doesn't find a matching verb there, it looks in the room that the player is in. If it still doesn't find a matching verb, it looks on the direct object of the sentence, if there is one, and finally on the indirect object of the sentence, if there is one.
If it hasn't found any verb at all, you will be told something to the effect of “Valhalla doesn't have any idea what you're trying to do.” Sometimes, however, Valhalla will find the verb that you typed, but with a different sentence structure. If so, Valhalla will suggest a different way of typing your sentence to get the desired results.