There are a number of things that the mail agent assumes about you, and you can change these assumptions. Type help @mail-option for more information.
Setting Your Mail Options: Stickiness
Normally, mail assumes that you’re talking about yourself. If you type @next, it’ll assume you mean @next on me. If you set mail to be sticky, it’ll assume you meant whatever ‘mail box’ you used last time. If the last thing you typed was @next on *Life, another @next will also deal with *Life. Use
@mail-option +sticky
to make your mail verbs sticky, and
@mail-option -sticky
to ‘unstick’ your mail verbs.
Forwarding Mail to an Internet Address
Many people like to get all of their mail in one place. You can have your Valhalla mail forwarded to another Internet address (including if you have an address there) by setting your netmail mail-option:
@mail-option +netmail