Picking Them Up and Dropping Them
The basic commands that apply to objects are look, take, drop, and give.
look staff
take staff
drop staff
give staff to Thor
In Valhalla, these commands are called ‘verbs’. In order to ‘do’ something to or with an object, either that object or one of it’s ancestors must have that ‘command’ as a ‘verb’. Only programmers can create and program verbs.
For more information about using objects, type:
help manipulation
Looking At Them and Examining Them
You can look object to see an object’s description. Usually, looking at an object will tell you everything that the object’s creator wants you to know. If you want to see a list of the verbs on the object, and some of the properties, type @examine object. ‘Verbs’ are things you can do to or with the object. Drop and look are both verbs. ‘Properties’ are information about the object. Names, aliases, and descriptions are all properties.
I’ll talk a little more about this under Building and Advanced Building.