Come to Valhalla: Beginning: Getting Around

  1. Getting Into Valhalla
  2. Beginning
  3. Virtual Self

When you want to see what’s around you, type


and type

look object

to look at a particular object. For example, try:

look me

Whenever you say me, Valhalla assumes you’re talking about yourself.

Usually, there will be some directions you can go, such as north, door, or docks. Type

go place

to go somewhere. Look in the description of where you are to see possible directions to go in. You can also get a ‘compass rose’ by typing @rose.

If you have a home, you can type


and you’ll be transported there just like in the Wizard of Oz.

You can get help by typing help. You can get help on a topic by typing help topic. We have no psychiatrists in Valhalla. Yet.

  1. Getting Into Valhalla
  2. Beginning
  3. Virtual Self