Custom search: The current script

  1. Backquoting special characters
  2. Custom search

This script is beginning to be useful. You should start thinking about the data you work with on a regular basis, and how these techniques could automate what you have to do to this data. Scripts like this can easily be set to run automatically through the use of cron or similar tools.

Anyway, here is the script so far:

#Search for songs in a file of the following tab-separated data:
# title, duration, artist, album, year, rating, rip date, track position, genre

#options for the --format switch
@validFormats = ("raw", "simple", "html", "summary");
$validFormats = englishJoin(", ", "or", @validFormats);

#options for fields to search in
@validFields = ("artist", "album", "song", "genre");
$validFields = englishJoin(", ", "and", @validFields);

#strip off the command-line switches and act on or remember them
while ($ARGV[0] =~ /^--(.+)/) {
$switch = $1;

#pull this switch off of the front of the list

#if they ask for help, do it and exit
if ($switch eq "help") {
} elsif ($switch eq "case") {
$sensitive = 1;
} elsif ($switch eq "reverse") {
$reverse = 1;
} elsif ($switch eq "limit") {
$limit = shift;
if ($limit !~ /^[1-9][0-9]*$/) {
print "\nYou must limit to a number, such as '33' or '2'.\n\n";
} elsif ($switch eq "format") {
$format = shift;
if (!grep(/^$format$/, @validFormats)) {
print "\nFormat must be $validFormats.\n\n";
} elsif (grep(/^$switch$/, @validFields)) {
if ($searchText = shift) {
$searches{$switch} = $searchText;
} else {
print "\nSearching in $switch requires text to search on.\n\n";
} elsif ($switch eq "sort") {
$sortby = shift;
if (!grep(/^$sortby$/, @validFields)) {
print "\nI can only sort by $validFields.\n\n";
} elsif ($switch eq "exact") {
$exact = 1;
} else {
print "\nI do not understand the option '$switch'.\n\n";

#the first item on the command line is what we're searching for
if (%searches) {
#if we're looking for exact matches, set them up ahead of time
if ($exact) {
foreach $search (keys %searches) {
$searchText = $searches{$search};
$searches{$search} = "^$searchText\$";
while (<>) {
#split out the song information
($song, $duration, $artist, $album, $year, $rating, $ripdate, $track, $genre) = split("\t");

foreach $searchField (keys %searches) {
$needle = $searches{$searchField};
$haystack = $$searchField;
$matched = match($haystack, $needle);
last if !$matched;

#reverse the match if we want non-matching lines
if ($reverse) {
$matched = !$matched;

#print the information if this line is one we want
if ($matched) {
if ($format eq "raw") {
$text = $_;
} elsif ($format eq "html") {
$text = "<tr><td>$song</td><td>$album</td><td>$artist</td></tr>\n";
} elsif ($format eq "summary") {
} else {
$text = "$song ($album, by $artist)\n";

#store or print the display text and the sort text
if ($sortby) {
$matches[$#matches+1]{'text'} = $text;
$matches[$#matches]{'sort'} = $$sortby;
} else {
print $text;
last if $limit && $matches >= $limit;

if (%artists) {
@artists = keys %artists;
@artists = sort byArtistCount @artists;
foreach $artist (@artists) {
$artistCount = $artists{$artist};
print "$artist: $artistCount\n";
} elsif (@matches) {
@matches = sort byCustom @matches;
foreach $match (@matches) {
print $$match{'text'};
} else {

#describe how this script is used
sub help {
print "Syntax: show [options] [song files]\n";
print "\tSearch for some text in the song file. If no song file is specified\n";
print "\t'show' will expect it on standard input.\n";
print "\tA song file is a tab-delimited file with:\n";
print "\ttitle, duration, artist, album, year, rating, rip date, track position, genre\n";
print "\t--help: print this help text\n";
print "\t--case: be sensitive to upper and lower case\n";
print "\t--reverse: filter out songs that contain the search text\n";
print "\t--limit x: limit to x results\n";
print "\t--format <$validFormats>: choose format for results\n";
print "\t--$validFields <searchtext>: search in the $validFields field\n";
print "\t--sort <$validFields>: sort by specified field\n";
print "\t--exact: the search text must match exactly\n";
print "At least one of the $validFields search requests must be specified.\n";

sub byArtistCount {
return $artists{$b} <=> $artists{$a};

sub englishJoin {
my($punctuation) = shift;
my($conjunction) = shift;
my(@items) = @_;

my($joined, $finalItem);

if ($#items == -1) {
$joined = "";
} elsif ($#items == 0) {
$joined = $items[0];
} elsif ($#items == 1) {
$joined = "$items[0] $conjunction $items[1]";
} else {
$finalItem = pop(@items);
$joined = join($punctuation, @items) . "$punctuation$conjunction $finalItem";

return $joined;

sub match {
my($searchIn) = shift;
my($searchFor) = shift;
my($matched) = 0;

if ($sensitive) {
$matched = $searchIn =~ /$searchFor/;
} else {
$matched = $searchIn =~ /$searchFor/i;

return $matched;

sub byCustom {
if ($sensitive) {
return $$a{'sort'} cmp $$b{'sort'};
} else {
return lc($$a{'sort'}) cmp lc($$b{'sort'});

  1. Backquoting special characters
  2. Custom search