Retry SSH connections after transient error
The Timeout class works great for retrying connections after they timeout, but what about more prosaic errors? I’ve been getting a bunch of AuthenticationException errors in my Python/Paramiko connection attempts lately. I’d been just capturing all SSHExceptions (of which AuthenticationException is a subclass) and reporting the error, but this is just a transient error that almost always goes away on the very next upload.
That makes it a perfect candidate for retrying the connection. I renamed the class from Timeout to Persistence, because this more generic class is going to be more persistent at making connections.1
[toggle code]
- from paramiko import SSHException, AuthenticationException
class Persistence(object):
def __init__(self, function=None, seconds=30, tries=3, errorMessage='Timeout'):
- self.seconds = seconds
- self.tryLimit = tries
- self.tries = 1
- self.function = function
- self.errorMessage = errorMessage
def act(self):
- signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, self.handleTimeout)
- signal.alarm(self.seconds)
- self.function()
except AuthenticationException, error:
- self.tryAgain(AuthenticationException(error), 'Authentication exception')
- signal.alarm(0)
def tryAgain(self, exception, message):
if self.tries >= self.tryLimit:
- raise exception
- print message, 'try', self.tries, self.errorMessage
- sleep(2*self.tries)
- self.tries = self.tries + 1
- self.act()
- print 'Succeeded on try', self.tries
if self.tries >= self.tryLimit:
def handleTimeout(self, signum, frame):
- self.tryAgain(TimeoutError(self.errorMessage), 'Timed out')
def __init__(self, function=None, seconds=30, tries=3, errorMessage='Timeout'):
All it really does is add a tryAgain method that can be called both by the handleTimeout method and any exceptions in try/except. If the failure continues more than three times, the exception is passed back up as normal.
[toggle code]
def ensureConnection(self, purpose=None):
- opener = Persistence(function=self.openConnection, errorMessage=purpose)
- opener.act()
- return True
except SSHException, errtext:
- self.warning('Unable to open SSH connection:', errtext, purpose)
except socket.error, errtext:
- self.warning('Socket error connecting:', errtext, purpose)
except EOFError, errtext:
- self.warning('Server has terminated with EOFError:', errtext, purpose)
except TimeoutError, errtext:
- self.warning('Timeout error connecting:', errtext)
- return False
def ensureConnection(self, purpose=None):
In response to Timeout class with retry in Python: In Paramiko’s ssh client, timeouts don’t seem to work; a signal can handle this—and then can also perform a retry.
And not persistent in the sense of outliving its parent process.
More SSH
- Timeout class with retry in Python
- In Paramiko’s ssh client, timeouts don’t seem to work; a signal can handle this—and then can also perform a retry.