Go paperless or we’ll kill a tree

There are a couple of places where I remain a Luddite. I still buy my music on CDs, and even vinyl, though I only listen to it via iTunes. When I play fantasy role-playing games, I use a pencil, paper, and dice. I prefer to write books and store personal data on my personal computer instead of in “the cloud”. And I still prefer to get paper bills1.
So I normally ignore the exhortations to go paperless and save trees unless it involves significant savings. Perhaps that’s why my credit card company has chosen, in my last two bills, to highlight their plea to go paperless by making it the only “important news” item on an otherwise blank sheet.
I notice that the paperless plea only says “paperless statements are a great way to stay organized”. So presumably they don’t care about whether it saves paper. But it would be a nice gesture to add a conditional “if this one item about going paperless is the only reason to print an entire page, don’t bother.” If paper (and postage) are still cheaper than one “if” statement… well, if you don’t care, why should I?
I’d prefer to get no bills, but that isn’t a possibility. Not if I want a cell phone and a high-speed Internet connection.
- The Biblyon Broadsheet
- Like adventurers of old you will delve into forgotten tombs where creatures of myth stalk the darkness. You will search uncharted wilderness for lost knowledge and hidden treasure. Where the hand-scrawled sign warns “beyond here lie dragons,” your stories begin.
- King Ludd
- There are some decisions that should be left to experts, and some that should not. It makes sense that if you leave acquisitions to experts, they will recommend acquiring what they’re familiar with. And if you acquiesce to a popular vote only among experts, they will naturally choose a course of action that requires more experts.
- The Technics SL-1200MK2
- Sometimes you have to spend money for quality.