Plain & Fancy in the seventies with Hiram Walker
The very first hard liquor I had was a fuzzy navel at a family Christmas party back in the seventies. I’m pretty sure my aunt and uncle made it using Hiram Walker Peach Schnapps. If not, it was De Kuyper Peachtree Schnapps, but unlike De Kuyper, Hiram Walker was partly a Michigan business. Even looking at the Total Wine website right now, they don’t have Hiram Walker Peach Schnapps in Texas, “but we found it at Grand Rapids, MI.”
So when I saw the wonderful artwork on the cover of Plain and Fancy ways of using Hiram Walker Cordials (PDF File, 9.2 MB), I bought it despite having no desire whatsoever of keeping my liquor “cabinet” stocked with multiple flavors of cordials. While I’m pleasantly impressed with people who do have well-stocked liquor cabinets, I just don’t drink enough for that. Even on my limited shelf, I have liquor that’s over ten years old.
One of the liquors I enjoy but don’t drink often is brandy. And, it turns out, most of the brandy recipes in Plain and Fancy are very simple. So both of the drinks I tried from this pamphlet are from the two facing pages focused on “California Brandy”. I chose the Piledriver and the Sidecar because they use alcohols I already had on hand.
I don’t know if Hiram Walker California Brandy was merely brandy from California, or if it was some sort of special cordial. Either way, I didn’t use California brandy, and I didn’t use Hiram Walker. I used a Raynal & Cie French brandy.
In the Piledriver, I also replaced the Hiram Walker Sloe Gin with Bombay Sapphire. For the orange juice I did indeed use orange juice, albeit frozen orange juice concentrate, reconstituted.
For the Sidecar, I replaced the Hiram Walker Triple Sec with Grand Marnier. I did have to go out and buy a lime. One lime is very close to one ounce of lime juice.
The pamphlet’s purpose appears to be convincing people to keep lots of cordials on hand and experience the “new world of fun, excitement and discovery in Hiram Walker Cordials” for all your “memorable moments—those special occasions—plain or fancy!”
Which makes this pamphlet somewhat of a failure, since I continue to have no intention of buying lots of different flavors of cordials. I may also try the Sunrise Punch, with tequila and gin. It’s basically a Piledriver with tequila instead of brandy. Again, it’s one of the simpler drinks, and I have both tequila and gin on hand.
I may not be alone in not being convinced by this pamphlet. Even when a recipe pamphlet isn’t available online, there are almost always people trying to sell the pamphlet. I can’t find any other copies of this anywhere, or even any evidence for it having been sold in the past. I can’t even find advertisements mentioning it.
That also means that I don’t know when it was published. There is no date or even copyright notice. The art certainly looks seventies to me, but I’m far from an expert in dating books by art style. I base that mainly on it resembling the animation styles I grew up watching on Saturday mornings in the seventies. It’s also very similar to the art style from Put Some Kraut in Your Life, which at its latest came out in 1970.
So it could easily have been the sixties; it is unlikely to have been the eighties.
The drinks were good. I’m not adding them to my regular rotation, but I will probably pull the pamphlet out once in a while when I need something citrusy. The Piledriver was a nice citrusy drink, not the kind of thing I normally associate with brandy. The Sidewinder was similar—equal amounts brandy, Grand Marnier, and lime juice, blended in a blender with cracked ice. Very much an adult fun drink to match the kids’ shaved ice drinks.
These were both very nice afternoon outdoor summer drinks.
The Chocolate Covered Brandy Balls, on the other hand, were exactly what I normally associate with homemade liquor candies.
I think the next time I make them I will let them sit out overnight and then roll them in powdered sugar. They were too wet the night of making them to keep the powdered sugar dry, which meant that the powdered coating disappeared as it was absorbed into the balls.
That might have been the purpose—they were not only too wet, they were too loose, and flattened as they rested. I reshaped them after a couple of hours back into a ball shape. It might be that letting them set for half an hour or so before rolling in powdered sugar is a better idea than overnight.
The title is a little weird. They are not in any sense chocolate covered snacks. The chocolate is cocoa powder mixed throughout the candies. Their title, and their accompanying picture, seem to be meant for a recipe that isn’t included in this pamphlet, one in which the brandy balls are dipped in chocolate after rolling.
They were good, though. And they tasted very Christmasy to me. That’s partly because this shape of candy is a holiday shape, and also because brandy flavoring in other foods is a holiday flavoring. The main reason I have brandy on hand is egg nog.
While it was difficult to date this pamphlet because of the lack of available advertising. I found an advertisement in The Portsmouth Herald of June 12, 1972 which included a “Sombrero” drink. Its recipe is very similar to the Sombrero in this pamphlet.
By 1983 Hiram Walker was advertising a “free recipe booklet” in an ad that included a recipe for “the Hiram Walker Sour Ball”. The Sour Ball used Apricot Flavored Brandy, and is not in this pamphlet. That advertisement is in the June 6 1983 New York Magazine; the “free recipe booklet” may have been Recipes for Creative Entertaining, which does contain a Sour Ball.
Hiram Walker has a history of recipe pamphlets dating back at least to 1954. I don’t know when Recipes for Creative Entertaining was published but I’ve seen their 1954 Cordial Cookery on eBay, a 1961 Complete Cordial Cookery and Cocktail Guide, a 1978 Discover the World of Hiram Walker Cordials, and a 1983-5 The Joy of Cordials.
According to an ad in the March 23, 1961, Los Angeles Mirror, you could send them ten cents for The Compleat Cordial Cookery and Cocktail Guide. An ad in the November 5, 1964, Chicago Daily Herald promoted a free Hiram Walker Holiday Letter.
So there’s lots of room between 1964 and 1972 for this pamphlet, but I’d be more likely to guess that it’s between 1972 and 1978.
The address on the pamphlet is “Hiram Walker and Sons, Inc., Peoria, Ill.” Hiram Walker appears to have been founded in Detroit and Windsor in 1858, but the Detroit distillery was closed in 1863. They opened a distillery in Peoria in 1933, after prohibition ended. The Peoria distillery stopped distilling ”in the 1970s but continued to bottle until its alcohol stocks were gone” which appears to have been 1982.
Whether that marks a top end for this pamphlet depends on whether they retained offices in Peoria after the distillery shut down completely.
One intriguing and ultimately dead-end clue is that this pamphlet ends with a “Special Offer”:
4 mochaccino or cappuccino mugs only $3.75. Send name and address and check or money order to: H & W Ceramics, Post Office Box 292, New Waterford, Ohio 44445
I’ve been unable to find any reference to an H & W Ceramics or even a Hiram & Walker Ceramics/Hiram Walker Ceramics (on the wild guess that the H and W correspond to Hiram Walker despite “Hiram Walker” being a single name, not two names). Hiram Walker appears to have had several ceramic products, including Peppermint Schnapps shot glasses and bourbon/whiskey pitchers, but none seem to have any markings about where or by whom they were made other than “made in U.S.A.” or Canada, and, some of the more recent, in China.
Enjoy! (PDF File, 9.2 MB) There are great ideas for the holidays, and for summer get-togethers, in these drinks and desserts.
And for something else to use with brandy, here’s a holiday egg-nog that’s very quick and easy to make.

Brandy Egg-Nog
Servings: 1
Preparation Time: 10 minutes
Miss Verna L. Miller
Refrigerator Revolution Revisited: 1928 Frigidaire
Frigidaire Recipes (PDF File, 15.5 MB)
- 1 egg
- speck of salt
- ¾ tbsp sugar
- ¾ cup milk
- 1 tbsp brandy
- nutmeg
- Egg and milk should be chilled.
- Mix egg, sugar, and salt in a blender.
- Add the milk and brandy; blend until frothy.
- Sprinkle with nutmeg.
- You can also separate the egg(s). Beat the egg white until foamy (not stiff) and fold into the final mixture.
If you prefer your egg-nog with rum or whisky, use that. You can also use your favorite wine (probably a port or sherry would be best), but increase the amount by 50%.
In response to Vintage Cookbooks and Recipes: I have a couple of vintage cookbooks queued up to go online.
- The Distilling Capital of Peoria Illinois: Don Williams
- “At one point in American history, The distilling capital of Peoria Illinois was a factual statement. Peoria’s commerce was based on plentiful corn and water. These happened to be the main ingredients of bourbon and helped make Peoria the largest corn market in the world.”
- Review: Put Some Kraut in Your Life: Jerry Stratton at Jerry@Goodreads
- Buy it for the cover and the interior art. Keep it for the recipes.
- The Story of Black Band Distillery
- “BLACK BAND was founded by Peoria native and Principal Distiller Chris Ober in 2016.”
- Plain and Fancy ways of using Hiram Walker Cordials (PDF File, 9.2 MB)
- A seventies-ish pamphlet of recipes for drinks and desserts from Hiram Walker, using Hiram Walker cordials and other liqueurs.
More alcohol
- Learning from alcohol prohibition
- If the people against ending drug prohibition had been around in the thirties, we would never have ended the prohibition of beer and cocktails, because of the dangers of pure alcohol and bathtub gin. One of the lessons of the alcohol prohibition era is that we don’t have to go from banning everything to allowing everything. There is a middle ground.
More food history
- Mrs. Winslow’s Domestic Receipt Book for 1876
- If this is what people were eating in 1876, they were eating very well. From coconut pie to molasses gingerbread to tomato jam, these are great recipes—albeit requiring some serious interpretation.
- The New Centennial Cook Book
- Over 100 Valuable Receipts for Cakes, Pies, Puddings, etc.… borrowed verbatim from other cookbooks.
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- Vintage cookbook reproductions, and gold cakes compared fifty years apart
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- 18 more pages with the topic food history, and other related pages
More recipes
- A Traveling Man’s Cookery Book
- A Traveling Man’s Cookery Book is a collection of recipes that I enjoy making while traveling, and in other people’s kitchens.
- Tempt Them with Tastier Foods: Second Printing
- The second printing of Tempt Them with Tastier Foods contains several newly-discovered Eddie Doucette recipes, as well as an interview with the chef’s son, Eddie Doucette III.
- Looking back over 1950 in vintage cooking
- While I didn’t make my goal of trying a recipe every month in the month it was meant for, following this calendar through 2023 was an interesting experience and provided some very good food.
- Eddie Doucette recipe sampler
- Despite their occasional weirdness, I’ve yet to try a recipe that didn’t turn out at least pretty good. Some are amazing.
- A Bicentennial Meal for the Sestercentennial
- Four community cookbooks celebrating the bicentennial. As we approach our sestercentennial in 2026, what makes a meal from 1976?
- Six more pages with the topic recipes, and other related pages
More seventies
- A Bicentennial Meal for the Sestercentennial
- Four community cookbooks celebrating the bicentennial. As we approach our sestercentennial in 2026, what makes a meal from 1976?
- Hesperia Class of ’82
- The 40th reunion for the Hesperia High School Class of 1982 is July 15 through July 17, 2022. We look forward to seeing you!
- Hobby Computer Handbook: From 1979 to 1981
- Hobby Computer Handbook lived for four issues, from 1979 to 1981. Back in 1979 and 1980, I bought the middle two issues. I’ve recently had the opportunity to buy and read the bookend issues.
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- Whenever there’s a crisis, politicians and the media always tell us that if we do what they say, we’ll be all right. This is always a lie. And however often they fail and however many die from their ministrations, their wabbling fingers always return to the mire.
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