Promotional cookbook archive

Merry Vintage Christmas!
If you’re a fan of vintage cookbooks, I have a Christmas present for you. Since writing the searchablePDF script that I used on The Baker’s Dozen, I’ve started scanning in more of my old promotional pamphlets that don’t appear to be available online.
The Baker’s Dozen is the reason I wrote the script. Afterward, I went back and recreated Franklin Golden Syrup Recipes and the Directions for Operating [a Dominion] Waffle Iron so that they take advantage of the new capability as well. They are now searchable and they have a table of contents. I’m about to do another sweetened condensed milk pamphlet and have finally delved into the mysteries of evaporated milk.
This page will automatically update whenever I upload a new vintage pamphlet. I have some neat ones ready to go. There are some fascinating recipes in them, as well as strange terminology. Rather than force you to go searching the site, I’m going to archive them here automatically whenever I post a new book. This page will also include any of the missing indexes when I make more—and I have at least one more I want to make. It’s going to be a big one, and very cool, so stay tuned.
I’m looking forward to making more old recipes and writing about them over the next year.
Enjoy, and Merry (Vintage) Christmas! If you enjoy vintage cookbooks, this is a gift that will keep on giving.
I’ve moved the cookbook archive to its own page, and made it searchable as well. The simple list of downloads remains at the bottom of this page.
If I’ve retyped a pamphlet it will be available both as an ePub and as a PDF. You can read an ePub in any ebook reader, and it will format itself automatically to fit your mobile (or desktop) screen.
I generally don’t retype these old books because part of their charm is how they were presented. I made an exception for Franklin Golden Syrup because I specifically wanted to present it in an easier-to-read format. For the rest, they’ll all be PDFs that preserve that original graphics and text, while still making the text searchable in the background. You can read PDFs in any PDF reader, such as Preview on macOS and Adobe Acrobat on most operating systems.
Even when I do retype something, I try to also provide a facsimile of the original. It’s usually a PDF, which is why I wrote the searchablePDF script in the first place.
Most of these documents will have a signature either on the last page or along the margin with the most free space pointing to The Padgett Sunday Supper Club. If you’re interested in vintage recipes, check it out. There’s currently a new recipe every Sunday, and I make an effort to provide recipes appropriate with upcoming holidays.
At the moment I’m writing this, the recipe I’m planning for the lead-up to Christmas is an Ethiopian Honey Bread. It’s a great holiday bread, very easy in a bread machine. It’s perfect for breakfast toast and great for lunch sandwiches or to accompany a holiday dinner. Go take a look!
Christmas Day’s recipe is going to be an amazing popcorn confection (PDF File, 1.8 MB) from the 1972 Southern Living Cookies and Candy book. Enjoy your sneak peak! It’s one of my favorite caramel corns.

It’s nice, occasionally, to be able to use these pamphlets in their original format on a portable device.
- 2023 Old Recipe Calendar (PDF File, 9.4 MB)
- A 1950 recipe calendar repurposed for printing and hanging in 2023. (More information at A 1950 recipe calendar for 2023)
- 42 Tested Recipes for Stoy Soy Flour (PDF File, 5.3 MB)
- “STOY contains more protein than meat, cheese, eggs, or milk… Wartime needs, due to military and lend-lease requirements, are taking large quantities of these common protein foods. Therefore, STOY is meeting a great need for a new source of protein in the diet.” (More information at Stoy Soy Flour: Miracle Protein for World War II)
- Aunt Jenny’s Old-Fashioned Christmas Cookies (PDF File, 4.3 MB)
- …and other all-time favorites, from Lever Brothers Company for Spry shortening. 1952. (More information at Aunt Jenny’s Old-Fashioned Christmas Cookies)
- The Baker’s Dozen (PDF File, 3.3 MB)
- A 1976 baking pamphlet from General Foods and Baker’s Coconut, in McCall’s magazine. Focused on coconut and chocolate. (More information at Baker’s Dozen Coconut Oatmeal Cookies)
- Chiquita Banana’s Recipe Book (PDF File, 9.9 MB)
- The 1950 Chiquita Banana’s Recipe Book, from United Fruit Company. (More information at Chiquita Banana’s Recipe Book)
- Directions for Operating Waffle Iron (PDF File, 80.4 KB)
- “The following instructions apply to automatic, non-automatic, twin or single waffle irons.” From Dominion Electric Corporation. (More information at Dominion Electric Corporation Wafflemaker Manual)
- Directions for Operating Waffle Iron (ePub ebook file, 217.5 KB)
- Instructions for the waffle iron for use in an ebook reader. (More information at Dominion Electric Corporation Wafflemaker Manual)
- Directions for Operating Waffle Iron (facsimile) (PDF File, 1.6 MB)
- Scans of the Dominion waffle iron instructions. (More information at Dominion Electric Corporation Wafflemaker Manual)
- Eddie Doucette’s “Home Cooking” Recipes (PDF File, 2.9 MB)
- Five pages of recipes typed from Eddie Doucette’s long-lost Chicago-area television show, Home Cooking. (More information at A home-cooking handful from Eddie Doucette)
- El Molino Best (PDF File, 22.7 MB)
- A 1953 collection of recipes from El Molino Mills, of Alhambra, California. (More information at El Molino Best: Whole grains in 1953)
- Franklin Golden Syrup Recipes (PDF File, 484.4 KB)
- A retyped PDF of the Franklin Sugar Refining Company’s Franklin Golden Syrup Recipes pamphlet/cookbook. (More information at Franklin Golden Syrup Recipes)
- Franklin Golden Syrup Recipes (ePub ebook file, 582.8 KB)
- A retyped ePub of the Franklin Sugar Refining Company’s Franklin Golden Syrup Recipes pamphlet/cookbook. (More information at Franklin Golden Syrup Recipes)
- Franklin Golden Syrup Recipes (facsimile) (PDF File, 4.1 MB)
- The original format of the Franklin Sugar Refining Company’s pamphlet, Franklin Golden Syrup Recipes, rearranged from a pamphlet to a book. (More information at Franklin Golden Syrup Recipes)
- Frigidaire Recipes (PDF File, 15.5 MB)
- A 1926 manual and cookbook for the Frigidaire home refrigerator/freezer. (More information at Refrigerator Revolution Revisited: 1928 Frigidaire)
- Golden Harvest Sunflower Seed Recipes (PDF File, 2.6 MB)
- A 1972 sunflower seed cookbook from Golden Harvest and Natural Sales Company, part of General Nutrition Corporation. (More information at A golden harvest of sunflower seeds)
- Hope Lutheran 1950 calendar of recipes (PDF File, 11.7 MB)
- A calendar of recipes for 1950, courtesy Hope Lutheran Church of Milwaukee. (More information at A 1950 recipe calendar for 2023)
- The Horsford Cook-Book (PDF File, 4.7 MB)
- A ca. 1876-1879 cookbook from the Rumford Chemical Works, “containing practical recipes for making superior bread, biscuit, cakes, pastry &c.” (More information at A Centennial Meal for the Sestercentennial)
- The Missing Index for the Southern Living Recipe Library (PDF File, 2.5 MB)
- An index by recipe, state, city, and contributor for the seventies-era Southern Living cookbook collection. (More information at The Missing Index for the Southern Living Cookbook Library)
- Missing Index to the Deplorable Gourmet (PDF File, 221.8 KB)
- This is the missing index to the Cookbook of Cookbooks, the Deplorable Gourmet. (More information at The Deplorable Index)
- Montgomery Ward’s Cold Cooking (PDF File, 9.9 MB)
- The 1942 Montgomery Ward & Co., Inc.’s Cold Cooking refrigerator manual and cookbook. (More information at Refrigerator Revolution Revisited: 1942 Cold Cooking)
- Mrs. Winslow’s Domestic Receipt Book for 1876 (PDF File, 5.1 MB)
- “This Book will be issued Annually, with entirely New Receipts. By preserving them, and sewing them together, you will have in a few years, the best collection of Receipts in the country.” Published 1875. (More information at Mrs. Winslow’s Domestic Receipt Book for 1876)
- The New Centennial Cook Book (PDF File, 4.7 MB)
- “Published by L. E. Brown & Co., containing over 100 valuable recipes for cakes, pies, puddings, etc.” Published ca. 1881. (More information at The New Centennial Cook Book)
- Norge Cold Cookery and Recipe Digest (PDF File, 10.2 MB)
- “How to enjoy greater satisfaction from your refrigerator.” A 1947 manual and cookbook for the Norge Rollator refrigerator. (More information at Refrigerator Revolution Revisited: 1947 Cold Cookery)
- Plain and Fancy ways of using Hiram Walker Cordials (PDF File, 9.2 MB)
- A seventies-ish pamphlet of recipes for drinks and desserts from Hiram Walker, using Hiram Walker cordials and other liqueurs. (More information at Plain & Fancy in the seventies with Hiram Walker)
- Rumford Recipes Sliding Cookbooks (PDF File, 2.8 MB)
- The recipes from the Rumford Company’s sliding Recipes for Cake and Cooking Making and Recipes for Biscuits, Muffins, Rolls, Etc., combined and indexed. (More information at Rumford Recipes Sliding Cookbooks)
- Rumford Recipes Sliding Cookbooks (ePub ebook file, 2.5 MB)
- Recipes from the two Rumford Company sliding recipe cards, combined into an ebook. (More information at Rumford Recipes Sliding Cookbooks)
- St. Mary’s Missing Index (PDF File, 6.0 MB)
- Index for the St. Mary’s Altar Society cookbooks. (More information at St. Mary’s Altar Society Cookbooks)
- Tempt Them with Tastier Foods (PDF File, 13.7 MB)
- A comprehensive collection of recipes by Eddie Doucette, Chicago-area chef, IGA spokeschef, and American culinary ambassador. (More information at Tempt Them with Tastier Foods: An Eddie Doucette Recipe Collection)
- Tempt Them with Tastier Foods (ePub ebook file, 9.7 MB)
- A selection of pioneer TV chef Eddie Doucette’s 1954 through 1971 recipes, from his television show in 1954-55 through his IGA newspaper ad recipes and his traveling cooking promotions. (More information at Tempt Them with Tastier Foods: An Eddie Doucette Recipe Collection)
- Tempt Them with Tastier Foods 2024 Addendum (PDF File, 141.6 KB)
- I added eighteen recipes to the second printing. If you already have the first printing, these are those recipes. (More information at Tempt Them with Tastier Foods: Second Printing)
- Tempt Them with Tastier Foods 2024 Pamphlet (PDF File, 203.7 KB)
- These are the extra recipes in pamphlet form, so that it takes up less space slid into your existing book. Print landscape, with short-edge binding. (More information at Tempt Them with Tastier Foods: Second Printing)
- A Traveling Man’s Cookery Book (PDF File, 10.0 MB)
- Vintage and modern recipes good enough to make far from home. (More information at A Traveling Man’s Cookery Book)
- A Traveling Man’s Cookery Book (ePub ebook file, 6.3 MB)
- Vintage and modern recipes for making on the road. (More information at A Traveling Man’s Cookery Book)
In response to Vintage Cookbooks and Recipes: I have a couple of vintage cookbooks queued up to go online.
- Create searchable PDFs in Swift
- This Swift script will take a series of image scans, OCR them, and turn them into a PDF file with a simple table of contents and searchable content—with the original images as the visually readable content.
- Dominion Electric Corporation Wafflemaker Manual
- Dominion Electric Corporation waffle irons are ubiquitous on eBay and in antique shops, but the manuals for them are not. Here’s one that came with the Model 1315A.
- Franklin Golden Syrup Recipes
- Golden syrup has a wonderful caramel flavor. This ca. 1910 promotional cookbook from the Franklin Sugar Refining Company really shows off that flavor.
- The missing indexes
- Whoever decided that cookbooks don’t need indexes was never stuck hungry at one o’clock in the morning with nothing but a pepper, a tomato, and a couple of cloves of garlic, and a craving for brownies.
- Padgett Sunday Supper Club
- Dedicated to the preservation of vintage recipes.
- Promotional Cookbook Archive
- I’ve managed to acquire several old promotional pamphlets and cookbooks that don’t appear to be available elsewhere on the net. I’m making them available here.
- The Southern Living Cookbook Library
- One of the best magazine-related cookbook series is also the one of the hardest to find. The Southern Living Cookbook Library appears to be under the radar of food writers online, but it either had a very low print run or few people want to get rid of their copies.
- Three from the Baker’s Dozen
- Three recipes from a Baker’s Coconut pamphlet once included in McCall’s magazine: coconut squares, chocolate cheesecake, and broiled coconut topping.
More cookbooks
- My Year in Food: 2024
- From Italy, to San Diego, to Michigan, and many points in between; and from 1876 up to 2024 with stops in the 1920s, this has been a great food year.
- Mrs. Winslow’s Domestic Receipt Book for 1876
- If this is what people were eating in 1876, they were eating very well. From coconut pie to molasses gingerbread to tomato jam, these are great recipes—albeit requiring some serious interpretation.
- Stoy Soy Flour: Miracle Protein for World War II
- To replace protein lost by rationing, add the concentrated protein of Stoy’s soy flour to your baked goods and other dishes!
- Refrigerator Revolution Revisited: 1942 Cold Cooking
- Iceless refrigeration had come a long way in the fourteen years since Frigidaire Recipes. And so had gelatin!
- Rumford Recipes Sliding Cookbooks
- One of the most interesting experiments in early twentieth century promotional baking pamphlets is this pair of sliding recipe cards from Rumford.
- 68 more pages with the topic cookbooks, and other related pages
More food history
- Mrs. Winslow’s Domestic Receipt Book for 1876
- If this is what people were eating in 1876, they were eating very well. From coconut pie to molasses gingerbread to tomato jam, these are great recipes—albeit requiring some serious interpretation.
- The New Centennial Cook Book
- Over 100 Valuable Receipts for Cakes, Pies, Puddings, etc.… borrowed verbatim from other cookbooks.
- Quiet ovens and Australian rice shortbread
- What is a quiet oven? How do we translate old recipes? Executive summary: 325°; very carefully. Plus, two Australian recipes for rice shortbread as a test of my theory.
- Stoy Soy Flour: Miracle Protein for World War II
- To replace protein lost by rationing, add the concentrated protein of Stoy’s soy flour to your baked goods and other dishes!
- Vintage cookbook reproductions, and gold cakes compared fifty years apart
- I’m going to start producing facsimiles of some of the vintage cookbooks I’m covering here, because some of them are wonderful, and also because it’s easier to read them in a larger format.
- 18 more pages with the topic food history, and other related pages