Southern Living Library index!
2022 March 31/4:32 PM
I’ve indexed the complete Southern Living Cookbook Library—all twenty-two books. You can download a searchable PDF or order a printed copy. There’s an index by title, an index by the contributor’s state, and a contributor name index.The Southern Living Cookbook Library
The Southern Living Cookbook Library is probably the series of books I rely on most when looking for new recipes. I found the first of these cookbooks, the Cookies and Candy Cookbook, at one of the local flea markets about four years ago. It was filled with great recipes; it seemed impossible to make a bad recipe from the book. So when I happened to see the Meats Cookbook in Franklin, Tennessee, I picked it up. And then the Holiday Cookbook a few months later in Birmingham. I then quickly picked up several more on a pre-Hallowe’en run through Franklin and Nashville.
As I came to rely more and more on the books in the series, I picked up new ones whenever I ran across one; of all old cookbook series, they seem especially scarce. I have a feeling that people don’t get rid of these books when they start culling their collections.
I have not been able to find any official list of the books in the series. There are a couple of lists online, but these lists each miss at least one of the books. By my count, which could easily be wrong, there are twenty-two books. I made this count by searching for various permutations of Southern Living cookbooks; there are a couple of collections for sale with the spines out.
If my count is correct, I managed to pick up the last missing book in the series, the Soups and Stews Cookbook, in August. And just like the first book rapidly became the first place I looked for cookies and candies, this has become the pre-eminent soup book in my collection. The uncooked tomato/yogurt soup alone is worth the book; it’s very simple, and very much something I would never have thought to try without seeing the recipe here.

A pretty-in-pink tomato-yogurt soup from the Soups and Stews book. This requires no cooking, just blending.
From what I’ve seen in used bookstores, there were three Southern Living series running semi-concurrently. The Southern Living Cookbook Library is distinguished by:
- Publish dates between 1971 and 1979.
- No cover text. The title is on the spine. (There was apparently a supermarket printing of these volumes that did have the title and volume number in the upper right of the cover. The cover photos are the same; and it appears that the volume number may be fluid.)
- The publisher is either Oxmoor House or Favorite Recipes Press. From 1975 on up all of the books I have are from Oxmoor House. Before that they vary. The spine for Favorite Recipes Press books says PF/SL, for Progressive Farmer/Southern Living1. The earlier, PF/SL books are on non-glossy paper where the Oxmoor House books are on glossy paper. The latter makes the photos pop more but also makes the recipes harder to read.
- There is no author/editor named.
Very rarely, some of them may have come with a dust jacket. I have never seen one in person, but have seen a copy of the Deep South volume online that looks exactly like the standard version, but with a dust jacket. The dust jacket did include the title, and the subtext, “Homemakers Cookbook Library”.
There was also a double-sized series, of which I’ve only seen two; they have authors and cover text. They look a little similar, but are a completely different series, and not as special as this one has been. And there was a Southern Heritage series with a twee font and recipes that, glancing through the books when I see them, do not appeal to me enough to start collecting.
This is very clearly a seventies library. There are recipes that rely on canned soups, and recipes that rely on gelatin—especially in the salads book—but fortunately not too many of either. The cover photos are solidly in the seventies or earlier, with the Lovecraftian olive-loaf cover of the Meats Cookbook leading the pack, although the devil-worshipping ritual on the cover of the Fondue and Buffet Cookbook comes in at a close second.
In one or two cases, I’ve picked up the book because once you get caught in a serious cookbook collection, the tendency is to take it as far as you can. So even though I don’t can foods, I do have the Canning & Preserving Cookbook. I’m not sure I’m going to do any Fondue, but the Fondue and Buffet Cookbook is still fascinating. And the buffet section remains useful past the 1976 print date. It’s the kind of stuff I would more call pot-luck: potatoes au gratin, stuffed round steak, Creole bean salad. It’s a great companion to the Party Snacks Cookbook.
The photos I’ve included here are a small representation of the various dishes I’ve made from recipes in this collection. Most of the recipes I’ve chosen are simple ones, as that’s what I prefer. You can certainly find more complex recipes. Looking at them is making me hungry, especially that blueberry cornbread and those wonderful sandwich spreads.
Finally, I have also included a list of the books in the series. As far as I know this is the entire series. I know these exist, as I have them, and I have never seen any others either in bookstores or doing searches and image searches online. This may not be a complete list, but it is the most complete list I’m aware of.
I’ve put the table in order by year, by default, but you should be able to sort by name if you click on the Title column header.
- March 8, 2023: Mango macadamia pie for π day
Next week is π day. Since Pi Day is always a week before the end of winter, why not celebrate the coming spring with a very Hawaiian pie? This year’s featured pie comes via the 1972 Pies and Pastries Cookbook of the Southern Living Cookbook Library. The original, a peach pie with an almond topping, was contributed to Southern Living by “Mrs. Jack Bether, Lancaster, South Carolina”.
I often find that replacing peaches with mango makes a dessert even better, and with no other changes. I’ve had this pie on my “try soon” list ever since I saw it while compiling the Southern Living Missing Index. So when I found myself with a couple of mangos about to go bad and an open bag of macadamia nuts I wanted to use up, I decided to try this recipe replacing both the peaches and the almonds, with mangos and macadamias.
Because mangos are bigger than peaches, you’ll probably have some mango left over. This is not a problem: just eat it (as Weird Al might say). All you need is enough fruit to solidly cover the bottom of the pie shell.
This is really an amazing pie. The cream surrounding the fruit forms a creamy filling beneath the fruit, and a crusty golden top above the fruit and around the chopped nuts. I’m sure it’s great with peaches and almonds as well. As I write this, however, mangos are on sale, so check your local grocery.
For that matter, I expect it’s great with any pie-friendly fruit.
A pie like this also deserves a great crust. I chose to make a beer crust, from Eddie Doucette’s Oktoberfest recipes, as presented in Tempt Them with Tastier Foods. Tempt Them is an upcoming collection of Eddie Doucette’s recipes, mostly from the IGA advertisements he appeared in. It also contains several recipes from his various “cooking can be fun” presentations.
You heard it here first!
- March 10, 2021: Mark the date for π Day!
You’re going to lose an hour on Sunday. Make up for it with pie! And take advantage of the ability to celebrate Pi Day on a natural celebratory day! The last time Pi Day was on a Sunday was 2010; the next time is 2027. Invite friends and family to drop in for a slice.
And if you’re in a state or community that will arrest you because you had people over for pie, make it a good pie.
For the last two Pi Days, I’ve recommended lemon pies, one completely unbaked and one lemon meringue. I thought I’d break it up by recommending a heavier pie, and another one of my favorites. I’ve always been a fan of pecan pies. This ups the pecan pie by adding just about as many dates.
Like the lemon meringue pie that I used for my inaugural Pi Day post, this date pie is from the Southern Living series from the seventies. But where that was from the Buffet book, this is from the actual Pies and Pastries book. It’s from Mrs. Rubye Shepherd of Wills Point, Texas, east of Dallas. The recipe that follows it in the book is another date pie from Floresville. We like our dates in Texas; I bet a whole bunch of date palms died last month in the extended freeze, and I’m also betting there’ll be a whole bunch of new plantings this spring.
My copy of the book is dated 1972. One of the weird things about this particular recipe is the detail. A lot of old cookbooks assume prior knowledge of baking, and leave things out. Not this one:
Beat the egg yolks with salt, then add the remaining ingredients except egg whites and pie shells.
Just in case you were tempted to mix the unbaked pie shell into the filling.1
- March 13, 2019: Perfect lemon pie for Pi Day
Tomorrow is Pi Day, and to celebrate, you should have erudite circular discussions of mathematical philosophy, over a sector of pie. I’m generally partial to fruit pies or nut pies, but every once in a while I have a craving for a good lemon meringue.
Until recently, custards have always bedeviled me. I never seem to cook them long enough, no matter how long I wait. Because of my impatience, the custard ends up too runny or burnt. I’ve been doing a lot better lately, and mainly because of the incredible Southern Living Cookbook Library series. The Holiday• volume has an amazing almond-silk pie, for example. The Food & Wine series has also been helpful—you can see the edge of their annual collection in the previous post but I’ll have more about that later.
So when I saw that this lemon meringue pie from the Fondue and Buffet• volume of the series was labeled Perfect Lemon Meringue, it was impossible to pass up even if the name does seem guaranteed to disappoint. What in this world is perfect? This pie comes close. It is in fact very easy. And it is easily the best lemon meringue pie I’ve ever made. It manages to make the dangerous part of lemon pie, the filling, easier, at least for me.
During the period that these cookbooks came out, Southern Living was published by The Progressive Farmer Company.
↑The Oxmoor version is titled “Southwestern”. This is the only installment I have seen where the title differs between the two publishers.
- The Southern Living Breads Cookbook• (hardcover)
- A great book from a great library. Look especially for Texas golden puffs, Onion bread, and Easter raisin bread.
- The Southern Living Canning & Preserving Cookbook• (hardcover)
- I can’t really say much about this, because I don’t do either canning or preserving. But it does have some interesting jam and jelly recipes in it.
- The Southern Living Casseroles Cookbook• (hardcover)
- A simple veal and rice casserole, and beef stew with corn bread topping.
- The Southern Living Cookies and Candy Cookbook• (hardcover)
This is the book that convinced me to collect this series. Oatmeal-butter cookies, peanut butterscotch bars, blonde brownies, peanut-meringue squares, molasses sandwich cookies, and more.
- The Southern Living Creole Cookbook• (hardcover)
- Creole steak; Mushroom paprikash.
- The Southern Living Deep South Cookbook• (hardcover)
- Green beans with herbed butter; Blueberry cornbread.
- The Southern Living Desserts Cookbook• (hardcover)
- German apple cake; fresh peach meringue; French apple pie; lemon-date squares.
- The Southern Living Fondue and Buffet Cookbook• (hardcover)
- Not just fondue, but also recipes designed for chafing dishes, and generally things you would place on a buffet—or pot luck. Some great pies: a very simple lemon-meringue and a caramel-pecan.
- The Southern Living Ground Beef Cookbook• (hardcover)
- Ground beef gravy; Mexican eggplant skillet.
- The Southern Living Holiday Cookbook• (hardcover)
- Almond silk pie; Glazed donuts; Ginger cookies; Popovers. One of my favorites.
- The Southern Living Low-Cost Cookbook• (hardcover)
- Filling dishes, and most remain low-cost. Lots of recipes using leftovers to make breads, for example, such as hush puppies and crackling bread. Some recipes are designed to stretch slightly more expensive ingredients out. Nice Indian corn stew.
- The Southern Living Meats Cookbook• (hardcover)
- Sweet-sour short ribs!
- The Southern Living Outdoor Cookbook• (hardcover)
- A great and simple banana-peanut-marshmallow salad, and some nice honey drop raisin/walnut cookies.
- The Southern Living Party Snacks Cookbook• (hardcover)
- Tuna sour cream filling; Dilly avocado dip; Caraway crackers; Meatball delight. Replace the sour cream with Greek yogurt.
- The Southern Living Pies and Pastries Cookbook• (hardcover)
- The almond-vanilla torte looks amazing.
- The Southern Living Poultry Cookbook• (hardcover)
- The barbecue chicken alone looks like the book is worth it.
- The Southern Living Quick and Easy Cookbook• (hardcover)
- Berna’s Chocolate Tart! Note, by “quick” they mean up to an hour and a half.
- The Southern Living Salads Cookbook• (hardcover)
- This book, from 1972 has a whole lot of salad recipes I will never try. Just about every section, if not every section, has recipes for salad “molds”, that is, salads encased in gelatin. From asparagus mold to molded egg salad to congealed corn beef salad, gelatin was not just for fruit in those days. That said, every section does have non-congealed salads as well, so in between laughing in mild disgust, you can also make some nice, if old-fashioned, salads, such as slaws, potato salads, and many kinds of fruit salads, where gelatin remains, dare I say, kosher.
- The Southern Living Seafood Cookbook• (hardcover)
- The Italian Scampi was amazing—basically just shrimp, butter, garlic, and paprika. A lot of the recipes call for some sort of canned soup, such as tomato soup and pea soup in the crab bisque, or mushroom soup in the lobster casserole, but there are still many recipes I want to try.
- The Southern Living Soups and Stews Cookbook• (hardcover)
- A great tomato-yogurt soup that requires no cooking; a fresh mushroom purée; almond saffron soup. Nice stuff.
- The Southern Living Southwest Cookbook• (hardcover)
- The best, because it covers Texas.
- The Southern Living Vegetables Cookbook• (hardcover)
- Corn pudding, a garbanzo bean paste, and an eggplant/pepper stew that is very good off the stove and as leftovers. Also lots of okra, sweet potato, and black-eyed peas.
More cookbooks
- My Year in Food: 2024
- From Italy, to San Diego, to Michigan, and many points in between; and from 1876 up to 2024 with stops in the 1920s, this has been a great food year.
- Mrs. Winslow’s Domestic Receipt Book for 1876
- If this is what people were eating in 1876, they were eating very well. From coconut pie to molasses gingerbread to tomato jam, these are great recipes—albeit requiring some serious interpretation.
- Stoy Soy Flour: Miracle Protein for World War II
- To replace protein lost by rationing, add the concentrated protein of Stoy’s soy flour to your baked goods and other dishes!
- Refrigerator Revolution Revisited: 1942 Cold Cooking
- Iceless refrigeration had come a long way in the fourteen years since Frigidaire Recipes. And so had gelatin!
- Rumford Recipes Sliding Cookbooks
- One of the most interesting experiments in early twentieth century promotional baking pamphlets is this pair of sliding recipe cards from Rumford.
- 68 more pages with the topic cookbooks, and other related pages
More Southern Living
- The Missing Index for the Southern Living Cookbook Library
- I’ve compiled an index for all 22 (I think) of the Southern Living Cookbook collection. You can download it here, or buy a print copy if, like me, you prefer browsing.
- Mark the date for π Day!
- Pi Day this year is a Sunday. Here’s a date-pecan pie to celebrate with your friends and family!
- Cream of Jack-o-Lantern soup
- Use the body parts of your hallowe’en pumpkin to make a tasty, if disconcerting, pumpkin soup.
- Roast beef for National Sandwich Day
- Sandwiches are not made by bread alone. And this roast beef recipe is a very simple way of making meat for your sandwiches.
- Perfect lemon pie for Pi Day
- Did you know that PIE, spelled backward, is March 14? From Southern Living, this easy lemon meringue circular dessert is perfect for tomorrow’s celebrations.
- One more page with the topic Southern Living, and other related pages
Information on this series IS hard to find! Luckily, the first one I found at a thrift shop (.50 cents) had an insert describing the series. It appears that this was initially a supermarket special weekly series. The pamphlet states a series of sixteen volumes published by Favorite Recipes Press. The two volumes I found have Quick & Easy volume # printed on the cover. The pics that I have found online, do not show this printed on the cover. So, I assume theses are the ones printed by Oxmoor House. Thanks for compiling this information.
Cindy in Northern Illinois at 2:25 p.m. October 31st, 2020
Hi, Cindy. Thanks for the photos. The covers in your examples have the exact same photos as the ones I have—but all of the copies I’ve seen are without titles. So your editions are (to me at least) special editions!
Jerry Stratton in Texas at 5:30 p.m. November 1st, 2020