Your candidate is unelectable and stupid
Mitt Romney doesn’t even know conservative positions enough to lie like a politician and has only won one election in his life. Rick Santorum thinks the most important issues of our time includes contraception and went down in flames in his home state in his last election.1 Newt Gingrich talks a good game—but attacks from the left when he starts to lose his temper. Ron Paul will be even worse than President Obama when it comes to foreign relations.2
Your candidate sucks. And they’re a racist, lynching, sexual harasser who wants to deny health care to women and minorities—or they will be, once the Democrats and the media are through with them.
The thing is, these are also good people, all of them. Newt Gingrich revolutionized an out-of-control government in 1994 and he understands the media and its bias—and how to fight it—more than any of the other candidates—probably enough to make him the most electable candidate3 and the one most able to turn our financial collapse around. Rick Santorum saw the dangers of the bailouts before most other politicians, and he understands working class issues more than any of the other candidates. His last year in office netted him high ratings from FreedomWorks, the American Conservative Union, and the NRA. Ron Paul has been a lone voice for fiscal conservatism for as long as I can remember. He has been warning about the dangers of printing money without restraint since long before it was cool. Mitt Romney is personally a good man who makes hard choices quickly and saves lives. Any of these candidates would be worth voting for in the general election.
All of these candidates are stronger than John McCain was in 2008. McCain suspended his campaign following the housing disaster of 2008—but even though he had been warning about the need for oversight in that market for years he did nothing except maintain the status quo. Were there a monetary crisis in 2012 analogous to the housing crisis of 2008, a candidate Ron Paul would not come back without real reforms.
There is no perfect candidate. This process should provide us with a decent one. If you want someone better, work locally to support great candidates who will rise to national prominence; and fight to defend great candidates when they’re attacked by a lying media. But consider fighting to defend the decent ones, too.
- March 14, 2012: Nothing to fear but a brokered convention
“Colonel Allen West, who’s been to the school of hard knocks, he should be the one considered seriously for VP.”
Ann Coulter seems to think there’s something to fear about a brokered convention. I don’t get it—that, or the notion that Sarah Palin is pushing for a brokered convention so that she’ll be nominated. Palin is not going to be in the running at a brokered convention, she knows it, and she’s said she knows it.
Palin said clearly that she understood “I’m not going to be asked”. The only thing she’s said that’s remotely close was when she said “I would do whatever I could to help” if there were a brokered convention. That takes a lot of work to read as “I want the nomination”. It’s a lot easier to read as that she’d do what she did during the 2010 elections to help conservatives get elected.
But given that in the immediately previous sentence she said that lots of others would “offer themselves up in the name of service to their country” and that she’s gone out of her way to praise all four of the candidates and even suggest people other than her for the slots (such as Allan West for the VP slot), it takes a pretty twisted reading to read that as her asking to be nominated.
But one of the other things Palin said about a brokered convention—in the same sentence as “I’m not going to be asked”—was that “if it results in a brokered convention, that is nothing to fear”.
And it isn’t something to fear, unless you’re President Obama or a member of the biased media. A brokered convention would be a godsend to a smart Republican party. Conservatives have two chances of getting their voices heard during the presidential election without it being chopped into pieces first by a biased media: the debates and the convention. The only one where they can frame the discussion is the convention, because the debates always seem to involve crazy questions like George Stephanopoulos’s out-of-the-blue contraception question. The convention is fully under the control of the Republican Party.
- March 13, 2012: President Obama pokes the bear
Someone’s having lunch. (Dawna Raven sky Zimbalist, CC-BY 2.0)
Who is my dream candidate for national office? I want a true moderate. Not a political hack whose “moderation” is just accepting the overspending, corruption, and big government programs of both sides of the aisle. But someone who recognizes the flaws—and benefits—of each side in the debate, and who fights corruption wherever it occurs and not just when it occurs on the other side of the aisle.
Too many politicians—for all practical purposes, 100%—are against corruption and all the powers of incumbency when they’re the underdog, but willing to look the other way when they’re the ones benefiting. My dream candidate will take on corruption in both parties.
The obvious example is cronyism. Cronyism ensures a constantly expanding government. Conservatives can rail against encroaching government power all they want, but until they take on the reason that government keeps getting bigger, they won’t be effective at stopping it. Crony capitalism is that reason. It is the reason programs rarely get smaller, that budgets baseline at the previous year’s level, and that new programs are created in the backrooms.
To the extent that I’m a single-issue voter, that issue is effective self-defense, because it impinges on all of our other rights. When self-defense goes, so does free speech, free assembly, and privacy. So my dream candidate needs to support effective self-defense.
A candidate who recognizes that contraception and abortion legislation are distractions from the real issues facing America today would be awesome.
These are the things that have to be dealt with if we’re going to make any progress.
Unfortunately, that candidate chose not to run, and I think for good reasons, at least at the time.1 So, imagine my surprise finding out yesterday that Obama thinks that candidate is in the race!
Although, in his defense, until they run for president a politician can’t lose anywhere but their home state.
↑Or, as Andy at Ace of Spades HQ wrote, “Mitt likes firing people and making them poor so he has more people to not be concerned about. Santorum’s going to issue an executive order banning the pill and non-procreative sex. Newt is going to form a swingers’ club on the moon. We get it. The MFM is going to run these guys down to get their boyfriend reelected, no matter what.”
↑One of the things Gingrich understood and none of the other candidates seem to is that the only time a conservative receives relatively unfiltered access to the media is during the debates. The debates are initially broadcast live, without misleading cuts and without different questions tacked on to the answers. The closest they’re going to get to that once the debates are over will be the acceptance speech at the convention. Once the convention is over the nominee is going to have to fight to get their message out unedited.
Mitt Romney
- Mitt Romney helped locate missing teen daughter of Bain Capital partner
- “So, here’s my epiphany: Mitt Romney simply can’t help himself. He sees a problem, and his mind immediately sets to work solving it, sometimes consciously, and sometimes not-so-consciously. He doesn’t do it for self-aggrandizement or for personal gain. He does it because that’s just how he’s wired.” (Hat tip to Ace at Ace of Spades HQ)
- Romney, Sons Rescue Boaters
- “Gov. Mitt Romney, vacationing on Lake Winnipesauke in Wolfeboro, unexpectedly made headlines Saturday night. With the help of two of his sons, Josh and Craig, the Bay State’s chief executive saved a family of six and their dog when their boat sank.”
- Is Sarah Palin Too Dumb to Be President?: Jeffrey Lord
“The 2012 Republican presidential nominee-in-waiting is not very bright. In fact, dumb as a post is a more accurate if blunt assessment… Does this describe Sarah Palin? Yes—if you choose to listen to the Inside-the-Beltway elites. But just in case she doesn’t run for or win the nomination, don’t worry. Whoever the GOP nominates will quickly assume this ‘too dumb to be president’ role—bestowed by many of the same people.”
- Perspective: Andy at Ace of Spades HQ
- “Obama submitted a budget that bankrupts us, his Treasury Secretary laughs it off, and I’m supposed to give a crap about their ginned-up election year bogeymen of income inequality or contraception? Please.”
- Republicans Kind of Suck… Which Is Why They Will Win Huge in November: Frank J. Fleming
- “Because in the Democratic land of epic, mega, ultra, apocalyptic levels of sucking, those who kinda suck are king.”
Rick Santorum
- American Conservative Union 2006 U.S. Senate Votes at The American Conservative Union
- In his final year of office in the Senate, Rick Santorum received a 96% from the American Conservative Union.
- FreedomWorks 2006 Ratings at Project Vote Smart
- With ratings ranging from 100% for people like Jim DeMint and Paul Ryan to 75% for people like Ron Paul and 67% for Darrell Issa and Duncan Hunter, Rick Santorum netted an 83%.
- National Rifle Association 2000 Lifetime Score at Project Vote Smart
- Along with reps like Dick Armey, Rick Santorum received an A+ from the National Rifle Association.
More Election 2012
- Romney-Ryan 2012: It’s the only way to be sure
- A highly partisan environment has one major advantage: it means we have a choice.
- Stephanopoulos: No bias in media
- George Stephanopoulos must have forgotten what he wrote in his autobiography if he doesn’t believe there’s a liberal bias in the media.
- A tale of two speeches: Condi Rice and Paul Ryan
- Rice and Ryan. Now there’s a ticket.
- Proposition B opponents: city salaries grow from magic beans
- Where do they think city worker salaries come from?
- Fair and open competition—closed and bitter politicians
- The arguments against Proposition A are based on a law that passed less than a month ago, in response to Proposition A. That response is a prime example of why we need to break the chain that locks government unions to politicians.
- 15 more pages with the topic Election 2012, and other related pages
More Mitt Romney
- Mitt Romney calls for straight-ahead change of public policy
- In a major speech on October 14, Mitt Romney calls for a seamless transition to a new president, and new policies that don’t offend old constituencies.
- June 2: Mitt Romney’s Day
- “Onward my brave Morons! Let this be known forever as Mitt Romney’s Day!”
- No free shots
- The time-tested strategy when the establishment needs to take down a reformer are “free shots”: attacks made anonymously so that the “distinguished” candidate can keep clean.
More Newt Gingrich
- Homesteading the moon
- Want to get men back on the moon? Prizes will only encourage the minimum effort necessary to win the prize by the letter of the rules. Open the moon up for ownership, and we’ll see a giant leap forward in lunar technologies.
More Ron Paul
- A little hypocrisy in Ron Paul reporting
- If you support a hypothetical war against Germany just to end the holocaust how can you oppose the much easier war against Iraq to end the genocide there?