The withholding of the beast
I just entered my first paycheck after California increased its withholding. The first thing I noticed is that someone’s skimming some money off of my salary—a lot of it. The estimate I’ve seen is that someone making what I make should have received about $18-$20 less per month. My state tax withholding increased over $30. That was only supposed to happen for people making well over a hundred thousand a year. I can guarantee you—that ain’t me.
I’ll be adding an exemption when I get back from the holidays.
The second thing I noticed, because of the way I manage my budget, is that my take-home pay is now .666 of my salary. That’s right. I’m taking home the Number of the Beast. Not that this is an unfamiliar experience given the bars I frequent, but… have we entered the end times? Does Paul Bettany know something I don’t?
- California takes interest-free loan from working people: Ed Morrissey at Hot Air
- “Instead of cutting their own budgets, they’re cutting the personal budgets of all Californians by seizing their assets without compensation. Golden State residents should ask themselves why they put up with a group of politicians who claim to be unable to reduce state spending but have no problem dipping into the pockets of Californians who actually work for a living.”
- Number of the Beast at Wikipedia
- “He also forced everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on his right hand or on his forehead, so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of his name.”
- ‘Legion’ Trailer
- The trailer makes Legion look like a cross between Army of Darkness (Shop Smart. Shop S-Mart) and Dogma. Which makes it look like a lot of fun.
I suppose he knows how to get me to watch bad movies. Milk a British accent and shoot ice cream truck clowns.