White privilege is not the nail
The chance of getting killed by cops if you’re black is only disparate in cities dominated by the left—Chicago, New York, St. Louis, Houston, Los Angeles, etc., in order by danger to blacks. So of course the left complains about white privilege instead. But it isn’t white privilege. It’s not dominated by the left privilege. Anyone of any skin tone can benefit from this privilege.
If you live in an area where police are fired when they commit crimes that fall short of murder, you don’t have to worry about being murdered by a police officer. Just as, if you live in an area that fires teachers who abuse children, your kids will get a better and safer education.
Everyone can enjoy not dominated by the left privilege, by not being dominated by the left. But pointing that out tends to elicit a retreat to generic complaints about feeling uncomfortable. I do not want to belittle complaints about anxiety, but used in this context they divert attention away from fixing the problem, that people are being killed under color of law.
It begins to sound a lot like the it’s not about the nail video. It’s a question of whether we want to solve a problem or merely commiserate about it.
If we want to solve the problem, it’s not about the white privilege.
Attributing something to white privilege that is not caused by white privilege means that we will never be able to fix this particular nail. And I think we do want to fix it, because this nail is killing people. That means we need to understand where this happens and where it doesn’t happen, what policies cause it to happen and not happen, and so what we can do to ensure it doesn’t happen again. Invoking “white privilege” when people talk about real solutions seems to me a lot like asserting that “it’s not about the nail!”
In this case, it is very much about the nail. There is a very obvious nail here that protects bad cops and drives away good cops—or kills them. It has to be about the nail, or murders like this will continue to happen—and may even spread.
The nail you can solve. White privilege, you can’t solve, you can only acknowledge it, commiserate about it, but because it isn’t the cause of the deaths, let the deaths keep happening. The legitimate concerns of blacks, especially blacks in vulnerable communities, are being co-opted by the white left who don’t want the problem solved.
They don’t want the deaths to stop.
Democrats, and the left, are cowards about race. They have a long history of deflecting blame to everyone except themselves. Democrats fought for slavery in the United States. So they blame slavery on the United States. Jim Crow was a policy of Democrats. So they blame it on America. And now leftist policies result in murders of blacks, so the left blames it on systemic racism and white privilege.
It is systemic racism. Systemic in the institutions of the left. Leftist unions are the reason bad cops can’t be fired and prosecuted. Leftist administrators hire cops based on criteria irrelevant to their fitness to be cops. Leftist policies trap poor blacks in left-dominated hellholes. The same government unions that protect dangerous teachers also protect dangerous cops.
It is not a demotion when a predatory public school teacher or police officer is shifted to a vulnerable community. Predators love vulnerable communities.
When police unions become tools of a particular party, this is what happens. Murderers aren’t built overnight. Criminal cops are just like any other criminal: they don’t start with murder. But when an officer can’t be fired after committing crimes that stop short of murder, not only is that officer more likely to graduate to murder, but the good officers who might have been able to stop that cop will gravitate to other departments and other communities. The bad cop will no longer be surrounded by cops who would have stopped him.
And when rioters destroy those communities, and destroy the community members working to build those communities up, it is the left that cheers the rioters on. I’ve forgotten who recently said that the white left is a horrible ally, but whoever it was was spot on. The left is a horrible ally. Another person wrote on a blog I follow, that:
I’ve known this for a long time just by observation. But this is the worst black people as tools/pawns I have seen in a while, and everyone seems to be going along with it—mass delusion.
Or, more succinctly and louder, this local woman telling the (white) rioters that “you’re not here for me”.
They cheer the destruction of local groceries, cheer the rioters terrorizing the grocers, and then complain about food deserts as if it was something that just happens because of white privilege. Food deserts don’t have a generic cause. They have a specific cause: crime facilitated by the left, rioting by the left, and rioting cheered by the left that drives out those members of the community that produce food, transport food, and sell or provide food.
And much of this happens every day in communities run by the left. But anyone who tries to draw attention to it, to do something about it, is called racist; the left doesn’t care about black lives, to paraphrase the same writer, until they are taken by white people.1 That’s because the left sees these deaths as a tool, and that’s it. Lives that can’t be used to divert blame from their own culpability do not matter to them.2
That’s another privilege of the white left: knowing that when they cheer on rioting, it will not be their food supply destroyed.
The destruction of black communities will never be solved unless we face the real people who are causing it. That means the left’s policies that cause violence in inner city communities, and the union policies that protect bad police officers everywhere, but especially in Democratic strongholds.
You want white privilege? If you oppose these policies, if you oppose the destruction of black communities and black businesses, you are called racist. But if you’re also black, you’re an Uncle Tom, a race traitor.
The biggest remaining white privilege in this country is probably the ability to call out the insane policies of the left without being attacked, sometimes literally, as a race traitor by the left.
If we keep pretending that bad cops are a generic problem with a generic source, we will never solve the problem of bad cops, and people will continue to die. If every time we bring up specific policies that can be changed to remove bad cops and reward good cops we are met with “it’s not about the nail”, then we will never remove the nail.
And people are dying because we refuse to acknowledge this nail. We right now have violent, deadly riots sparked by this nail. If we want to stop the murder of blacks by police, and the black deaths that result from the rioting after those murders—if we want to stop the murders and deaths of anyone because of this nail—then we must address the nail.
Attributing these deaths to ”white privilege” lets the bad cops off the hook yet again, by maintaining the policies that reward bad cops and drive away good ones.
This is important, because besides the not-dominated-by-the-left privilege that many Americans benefit from, most Americans also benefit from not-born-somewhere-else privilege.
I have a co-worker who grew up in Czech during Communism and said the place turned into the Wild West after the Soviet Union collapse. His first commercial diving job (that’s what we do) was searching under bridges and docks for oil drums with bodies stuffed inside that the mafia had dumped.
He came to the US in the mid nineties, and finally saved up enough to buy a car. Because he was a fairly poor immigrant living in a fairly shit neighborhood, it got stolen. A cop showed up to take a statement, and my friend said he was absolutely terrified because Czech cops do not have customer service as their first priority.
The cop found his car… And gave it back to him without demanding payment, which absolutely blew his mind. I’ve talked to him during this unpleasantness and he basically always says “Americans have no fucking idea what bad police are.”
A commenter named Vanya wrote the above, a few days after the riots started. America is an exceptional nation. But if we want to keep it exceptional, we must work at it. Too much of the left wants to import even the corruption of other countries as long as it brings their party more power. George Floyd’s murder is absolutely about the nail. So are David Dorn’s and Dave Patrick Underwood’s. And that nail is the left’s policies that reward criminals—whether criminals on the streets or among the police—and denigrate the good people in every community as racists and race traitors for making that point.
In response to Vicious intimidation by the extreme left: And by “extreme”, I mean anyone who is trying to blame a peaceful conservative protest movement for the actions of a deranged madman. If you’re doing that, you’re extreme.
I’m pretty sure that the commenter and the Hodge twins quoted above arrived at this separately; it’s a fairly obvious point.
↑At my most cynical, I think that that riots are partly because the COVID-19 shutdown didn’t destroy urban communities enough for the left’s purposes. The riots came just as communities began to recover from the shutdown, and just as we discovered that communities were recovering faster than expected.
- Mapping Police Violence/Cities
- “The charts below use data from January 2013 through December 2019 to show which police departments are most—and least—likely to kill people. You can also compare police departments operating in jurisdictions with similar levels of crime to show that, even under similar circumstances, some police departments are much more likely to kill people than others.”
- Random Thoughts on the Passing Scene, November 1, 2016: Thomas Sowell
- “Politics has turned the lofty ideal of equality into the ugly reality of resentments of other people’s achievements—and a feeling that the world owes you something, while you owe nobody anything, not even common decency.”
- A Response from Behind the Lines: J. J. Sefton at Ace of Spades HQ
- “Passions these days naturally are running high. I get that and I am no exception. But how can I be blamed for my life situation, as well as that of a couple of the other cobs and commenters who live in Antifaria?”
government unions
- LAUSD’s Dance of the Lemons: Beth Barrett
- “But the Weekly has found, in a five-month investigation, that principals and school district leaders have all but given up dismissing such teachers. In the past decade, LAUSD officials spent $3.5 million trying to fire just seven of the district's 33,000 teachers for poor classroom performance—and only four were fired, during legal struggles that wore on, on average, for five years each. Two of the three others were paid large settlements, and one was reinstated. The average cost of each battle is $500,000.”
- Here’s A List Of The Police Killed Or Injured In The Last Week’s Violence: Willis L. Krumholz at The Federalist
- “Police have been shot, stabbed, run over, and hit with objects across the country since the death of George Floyd in the custody of Minneapolis Police. These injuries and deaths have been unreported by the national media.”
- Look at this
“Look at this. Every grocery store looks like this… Can’t even get no food for my kids. I feel like a rat in the sewer.”
- The Morning Rant June 10 2020: OregonMuse at Ace of Spades HQ
- “I remember watching the 1950s version of The War of the Worlds on TV when I was a boy, maybe age 8 or 9. What scared me most about the movie was not the fearsome aliens… but the scene where Dr. Forrester is trying to get out of Los Angeles with all his cool Science Stuff in a truck and he turns a corner and lands smack in the middle of a riot. The scene shows some policemen trying to keep order and one of them gets into it with a rioter who punches him in the face… And then the rioters threw all of Dr. Forrester’s Cool Science Stuff out of the truck and drove it away.”
- Rioters Murdered These Two Black Men: Bryan Preston at PJ Media
- “The rioters are terrorists disproportionately harming and terrorizing people of color.”
white left
- Black Lives Matter Is A Leftist Lie: Keith Hodge and Kevin Hodge
- “All lives matter.” “Man, you gotta tell ’em why all lives matter…”
- Inevitable: National Review Runs Pro-Riot Article Submitted by Leftwing Agitprop Organization: Ace at Ace of Spades HQ
- “Some of us predicted the National Review would run a ‘Two cheers for antifa rioting’ article. But we weren’t really predicting that—we were darkly, archly suggesting that that was within the realm of possibliity. Barely. Well, we should have put money on the actual prediction coming to pass.”
- It’s Not About The Nail
- “Don’t try to fix it. I just need you to listen.” Every man has heard these words. And they are the law of the land. No matter what.
- Poor Black Communities Devastated After BLM Riots Lead to New Food Deserts: Megan Fox at PJ Media
- “BLM is the white leftist’s free pass out of responsibility for food deserts.”
- Woman Goes Off On ‘Racist White Liberals’ Blocking The Street For Black Lives Matter
- “You’re not here for me. You’re here because you’re dumb as fuck.”
More government unions
- Why not support government unions? You support NFL unions!
- Either teachers unions don’t understand the difference between the private and public sectors, or they want to force us to pay for NFL season tickets regardless of whether we watch football.
- What is a captive audience, anyway?
- G.K. Chesterton writes, in Eugenics and Other Evils, that whenever someone starts asking “what is x anyway?” you know they’re trying to pull some wool over your eyes and make it the default. So, really, what is a captive audience, anyway?
- The Union Free Rider and the Orphaned Stalker
- Unions want all workers to date them exclusively, because they care about all workers, and they don’t want those workers seeing other people.
- Why firing bad teachers won’t make room for better ones
- Bad teachers provide an immense service to this country. You don’t see private industry firing bad workers. The best companies are the ones that have the most bad workers.
- Fair and open competition—closed and bitter politicians
- The arguments against Proposition A are based on a law that passed less than a month ago, in response to Proposition A. That response is a prime example of why we need to break the chain that locks government unions to politicians.
More institutional Left
- The left’s hatred of business is a lie
- The left doesn’t hate business. They hate you and me.
- Roundup of Reactions to the Democrat’s Latest Corrupt Lawfare
- There can be no comity in the face of corruption the size of New York’s and DC’s. Lawfare is war, and it must be treated like war.
- Why does the Institutional Left hate Israel so much?
- The institutional Left doesn’t hate only Israel. They hate any ethnic group that rebels against enslavement by the Left.
- Illinois Nazis and Lincoln’s Democrats
- An anecdote about other people’s money and other people’s time that I’ve had sitting around for a while.
- On education, the left is mired in the fifties
- Why don’t schools have locked doors? Because when it comes to education, especially K-12, the left, as in so many things, is mired in the distant industrialized assembly-line past.
- 17 more pages with the topic institutional Left, and other related pages
More police corruption
- Public Prostitution
- Because sometimes a police officer dressed as a prostitute really is a prostitute. Especially in Chicago.
- America, your restrooms are safe
- No, you don’t have to worry about touching toes with a homosexual—unless he’s also a police officer, of course.
- Project Safe Neighborhoods
- A typical drug war euphemism kills Kathryn Johnston, 92.
- Targeting critics of the law
- When Canadian journalist Kerry Diotte criticized red light cameras in Edmonton, Edmonton police started looking for a reason to arrest him.
- Massachusetts State Police encourage speeding
- Massachusetts State Police have made it clear that speeding laws are not about safety, but only revenue.
More riots
- Mitt Romney Day 2021: The West Side Left
- Coronavirus Calvinball? Only some black lives matter? Riots are protests and protests are riots? Who shall win the coveted Mitt Romney Day Award for 2021?
- How many fingers, America?
- The Orwellianization of the left continues.
- A direct line to the Charlottesville riots… from 1938
- The press has been downplaying violent rioting for almost a year. Cities have been letting violent rioters get away with, literally, inciting murder. At best they are ignored by the press and at worst praised by the press and by politicians on the left. Why be surprised that we have more violent riots?
More white left
- The Master Kneels
- Whose feet are being washed in these rich white liberal rituals? “Ye call me master…”
- The Bedrock Belief of DEI
- What does it mean to say that only whites can reason, only whites can act individually, and only whites are suited to literacy? These are not new arguments and their meaning has not changed.
- A disappointing COVID Summer of Death
- When the COVID summer of death failed to materialize, it challenged the religious faith of mask and vaccine fanatics.
- The left says gays are pedophiles
- April is national Child Abuse Prevention Month, and the Left seems to be taking every opportunity to mainstream child abuse. Like every other vulnerable community the Left claims to support, the Left believes that gays and the LGBT community are inferior and criminal.
- White Supremacy: The Reincarnation of Stephen Douglas
- The modern Democratic Party, and the left in general, seems to be reincarnating Stephen Douglas and other early Democrat defenders of slavery and white supremacy. “That’s mighty white of you,” they say, when blacks show independence and reason.
More white privilege
- Minnesota Representative: Stop White Hate
- In the wake of anti-white violence by a Muslim shooter in Denver, Representative Ilhan Omar begins campaign to “stand together to stop white hate.”
- The left’s vicious racial shaming
- The left is waging a war against struggling mothers—all in service of creating racial discord and shoring up their identity politics.
- Social Justice alternative thesis merits degree
- Vester Lee Flanagan completes alternative thesis format, kills news reporters for passing grade.
- Last black ejected from civil rights movement
- White is the new black: a new generation of Democrats bear the white liberal’s burden to save blacks from their own laziness.
- Oregon schools call minorities “shiftless & mindless”
- Oregon white privilege conference says blacks, hispanics best-suited for taking orders from white masters, as they are unable to make decisions for themselves, think for themselves, and achieve success without direction.
More You are the fascist…
- How many fingers, America?
- The Orwellianization of the left continues.
- A direct line to the Charlottesville riots… from 1938
- The press has been downplaying violent rioting for almost a year. Cities have been letting violent rioters get away with, literally, inciting murder. At best they are ignored by the press and at worst praised by the press and by politicians on the left. Why be surprised that we have more violent riots?