These are the lessons that we learn

Heh. Last I checked neither candidate had enough delegates to ensure their nomination. The media response? Obama makes history, Clinton plots.
Hillary Clinton is “defiant in the face of loss”, her supporters “diehards”.
Looks like some journalists have finally had enough “fire in the belly”.
- What voters want
- An around-the-blog summary of reactions to Fred Thompson’s type-A president remarks. Are we designing the presidential elections to select kooks?
More misogyny
- Greta Van Susteren calls out media on hypocritical misogyny
- Our media is a bunch of misogynistic hypocrites.
- The continuing left-wing witch-hunt
- Tea partiers support people who think differently than they do.
- The Second Sex
- According to Simone de Beauvoir, woman is the “other” not only to men but also often to herself, an alien thing that is not quite human and is never sure what it is or what its place is.
More presidential elections
- Nothing to fear but a brokered convention
- The reason someone smart would want a brokered convention is that it’s exciting, and it means media coverage, and even more, it means unfiltered media coverage.
- If I were running for president…
- I’d make heavy use of short videos, and I’d record everything I did with the media.
- Fighting for the American Dream
- Joe the Plumber writes about his experiences at the center of one of the most vicious smear campaigns in recent memory.
- McCain sees the light: campaign finance reform dead
- Now, will he introduce bills to repeal those laws?
- Vote on performance, not promises
- If you’re disappointed that President Obama is the same wheeler-dealer he was when he was a Senator, take it as a lesson for future elections: vote performance and record, not promises.
- 21 more pages with the topic presidential elections, and other related pages
Mainstream media’s chickens are coming home to roost.