The politics of fear in Delaware
There’s a divide down the blogosphere right now between Republicans and independents. On Ace of Spades, for example, Ace is arguing for the party-line Republican position, which is that you should vote for the more electable candidate in the primary, regardless of their positions.1
Back during the NY-23 special election, I wrote in Voting for a candidate supports that candidate’s positions:
Over at Ace of Spades HQ, Ace is trying to convince people that New York 23 was a special case, and that most of the time, you should vote along partisan lines rather than on principles or issues. That’s a recipe for exactly the situation Republicans have found themselves in for the last couple of (several?) years.
Ace’s argument that party trumps everything else today in Delaware is not a new position for him (though it might be new to apply it to the primary).
I’m not a Republican. If the choice is between going to hell in a blue basket or a red basket, I’m going to try not to go to hell at all. Sometimes that requires taking a long view. But that’s what primaries are for. Voting for a candidate supports that candidate’s positions. Republicans aren’t going to see “people just voted for Castle so that we could vote against cap-and-trade tax increases and similar misguided policies”. They’re going to see “people will vote for Republicans even if we support cap-and-trade tax increases and similar policies”. Because that is the position Ace is taking when he argues in favor of voting for Mike Castle. That is Castle’s stated position, and it wins him Ace’s vote.
If you decide to vote with the Republican establishment in the primary because you are afraid of the Democrats in the general, that’s your choice2. Just remember that this is one of the things that the party establishment does to stop reform: put up candidates who specifically oppose grassroots philosophies in order to make the grassroots compromise or just go home—in either case, and not threaten the party establishment.
Establishments don’t like having to campaign on principles; principles force them to take a stand. Just wait: right now the party establishment is laughing at the silly idea of impeachment. But if the Republicans actually do take the Senate and the House, they’ll spin like a deadhead in favor of long, unproductive impeachment proceedings3 rather than getting down to the hard work of undoing the bad laws of the past four years. The latter requires principle; the former doesn’t. The establishment always goes where principles are not required.
She may be right or wrong in this instance, but this is why Palin is trying to reform the national Republican party in the same way that she and other reformers did to Alaska’s Republican party. There will be no reform as long as the party exists solely as a club for maintaining power. In that respect, an O’Donnell who loses is far better than a Castle who wins, because O’Donnell tells the establishment that fear alone will not gain them votes. They need to win on policy. Yes, we’re afraid of the direction the country’s going in. But our votes are going to reform, not to fear.
The establishment is forcing this choice in Delaware because they want us to give in to fear. They want us to think we need them more than they need us. That’s why they’re willing to burn someone ahead of the primary who has a very good chance of being their nominee after the primary.
It is the people who are willing to vote the other way who most need to be courted. And that doesn’t just apply to the voters in the primary and general elections. A Mike Castle in the Senate will need to be given leadership positions in the Republican Party, because he will need to be convinced to vote conservative. Castle’s been voting more conservatively in the past year than his earlier record, because he knows he has to court voters in this primary. But once he’s elected, he’s the voter.4 And that means he’ll be the one who conservatives need to court in the Senate. And for an establishment figure like Castle, this doesn’t just mean compromise; it means key positions of power. It means letting him lead and set the agenda.
You’ve got the same thing going on in New York’s 23rd district. The Republican establishment cannot stand the thought of a grassroots conservative winning—even one with the opposite problem of the O’Donnell/Castle primary fight: if electability were the issue, Hoffman would be the establishment’s candidate for the House in NY 23. Hoffman was the obvious choice by the time the special election’s vote was certified, when Democrat Bill Owens had already walked back his most important campaign promises. But if electability were really the issue, the establishment Republican would not have endorsed the establishment Democrat in that special election.
This year’s elections are not a fight about Democrats or Republicans. They’re a fight about who are the masters in American politics: the people, or the politicians.
Update: Added a link to Tammy Bruce’s Christine O’Donnell interview.
When independents called them on this, they also started waging a scorched earth campaign against her morals, her judgement, and her mental state, the trifecta of anti-female politics. None of it mattered until people didn’t take “electability” as the argument-closer.
↑Both Pelosi and Reid are genuinely frightening. But if we let them get away with it, Republicans will ride those frightening spectres through as many electoral cycles as they can—probably more—rather than roll back the bad policies they’ve enacted.
↑They don’t even have to lead to trial. All they have to do is divert attention away from the principles that the voters wanted them to follow when they threw the Democrats out.
↑He probably doesn’t even plan to run again in 2016.
Christine O’Donnell
- Christine O’Donnell—Common Sense Conservative for U.S. Senate (Delaware) at Tea Party Express
- “Delaware Republicans deserve better.” (Hat tip to Robert Stacy McCain at The Other McCain)
- Coronation, interrupted: Ace at Ace of Spades HQ
- Blue Hen, in the comments: “This is looking here like a party that was trying to hold a coronation and was interrupted. This isn’t new for the Delaware GOP; it’s actually the norm in this little hole. But the national attitude this year is very different.”
- DE Primary Tomorrow! Christine O’Donnell (R-DE) interview: Tammy Bruce
- Scroll to the bottom to hear Tammy Bruce’s interview with Christine O’Donnell. “That message, party principle over party power, is a winning message.”
- The Ruling Class Hits Christine O’Donnell: Jeffrey Lord
“The question for conservatives must always be: victory to what end? Codevilla illustrates in vivid fashion that for the Ruling Class the agenda is always about one thing: power. Power for itself. The prospect of a ‘Senator O’Donnell’ utterly terrifies the Delaware Ruling Class. Not to mention some Ruling Class members who’ve never set foot in the state. That, when you really get down to it, is what this election is really all about.”
Doug Hoffman
- GOP Infighting Could Hand NY-23 to Dems… Again: Tim Mak
- “Look, these guys all last year endorsed Dede Scozzafava… they endorsed Doheny because they can’t accept the fact that Doug beat her… and they know that Doug is not beholden to them,” said Rob Ryan, Hoffman’s spokesman.
- Hoffman’s Poll Shows Hoffman Ahead In NY-23: Liz Benjamin
- “Hoffman’s GOP opponent, Matt Doheny, has sewn up the support of most local party leaders… Now Hoffman is fighting back, releasing a poll conducted for him by McLaughlin & Associates that shows him leading Doheny, 52-20, among likely voters–even after Doheny has been on the air with a sizable media buy.”
- Voting for a candidate supports that candidate’s positions
- Politics has meaning; your support of a candidate is support for that candidate’s policies. If you vote for candidates who move “your” party in a direction you don’t approve, no one knows that but you. Everyone else sees your vote as approval for moving the entire party in that direction.
Mike Castle
- Cap-and-trade gains traction: Andrew Eder at The Online Office of Mike Castle
- “I think all these things combined will give us the opportunity to see something happen in the course of this year,“ said Castle, who supports a cap-and-trade program.
- The Truth About Mike Castle’s Extreme Liberal Voting Record: Daniel Horowitz at RedState
- “What is the purpose of winning back control of both houses of congress if it will lead to the same results as last time? In the case of Mike Castle, he actually scored in the 20’s in 05, 07, and 08. He has only moved slightly to the right during the past year and a half because of his Senate bid. Anyone who thinks that he will not slide back to the 20’s and vote against repealing any of the Obama agenda if elected, obviously has no concept of congressional history.”
More Christine O’Donnell
- Republican establishment: spite and sour grapes
- Jerry Wilson tries to stop establishment Republicans from dancing over their own candidate’s defeat.
- There will be lies
- The media takes a blunder by Coons on the first amendment—and outright changes what both candidates said to make it look like a blunder by O’Donnell.
- Greta Van Susteren calls out media on hypocritical misogyny
- Our media is a bunch of misogynistic hypocrites.
- The continuing left-wing witch-hunt
- Tea partiers support people who think differently than they do.
More Nobody For President
- Voting Nobody in 2016
- You want an election where Nobody is worth voting for? You’ve got it.
- Romney-Ryan 2012: It’s the only way to be sure
- A highly partisan environment has one major advantage: it means we have a choice.
- Don’t wait—capitulate
- The ACLU’s doomed campaign against telecom immunity is a classic example of why you have to be willing to vote for Nobody if you want to be taken seriously in politics.
- Vote Nobody in 2008?
- Staying at home doesn’t send a message. Voting based on issues rather than party does.
- Term limits
- Term limit proposals avoid real problems. They’re a superficial solution at best. Efforts directed towards enacting term limits waste time and money that could be spent solving the underlying problems: a lack of new ideas and an ability to hide legislative bribery.
- Six more pages with the topic Nobody For President, and other related pages
I don't have much constructive to add, but I feel strongly about this so I wanted to add emphasis. Primaries are when parties measure what matters to people by seeing which candidates get the vote. Voting for the establishment tells them you are happy with the establishment. Voting on issues tells them what their candidate should at least pretend to support in the election. If an "outsider" gets an unexpected bump, that can affect the winner's platform, and will give the outsider more leverage next time around.
Jerry Seeger at 6:39 p.m. September 15th, 2010