Mitt Romney Day 2021: The West Side Left

“Mostly peaceful.”
The Mitt Romney’s Day Award recognizes those who go above and beyond the call of duty creating Calvinball rules to silence non-beltway voices. Since last year’s Mitt Romney Day there were several peaceful protests. Buildings were taken over, vehicles burned, and police officers killed. Peacefully.
There was a riot where none of these things happened. Violently.
To my shame, I actually bought into the riot narrative. I was there. I knew that the media were lying about what happened on the front lawn of the Capitol, where I was at, and I still assumed they were telling the truth about police officers killed inside the Capitol, where I was not. It was a classic case of Gell-Mann Amnesia.
The media and beltway politicians in Congress still claim, despite all evidence to the contrary, that I was personally involved in an armed rebellion—an armed rebellion without any arms and with damned little rebellion. Even after the Capitol Police and those same news outlets have quietly walked back the claim that January 6 protestors killed police officers. The media knew this was false almost immediately, according to family members of the officers. They didn’t care. They were using the lie to advance a bigger lie.
They lied about police officers killed during the January 6 protests, after months of covering up real deaths during real riots, even to the point of paying bail for rioters. Officer David Dorn comes to mind. He was killed by rioters in St. Louis. But no officer was killed in the January 6 protests. No one was killed except Ashley Babbitt—and this is the one case where we still don’t know which police officer did it.
Democrats encouraged destruction and death in suburbs and cities. Then they called for punishing unarmed protestors who went into a public building with approval by police on site. They lied about murders that did happen in other people’s neighborhoods, and made up murders that never happened in DC.

“Mostly violent.”
The left directly caused riots throughout the United States. They called for violence, and then blamed a President who called for peace. They literally blame police officers for saving lives. Most recently, a teenager was about to knife another teenager, and a police officer saved the victim’s life.
The left’s response? They’re now trying to convince us that teenagers killing each other with knives is acceptable schoolyard play. Are they really this racist, or does their only knowledge of inner city schools come from watching West Side Story? Do they also think poor people break out into song during their playful knife fights?
The soft bigotry of low expectations has never been less soft.
You would think that in a year of Coronavirus rules for thee but not for me by governors and other public officials in places like Michigan and New York and California, of social media giants silencing the science one day and changing their mind the next, and with the traditional media doing a 180° turnaround about the existence of ballot fraud, there would be more competition for this year’s Mitt Romney Day Award. But for encouraging deadly riots in cities and suburbs throughout 2020 and then using the power of the state to attack protestors in DC; for bailing out violent rioters in the rest of the country and then denying bail to political prisoners in DC; for claiming that Black Lives Matter and then calling for riots when Black Lives are saved, the West Side Left have far outpaced their competition. The West Side Left wins the Mitt Romney Day award in 2021.
Congratulations. Your dance card is in the mail.
In response to June 2: Mitt Romney’s Day: “Onward my brave Morons! Let this be known forever as Mitt Romney’s Day!”
- Mitt Romney Day 2020: Coronavirus Calvinball
- The competition for the Mitt Romney Day award in 2020 became dangerously competitive come March, as contestants worked hard to kill the most jobs, the most small businesses, the most lives. But there can be only one winner.
soft bigotry
- BLM Activist on Columbus Shooting: Knife Fights Between Kids Are Totally Normal, No Need to Call the Cops: C. Douglas Golden
- “The old rituals of childhood are passing away in this newfangled age. Riding your bicycle on the streets under the lights in summer? Parents are too afraid to even let their progeny touch bicycles. Book-reading has given way to kids on cellphones and iPads. And those old-fashioned knife fights we used to settle beefs are now being broken up by censorious law enforcement officers who think the combatants might pose a threat to each other’s lives.”
- The Insanity of the Left’s ‘Let the Kids Have Their Knife Fights’ Argument: John Kass at Real Clear Politics
- The ‘Let the kids have their knife fights’ coalition that must think ‘West Side Story’ is real life.
- ‘Teenagers Have Been Having Fights Involving Knives For Eons’: Brittany M. Hughes
- “So now it’s considered white supremacy to keep black teens from stabbing each other to death. So you heard the woman. Pull back the cops and let them kill each other or you’re a racist.”
witch trials
- The mother of all witch hunts: Don Surber
- “The inquisition will review tax records and any other unrelated item in search of a crime—any crime—to pin on the January 6 protesters. Then they will use that to gain false confessions and testimony to implicate President Trump and any public figures who dared to help him. “That is how a witch hunt works.”
- Newly Obtained Video Shows ‘Q Shaman’ Calling for Peace on Jan. 6th, Capitol Police Letting Him, Others In: Kevin Downey Jr. at PJ Media
- “A 44-second clip of what is reported to be a much longer video shows Jacob Chansley, also known as ‘Q Shaman,’ ‘Q Anon Furbaby,’ etc., being told by police that he and others could enter the Capitol if they kept things peaceful… Chansey is seen in the video saying, ‘This has to be peaceful. We have the right to peacefully assemble.’”
- Paul Ryan: Conservatism Is Doomed Unless We Embrace Corporate Left-Libertarianism: Ace at Ace of Spades HQ
- “One way I’ve noticed the left wins is they refuse any hierarchy of problem importance. That is to say, China is a huge problem. The deficit is a huge problem. Pronouns usage is NOT a huge problem. Conservatives rank problems, progressives do not. To them one pronoun slip is the same as 911… This confuses and upsets conservatives, who keep trying to get back to the important things. To progressives it’s all important. This is how emotionally abusive people get their way, by making a goddamn scene about EVERYTHING.”
- Trump’s rally: the media is the dog
- I was at the rally in DC, and what I saw is completely at odds with what’s being reported.
More Black Lives Matter
- White Supremacy: The Reincarnation of Stephen Douglas
- The modern Democratic Party, and the left in general, seems to be reincarnating Stephen Douglas and other early Democrat defenders of slavery and white supremacy. “That’s mighty white of you,” they say, when blacks show independence and reason.
- Divisive double standards
- It’s a hypocritical form of divisiveness, calling for togetherness and reason whenever your side commits a crime, and engaging in unreasoning partisanship when you can find some way to pin it on others.
- Last black ejected from civil rights movement
- White is the new black: a new generation of Democrats bear the white liberal’s burden to save blacks from their own laziness.
More Calvinball
- Mitt Romney Day 2020: Coronavirus Calvinball
- The competition for the Mitt Romney Day award in 2020 became dangerously competitive come March, as contestants worked hard to kill the most jobs, the most small businesses, the most lives. But there can be only one winner.
- Why is the country so divided?
- Because you keep trying to tell everyone else what to do.
- Should people dismantle their life’s work, to enter politics?
- With someone from outside the political class breaking into the White House, the political class is looking to build some border walls of their own.
- Mitt Romney Day 2015
- For the 2015 Mitt Romney Day, the award goes to a pundit who worked at a high level in one administration, telling another pundit his opinion doesn’t count because he worked at a low level in another administration.
- Mitt Romney Day 2013
- The 2013 Mitt Romney Day winner is a late entry from Brad Woodhouse. Congratulations, Brad!
- One more page with the topic Calvinball, and other related pages
More Gell-Mann Amnesia effect
- Network and The Running Man in 2025
- One movie from the seventies and one from the eighties remain far more relevant than their contemporaries—and it’s the silliest that remains most relevant. We are living in Heinlein’s Crazy Years.
- Satire in the vineyard: The parable of Lolita and the sheep
- Opposite stories in the New Testament are a lot like modern satire. When Nabokov tells the parable of Humbert Humbert, he is telling us that everything in the news is false. When Jesus tells the parable of the lamb, he is telling us that everything the world values is false.
More riots
- White privilege is not the nail
- Attributing George Floyd’s death to white privilege when it was caused by left-run city policy means that we will continue to have more George Floyds.
- How many fingers, America?
- The Orwellianization of the left continues.
- A direct line to the Charlottesville riots… from 1938
- The press has been downplaying violent rioting for almost a year. Cities have been letting violent rioters get away with, literally, inciting murder. At best they are ignored by the press and at worst praised by the press and by politicians on the left. Why be surprised that we have more violent riots?
More soft bigotry
- The left says gays are pedophiles
- April is national Child Abuse Prevention Month, and the Left seems to be taking every opportunity to mainstream child abuse. Like every other vulnerable community the Left claims to support, the Left believes that gays and the LGBT community are inferior and criminal.
- The Reader revisits Reverend King’s Meloncollie Dream
- Hark Thrice the Walkerville Weekly Reader’s columnist emeritus, recalls Martin Luther King, Jr.’s most important speech on its 55th anniversary. All animals are created peaceful… but some are more peaceful than others.
- But the rhetoric’s so much better here under the tragedy!
- Want to stop domestic terrorism? Take seriously those who say they want to kill. Want to stop the oppression of women and the gay community? Take seriously those who say they want to literally enslave women and kill gays.
- Dr. Frank N. Furter: the left’s answer to transgender bathrooms
- The left thinks transgenders are murderous, cannialistic rapists. And they approve.