Mimsy Were the Borogoves

Editorials: Where I rant to the wall about politics. And sometimes the wall rants back.

Trump, destiny, and the flood

Jerry Stratton, October 9, 2024

Chesterton: The Disappointed Sphinx: G. K. Chesterton: “I delicately suggested to those who were disappointed in the Sphinx that it was just possible the Sphinx was disappointed in them.”; G. K. Chesterton; perspective

Don Surber recently wrote:

…the Lord did not deflect that bullet just to have The Donald lose on November 5th. I agree with Steve Hayward, who wrote, “I continue to think he is going to win, because I have a near mystical belief that he’s a world-historical figure of destiny.”

I’ve seen a lot of variations on this. But just because God spared Trump’s life in the face of deliberately malicious incompetence, does that mean God’s plan is for Trump to win? I understand the logic, but I think it’s dangerous to try to guess the Lord’s plans rather than take the opportunity to do what is right.

And there’s been a lot of sitting back and not doing what’s right lately.

In 2020 the Left fostered a global pandemic and blocked the most obvious and safest therapeutics. They deliberately destroyed cities with riots and plundered the savings of the poor. They stole a landslide election and criminalized any attempt at discussing what happened. In each case they not only lied about what they were doing, they made no attempt to cover the obviousness of their lies.

That was not a slowly boiling pot. It’s as if God used Trump to goad them into making their evil obvious. And yet what have we done in response? It’s difficult not to think of the parable of the drowning man. What if the Lord’s plan is to make obvious what His people should do?

Chesterton’s quote about the sphinx in The New Jerusalem is on-topic:

I delicately suggested to those who were disappointed in the Sphinx that it was just possible that the Sphinx was disappointed in them. — G. K. Chesterton (The New Jerusalem)

Eight years of economic disaster from 2008 to 2016. The beltway class was practically gloating about the permanent decline of American exceptionalism. But what followed under President Donald Trump were four years of economic boom, even under an unprecedented shutdown. And then a return to Democrat policies restored economic disaster again. The beltway class like to say that decline is inevitable, but it sure looks like policy makes a difference in whether or not we’re a declining or a booming country.

Shit is so fake: Shit is so fake that the minute an outsider took office we got cheap gas, cheap food, became energy independent. No wars. Focused on our country’s own issues. Establishment hacks get back in and we have runaway inflation, World War 3, and everyone needs to take out a mortgage to buy gas.; institutional Left; left-wing, the Left, establishment Left; President Donald Trump; beltway class; establishment

It even looks like policy makes a difference about how well, or whether, we survive global crises. By onshoring manufacturing and turning the country into a net producer of energy, Trump’s policies made it possible to survive the massive shutdowns during 2020.

Energy policy. International trade. Immigration. It all seems to come back to policy affects growth and protects from disaster.

It is, as the meme says, ridiculously fake.

So what are we going to do about it now? What are we going to do about it in November? What are we going to do if Trump wins and we have the opportunity to escape the rising flood? What are we going to do if fraud once again, and even more obviously, overturns the legal vote totals?

In the face of such brazen crime, the opportunity exists to end it, to fix and then right the boat. If we are willing to accept the challenge of God, or of History, or of Destiny.

It means vote. It means pay attention to vote fraud locally. It means fight, fight, fight. God, through Trump, has shown us the depth of corruption in our country’s institutions, how deep the deep state goes. We have seen what we need to do. Pray for the strength to accomplish what we have seen. It isn’t so much that “God helps those who help themselves” but that God pours his blessings upon us and it is by our actions that we accept them as much as by our inaction. God defies any boundaries that mortals set. His blessings defy our expectations.

Do Thou, O Lord, out of Thy heavenly goodness foster the holy desires of Thy people, that they may both see what they ought to do and have the strength to accomplish what they have seen.

In response to Election 2024: Positioning for election 2024 is already started; the campaign will heat up very quickly after November 2022.

  1. <- Remember