The Parable of the Primary

You want George Washington with a Maxim gun. You’ll settle for a brash businessman with a helicopter. But you’ll get just another crony government politician. (SharpWriter, CC-BY-NC-ND 3.0)
The strong lineup among Republican presidential contenders and the media—and voter—fascination with Donald Trump is reminding me a little of the joke/parable of the man caught in a flood.
“Lord, why did you not send us a good candidate to save us? We cried and complained from the rooftops for one! We had to put our backing behind a Democrat with a big mouth and a helicopter!”
I sent you a quiet fighter who in a blue state overcame the biggest and richest Democrat special interest group of all—government unions—in both a recall election and a re-election. I sent you a firebrand from Texas who almost single-handedly kept the government health care takeover in voter’s minds as a Democrat-only policy and handed Republicans a Senate victory a year later because of it. I gave you a determined outsider who could articulate conservative values like Reagan, who ran a company bigger than most states, and who overcame health issues and gender issues during a year when the press wants to focus the election on both. What in the hell were you waiting for?
This year has the best candidates running for the nomination that I’ve seen in a long time. I absolutely get the fascination with Donald Trump, and I’m not at all doubting that Trump can win the general election. My doubt, and it’s a strong one, is whether he’ll govern as a Conservative, or even as a Republican instead of as the crony Democrat he’s been up until now. He’s not even running as a Republican—he’s running against the Republican Party as much as he’s running against his opponents in the Republican Party and he’s making no promises about accepting the results of the Republican primaries.
He’s promising to be the candidate that gets things done. Well, there is more than one way of getting things done. President Obama gets things done by bypassing Congress, using executive orders as if they were legislation, ignoring the courts when they go against him, and coercing businesses into making his policy their policy. If Trump becomes president, I’m worried he’ll continue governing as President Obama does, as a corporate cronyist.
Businessmen are not automatically conservative and there are multiple ways of running government as a business. One is to ensure accountability, make sure each department understands its mission, remove programs that have outlived their usefulness or even work against their supposed mission, and make sure that regulations are simple enough and coherent enough that they can actually be followed. This is the way that is currently being championed by Carly Fiorina, for example. It means placing control of resources close to the voter—at the state or local level—where management of those resources can be held accountable, rather than at the top end where accountability is diluted.
Another way to run government like a business is to feed contracts to the businesses that kick back some of the profit to you, inflate the size of departments to inflate their importance beyond their mission, and increase the size of their bureaucracy, both in regulations and people, to ensure that only insiders can make use of the benefits of that department. And at the same time allow the department to harass people for not following rules that no one could possibly understand to begin with.
The proponent of this style will, for example, use bankruptcy as an insider’s game rather than a last resort, just another way of doing business and competing against those who don’t understand the rules of the game. This is the kind of person who will donate to public officials so that they’ll appear at their daughter’s wedding. It means running government less like a business and more like a mafia. They will make sure that resources are controlled at the top, because that control gives the person at the top power. Power to threaten cutting off those resources, or diverting them to someone with a better voting record or who donates more.
On the other hand, if Trump does not take the Republican nomination, and does not run third party afterward, he is performing one very useful service: all right-thinking people are certain that Donald Trump cannot win the general, even against Hillary Clinton. Thus, the longer Trump stays at the top of the polls, the longer Clinton remains an acceptable candidate on the left. Because my gut tells me that Biden or Gore, or even Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren, would provide a stronger opponent than Clinton. She has nowhere near the charisma that Bill did and yet she’s piling up avoidable scandals faster than he went after women.
She’s already talking down her competence in order to avoid the classified document scandal, and will be forced to run on a record as Secretary of State in a period that saw Middle East extremism exploding out of control with US support and Russia in Ukraine after, or because of, her reset diplomacy. In the Democrat’s lineup of old, tired, white options, she’s the biggest example of yesterday’s tired, failed policies. And in an environment where voters seem to be against the insider political class, the email/documents scandal itself is pushing out the pay-for-policy scandal involving the Clinton foundations.
Could that be Trump’s gift to the country? Keeping Hillary Clinton in until it’s too late? It seems unlikely, especially given his previous history with the Clintons, but who knows? It’s primary season, and that means it’s crazy season.
In response to Election 2016: Another fine mess you’ve gotten us into.
- A Reagan Forum with Carly Fiorina—7/27/15 at The Reagan Foundation
- “Please join us for a Reagan Forum with Carly Fiorina on July 27, 2015 with introduction by Executive Director, John Heubusch.”
- Remembering “A Time for Choosing” at The Reagan Foundation
- “Fifty years ago, journalist David Broder described Ronald Reagan’s speech on behalf of presidential candidate Barry Goldwater as ‘the most successful political debut since William Jennings Bryan.’ The speech, entitled ‘A Time for Choosing,’ would echo in American politics for 50 years, defining a new approach to conservatism laced with a forward looking optimism rooted in the latent greatness of America.”
- Scott Walker Discusses His Successful Education Reforms At The 2015 NH Education Summit at Scott Walker for Wisconsin Governor
- “Governor Scott Walker sat down with the co-founder of The 74, Campbell Brown, at the 2015 New Hampshire Education Summit to discuss his successful education reforms in Wisconsin, as well as his vision for education in America.”
- Ted Cruz on the Michael Medved Show at Ted Cruz
- August 19, 2015.
- Trump Is No Reagan: Stu Spencer and Ken Khachigian at Real Clear Politics
- “Above all else, Ronald Wilson Reagan was genial and mannerly. He treated others with respect and courtesy. He was a gentleman whose personal decency was exceptional. On the occasions where he disagreed with our opinions or points of view, he did so without sharp words or rebuke, often apologetically. Yes, his political rhetoric could be tough and partisan, but it was never vulgar or personal. Donald Trump would benefit from the light-hearted humor that Reagan used to advantage in his communication.”
- Who Said It: Donald Trump Or Hillary Clinton? at The Federalist
- “More remarkable than his front-runner status, however, is the fact that he has maintained it despite a long history of supporting failed liberal policies. A lot of his policy proposals appear to have come straight from Hillary’s playbook. Take the quiz below and see if you can spot the difference between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton!”
More corporate cronyism
- Business prospect incentives discourage innovation
- Complicating the law and raising taxes, then lowering them for businesses that know how to lobby local or state governments, is not a recipe for encouraging innovation. It is a recipe for killing it.
- Atlas Shrugged II: The Strike
- I just saw the second part of the Atlas Shrugged trilogy. It is amazing.
- Crony vs. Crony
- The voters will look up and shout “save us!” History will look down, and whisper “no”.
- Why is the media saying Sanders lost the debate?
- Bernie Sanders spoke an important and inconvenient truth about socialism when he came to Hillary Clinton’s defense at the debates.
- Eugenics and Other Evils
- What’s old is new again: unwilling to learn the lessons of the past, those who wish to rule are returning to socialism and cronyism as the only two solutions for all the problems government creates. That is, more government to fix bad government.
- 15 more pages with the topic corporate cronyism, and other related pages
More Election 2016
- The Hillary Clinton e-mail ‘scandal’ that isn’t
- There’s no there here, and it doesn’t affect her campaign. Nothing in the law says felons can’t be President.
- Why is the media saying Sanders lost the debate?
- Bernie Sanders spoke an important and inconvenient truth about socialism when he came to Hillary Clinton’s defense at the debates.
- Clinton vows UFO investigation
- Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton assures America she will investigate the UFOs of Area 51 and stand up to the vast ice cream conspiracy.
- Is Iowa the end of the game, or the beginning?
- It depends on whether your job is to win, or to guess the winner.
- Obama vs. Trump vs. Hitler: A letter to my friends on the left
- Sure, now that Donald Trump is threatening to take the White House, the left cares about imperial presidents. But unless they’re willing to oppose President Obama’s executive orders, whatever Donald Trump does is their fault.
- 17 more pages with the topic Election 2016, and other related pages
More Hillary Clinton
- Election lessons: be careful what you wish for
- Republicans should learn from the Democrats’ mistake of the primary season: be careful what you wish for, you might just get… half of it. They wanted Donald Trump as Hillary Clinton’s opponent.
- Clinton accuses Russia of infiltrating United States government
- Worried about falling poll numbers in working-class states, Clinton campaign identifies, addresses, a key concern of middle-class: the Soviet threat to the United States electoral process.
- Clinton supporters, can we make a deal?
- The left is refusing to look inward about why they lost the election, and instead continues to try to blame Trump supporters for just not being introspective enough to see how horrible their candidate is.
- Hillary Clinton embraces book banning
- During latest debate, Democratic Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton embraced book bans, drone targeting of critical works.
- The candidate we deserve
- Do we deserve these two candidates? Well, we voted for them, and we listened to the media that pushed them on us.
- 16 more pages with the topic Hillary Clinton, and other related pages
More President Donald Trump
- Trump, tariffs, and the war on American workers
- Why do so many American workers support Trump so strongly against the wishes of their union leadership? Partly because only Trump recognizes that we’re in a war targeting American workers.
- Walk toward the fire
- Trump reassures crowd after assassination attempt fails.
- Trump and the January 6 defendants
- There appears to be a concerted effort on conservative forums to blame Trump for not doing anything for the January 6 prisoners and defendants. Is it true?
- Betrayal is bad advice
- It makes sense that the beltway would want to depress voter turnout by working class voters. It’s a mistake for Trump supporters to do so.
- Who is Trump running against?
- If Trump runs against Biden, he’ll lose, just like he did in 2020: by getting more votes but fewer ballots. It looks like Trump understands that. He’s not running against Biden. He’s running against the Democrats and Republicans who put Biden in power.
- 30 more pages with the topic President Donald Trump, and other related pages
More Republicans
- The Life and Writings of Abraham Lincoln
- As the founding president of the Republican Party and the man who guided the United States through the incredible sacrifices of the Civil War and the abolition of slavery, Abraham Lincoln deserves more than adulation. He deserves to be read.
- The cyclic transmogrification of the Republican Party
- From Lincoln on, Democrats have accused Republicans of their own failings: hate speech, violence, madness. And the more the left recycles the same serpent’s lies they used against President Lincoln, the more the left turns Trump into the new Lincoln.
- Health insurance reform? What health insurance reform?
- The Truth About Republicans: they don’t want to repeal Obamacare.
- Two lessons for the price of one, for the Republican Party
- The Republican Party needs to stop trying to make it easy for the press to derail their primary process.
- You want your party back; so do Trump supporters
- You want your party back? So do Trump supporters. Whether Republican or Democrat, their party is either leaving them or has left them. They want their jobs, their religion, and they especially want their voice back. Trump promises to be that voice.
- 10 more pages with the topic Republicans, and other related pages