The left’s vicious racial shaming

This is a lie, designed to create racial hatred in America.
There’s an old saying that when a Republican does something wrong, the fault is on the Republican Party, but when a Democrat does something wrong, the fault is on America. It’s a variation of the name that party game, where a Bob Filner’s party is hidden deep if mentioned at all, and a Democrat like Virginia’s Governor Northam is reported as a Republican as soon as he shows up in blackface and his wife starts handing out cotton.
This goes back to the founding of the Republican Party and its opposition to the racial politics of slave-holding Democrats. Democrats wanted to break up the Union. So they accused Lincoln of wanting to break up the Union.
Projection is not just a river in Egypt.1 The left loves to project their faults on the rest of America.
In the wake of Jeremy Northam’s blackface, Elizabeth Warren’s redface, Ilhan Omar’s antisemitism, and other racist and sexist scandals among Democrats, the left is desperate to divert attention from their own failures by blaming America. This recent meme decries white privilege, not among the elite like Northam and Warren, but among everyone else. It compares two people without a job who endangered their children. One, a black Arizona woman who left her children in the car while she was at a job interview, had her child taken away and was sentenced to jail; the other, a white Arizona woman who got high and drove away with her child on the top of her car, kept her child and got probation. The hashtags? Black Lives Matter. White privilege.
It is worse than fake news. It uses real names of real people and makes up the rest. Both women were sentenced to probation for about the same period of time. Both had their children taken away. Arguably, both should have. Regardless of how you feel about leaving kids in cars, Phoenix, Arizona, is not the place to do it.
All the obvious examples of privilege from Democrats, and they had to make up lies about private individuals obviously going through bad times. For all their failures, these women are clearly struggling through serious issues, did not need the publicity, and were probably hurt by the left’s lies.
The left doesn’t care. They don’t care about the individuals they hurt.
A simple search of each woman’s name provides several accounts of how each received probation. There was no need to post these lies—if their goal was to fight racism. The people who created it know it’s a lie. The people who repost it don’t care whether it’s a lie, and so don’t bother to verify it. That this is an example of fair treatment, not biased treatment, is something to hide. When I provided a link to a local Phoenix newspaper with more information the poster deleted their post, ensuring that nobody among the poster’s circle could learn it’s just lies. It wasn’t posted to help. It was posted to hurt.
You might think, of course, that someone who claims to care about unfairness would have left the post up along with an apology for hurting the people mentioned in it, or removed the post with an explanation so as to halt the spread of hurtfully fake news.
The left doesn’t care. They don’t care about the individuals they hurt. It wasn’t posted to address racism. It was posted to create racism. It was posted to increase racial discord in America, and stop the hemorrhaging of votes from Democrats.
Occupy Democrats and the people who pass on their memes know what they’re doing, and they do it because the left’s infatuation with racism and racist behavior is not about stopping racial discord. Judge them by their actions—by the actions of the Northams, Omars, Warrens, and the people who create and post these lies—and it is clear that they want racial discord. They lie in support of it. They hurt people in support of it.
Racial discord is more important to the left than any concern about political lies or homeless women in tough situations.
I was recently in the position to get a copy of Dinesh D’Souza’s• Big Lie•, so I went on Goodreads to see if there were any substantive reviews. One that appeared to be substantive quoted D’Souza as saying “in 1860, the year before the Civil War, no Republican owned a slave; all of the four million slaves at the time were owned by Democrats”. The reviewer went on to state that this:
…is nonsense and historically wrong. Francis P. Blair, Sr., of Silver Spring, Maryland, owned slaves and helped create the Republican Party …
That seemed like a good test of whether the book was worthwhile or not. If D’Souza had done so little research as to miss a slave-owning party founder, the book wasn’t worth getting. It seemed odd, however, that a slaveowner would help create a party founded solely on halting the spread of slavery out of the South and ensuring that slavery died in the South, so I did some research. I found a book by a Walter Barlow Stevens, Missouri, the Center State, that reproduced Francis Blair’s manumission document for all four slaves in his household. The book dated the document to June 28, 1859. Blair was not the only slaveowner who joined the Republican Party and thereafter ended slavery in his own household; U.S. Grant did the same, also before 1860.2
So it seemed that D’Souza was correct, or at least that Blair was not a counter-argument to D’Souza’s claim. But, I have no idea how reliable Missouri, the Center State is, and considered the possibility that this reviewer had better sources. So I wrote:
Regarding Blair, D’Souza may have been right, or at least, Blair may not be a counter-example. According to Missouri, the Center State Blair had freed his slaves by the end of 1859. If correct, he would not have been a slaveowner in 1860.
Was the reviewer’s response to provide a better, contradictory source? To acknowledge that that part of the review was incorrect?
No. The response was another of the vicious lies in the arsenal of the left.
It is also an historical fact that, since 1964, the national Democratic Party embraced fully the struggle for civil rights and that those Southern Democrats who couldn't stomach the change switched parties to the Republicans.
This is just lies, and I expect the reviewer knows it. There were all of two Democrats who switched to the Republican Party in the period between 1964 and 1975: Senator Strom Thurmond and an obscure member of the House who lost his election soon after he switched.3
Strom Thurmond does indeed seem to have been a horrible person: when he was a Democrat. But after he became a Republican?
In 1971, Thurmond was among the first southern senators to bring blacks on to his personal staff in Washington; he also began to nominate an increasing proportion of them to the horde of federal posts on which any senator has a say. In 1982, he supported moves to proclaim Martin Luther King’s birthday a national US holiday—no big deal to the world at large, but a remarkable stance in South Carolina. In 1995, in a gesture that would have been unthinkable only a decade earlier, he was guest of honour at a Washington function to celebrate the successes of racial integration.
The Republican Party seems to have a beneficial moral effect on former Democrats, and the example would seem to counter the argument that Thurmond switched in order to remain racist. Clearly, there was no mass exodus of racist Democrats to the Republican Party. Republicans continued the politics of Abraham Lincoln, of civil rights based around “encouragement to industry and enterprise”; Democrats adopted a political patronage model, what Lincoln would have called “[bestriding] the necks of the people—not that they wanted to do it, but because the people were better off for being ridden.”4
The fact is, racism outside of the left’s small circle of leadership is no longer a problem in the United States. We only have to look at the sad affair of Jussie Smollett. He had to pay someone $4,000 in Chicago to assault him. Not only couldn’t he get racially attacked in one of the most violent cities in America, beating up blacks turns out to be one of those jobs Americans won’t do. He had to pay Nigerian immigrants four thousand dollars to get beat up in Chicago.
The left’s strategy of identify politics requires hatred. Without race hatred, identity politics doesn’t work. When racial discord is so obviously receding that a black man can’t get beat up in Chicago without paying thousands of dollars to make it happen, the left needs to restore hatred or lose elections. Their lies are only going to get worse, and more violent, as we get closer to 2020.
In response to 2019 in Photos: For photos, memes, and perhaps other quick notes sent from my mobile device or written on the fly during 2019.
Stolen, I believe, from The Macalope.
↑Grant had one slave; his manumission documents are dated March 1859. See page 34 of Missouri, the Center State.
↑If you count 1975, there’s also John Jarman of Oklahoma, but his switch appears to have been entirely symbolic; he never ran as a Republican, so we have no idea how Republicans in Oklahoma would have treated him in a primary; for that matter, Albert Watson, the other of the two Democrats who switched, lost his election five years later; he only won two elections as a Republican in an area where Republicans normally didn’t even bother to run a candidate. Southern voters do not appear to have switched parties any more than Southern politicians did.
↑For an analysis of the salutary effects of the Lincoln model and the destructive effects of the Democrat model, read Thomas Sowell.
- The Big Lie: Exposing the Nazi Roots of the American Left•: Dinesh D’Souza at (hardcover)
- “But in fact, this audacious lie is a complete inversion of the truth. Yes, there is a fascist threat in America—but that threat is from the Left and the Democratic Party. The Democratic left has an ideology virtually identical with fascism and routinely borrows tactics of intimidation and political terror from the Nazi Brownshirts.”
- Bob Filner media post-mortem
- Filner’s out, but the media’s war on women continues.
- Democrats To Jews: You Don’t Know An Anti-Semite When You Hear One: Melissa Langsam Braunstein at The Federalist
- “There’s a revolution underway. American Jews, who have been an integral part of the Democratic coalition for more than a century, are currently being made uncomfortable in their political home. And the whole thing is being live-tweeted.”
- Virginia Democrat Governor Jeremy Northam's Racial Reconciliation Tour Takes a Strange Twist: Ace at Ace of Spades HQ
- “…When His Wife Hands Out Cotton to African American Students and Implores Them to Imagine Being Slaves.”
- Basic Economics: A Citizen’s Guide to the Economy
- Economics is an important topic, because unlike every other complex field, “from botany to brain surgery”, we cannot avoid taking part: while we can, and usually should, refuse to perform brain surgery, we should not refuse to vote for politicians (and, in some states, initiatives) that have wide-ranging economic effects.
- The Macalope Daily: Who would Steve Jobs fire?: The Macalope
- “Projection is not just a river in Egypt, Rocco. It’s actually not a river anywhere, so far as the Macalope knows, but it is a condition, and you’ve got it bad.”
party switch
- Abraham Lincoln’s conservative principles
- Reading Lincoln, it seems that both conservative thought and anti-conservative thought really hasn’t changed much in a century and a half. Though less racist for his time, he was still racist. But his adherence to conservative principles enabled him to overcome his prejudices while his contemporaries who were not conservative sank deeper into racism.
- List of United States Representatives who switched parties at Wikipedia
- “The following are members of the United States House of Representatives who switched parties while serving in Congress.”
- List of United States Senators who switched parties at Wikipedia
- “This list includes United States Senators who switched parties while serving in the Senate.”
- Missouri, the Center State: Walter B. Stevens at Internet Archive (ebook)
- A 1915 history of Missouri, from 1821 to 1915.
- Myths & Misunderstandings: Grant As a Slaveholder: Sean Kane
- “It is notable that Grant did not sell or work out a plan with Jones to purchase his freedom, but simply freed him.”
- Strom Thurmond: Harold Jackson
- “The oldest and longest-ever serving US senator, he shrewdly retreated from white supremacy to supporting racial integration.”
- Racism Accusations in Shanesha Taylor Case Based on Inaccurate Information: Matthew Hendley
- “Blogs and social-media posts have gone viral comparing the fate of Taylor, who is black, to another local woman convicted of child abuse, who's white. The problem is, the comparison is completely inaccurate.”
- The Return of Ancient Prejudices: Victor Davis Hanson
- “Progressive senators such as Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), Kamala Harris (D-Calif.), and Mazie Hirono (D-Hawaii) have attacked judicial nominees on grounds that they are Catholic… Universities feel free to discriminate against Asian-Americans… Ilhan Omar, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Rashida Tlaib have voiced virulent anti-Israel bias that came off as anti-Semitic. Rep. Hank Johnson (D-Ga.) compared Jewish settlers on the West Bank to ‘termites.’”
- SteynPost #28: The Tinge of Fake Hate: Mark Steyn at Steyn Online
- “Welcome to a brand new SteynPost in which Mark mulls fake hate crimes, funny tinges and other aspects of identity politics.”
More Democrats
- Roundup of Reactions to the Democrat’s Latest Corrupt Lawfare
- There can be no comity in the face of corruption the size of New York’s and DC’s. Lawfare is war, and it must be treated like war.
- Illinois Nazis and Lincoln’s Democrats
- An anecdote about other people’s money and other people’s time that I’ve had sitting around for a while.
- The Life of Stephen A. Douglas
- Where Abraham Lincoln’s conservative principles made a flawed man better, Stephen A. Douglas’s belief in the responsibility of government elites for managing lesser men made him far worse.
- Slavery is barbarism
- Of course progressives believe slavery is a net economic positive. When the left talks rights, they’re talking about the power of government to force people to both provide something and to deny it.
- Senator Kamala Harris calls for slavery reparations
- California Senator and 2020 presidential candidate Kamala Harris calls on Democrats to support reparations to descendants of former slaves, and to descendants of Union soldiers who died freeing them.
- 17 more pages with the topic Democrats, and other related pages
More institutional Left
- The left’s hatred of business is a lie
- The left doesn’t hate business. They hate you and me.
- Roundup of Reactions to the Democrat’s Latest Corrupt Lawfare
- There can be no comity in the face of corruption the size of New York’s and DC’s. Lawfare is war, and it must be treated like war.
- Why does the Institutional Left hate Israel so much?
- The institutional Left doesn’t hate only Israel. They hate any ethnic group that rebels against enslavement by the Left.
- Illinois Nazis and Lincoln’s Democrats
- An anecdote about other people’s money and other people’s time that I’ve had sitting around for a while.
- On education, the left is mired in the fifties
- Why don’t schools have locked doors? Because when it comes to education, especially K-12, the left, as in so many things, is mired in the distant industrialized assembly-line past.
- 17 more pages with the topic institutional Left, and other related pages
More name that party
- Bob Filner media post-mortem
- Filner’s out, but the media’s war on women continues.
- Why isn’t Bob Filner resigning?
- Because he thinks he can get away with it—and chances are, he’s right. The watchdog media becomes a lapdog media where Democrats are concerned, especially when those Democrats are in contested areas.
- The Humbert Media
- For examples of what Ace is talking about, consider “Judge dismisses Stevens’ conviction, orders probe” vs. “Spitzer May Yet Face Ethics Inquiry” from the Associated Press. The protagonist of the story in the first headline is the judge; the protagonist of the story in the second is Spitzer. Spitzer acts, Stevens is acted upon.
More projection
- What the f*** is wrong with Americans?
- Do you disagree with the left? Then there’s something the f*** wrong with you.
- The cyclic transmogrification of the Republican Party
- From Lincoln on, Democrats have accused Republicans of their own failings: hate speech, violence, madness. And the more the left recycles the same serpent’s lies they used against President Lincoln, the more the left turns Trump into the new Lincoln.
- Franklin D. Trump: What else can I do?
- Does the left want internment camps for Americans of Russian descent?
- The eye of the insulter
- The left has become so unhinged that they’re sending out promo photos for President Trump, thinking they’re insulting him. They seem to have a pathological inability to appreciate working, and don’t recognize a serious working photo when they see one.
- Clinton supporters, can we make a deal?
- The left is refusing to look inward about why they lost the election, and instead continues to try to blame Trump supporters for just not being introspective enough to see how horrible their candidate is.
More racial politics
- Minnesota Representative: Stop White Hate
- In the wake of anti-white violence by a Muslim shooter in Denver, Representative Ilhan Omar begins campaign to “stand together to stop white hate.”
More racism
- Oregon schools call minorities “shiftless & mindless”
- Oregon white privilege conference says blacks, hispanics best-suited for taking orders from white masters, as they are unable to make decisions for themselves, think for themselves, and achieve success without direction.
- Democrats “oppress” black voters… by killing them en masse
- Over more than a century, Democrats throughout the United States have sought to glorify the Confederacy, from the battle flag to erecting monuments to the political leaders of the Confederacy. They have killed to do it. Republicans should work to tear down those monuments to slavery.
- Reader Exposé: Mismediation of Deaf Culture and the tyranny of audism
- Sign language interpreters are always pulled from the ranks of the hearing, and can have no understanding of how to communicate the thoughts and feelings of the deaf.
- The colorful mirror of the anointed
- The Color of his Presidency can’t change the massive government overreach under his watch.
- April fools came early at the Washington Post
- The left-wing media have been omitting the truth for so long, they no longer remember the omissions.
- One more page with the topic racism, and other related pages
More white privilege
- Minnesota Representative: Stop White Hate
- In the wake of anti-white violence by a Muslim shooter in Denver, Representative Ilhan Omar begins campaign to “stand together to stop white hate.”
- White privilege is not the nail
- Attributing George Floyd’s death to white privilege when it was caused by left-run city policy means that we will continue to have more George Floyds.
- Social Justice alternative thesis merits degree
- Vester Lee Flanagan completes alternative thesis format, kills news reporters for passing grade.
- Last black ejected from civil rights movement
- White is the new black: a new generation of Democrats bear the white liberal’s burden to save blacks from their own laziness.
- Oregon schools call minorities “shiftless & mindless”
- Oregon white privilege conference says blacks, hispanics best-suited for taking orders from white masters, as they are unable to make decisions for themselves, think for themselves, and achieve success without direction.