Smashwords Post-Christmas Sale
From now through the rest of the year, you can get the Astounding Scripts e-book and the Dream of Poor Bazin ebook from Smashwords at 75% off as part of their end-of-year sale. Use discount code SEY75.
If, like me, your best memories of Christmas morning are building things with your new toys, then 42 Astounding Scripts will awaken your Spirit of Christmas Code. It’s filled with command-line programming toys for your Macintosh, from creating ASCII art using your own photographs, to creating great music or even playing your music files backward.
If, on the other hand, your best memories are of losing yourself in a grand, swashbuckling adventure, The Dream of Poor Bazin is just what the Dumas ordered. Join young, provincial journalist Stephen Price Blair as he learns the trade in Washington, DC and exposes conspiracy, hate, and murder in the land beyond the Potomac.
While the discount code (SEY75) is specifically for Smashwords, both of these books are also available in print, and, most likely, your favorite ebookstore wherever it is.
- 42 Astoundingly Useful Scripts and Automations for the Macintosh
- MacOS uses Perl, Python, AppleScript, and Automator and you can write scripts in all of these. Build a talking alarm. Roll dice. Preflight your social media comments. Play music and create ASCII art. Get your retro on and bring your Macintosh into the world of tomorrow with 42 Astoundingly Useful Scripts and Automations for the Macintosh!
- The Dream of Poor Bazin (Official Site)
- The Dream of Poor Bazin: A Novel of adventure journalism in Washington, DC.
- 42 Astoundingly Useful Scripts and Automations for the Macintosh: Jerry Stratton at Smashwords (ePub)
- If you have a Macintosh and you want to get your retro on, take a look at 42 Astoundingly Useful Scripts and Automations for the Macintosh. These modern scripts will help you work faster and more reliably, and inspire your own custom scripts for your own workflow.
- The Dream of Poor Bazin: Jerry Stratton at Smashwords (ePub)
- Stephen Price Blair risks his life and his reputation as a journalist to protect the President and Vice President from the plots of House Speaker Janet Richardson, and duels the Speaker’s journalists to advance the cause of beltway bipartisanship.
print books
- 42 Astoundingly Useful Scripts and Automations for the Macintosh•: Jerry Stratton at (paperback)
If you have a Macintosh and you want to get your retro on, take a look at 42 Astoundingly Useful Scripts and Automations for the Macintosh. These modern scripts will help you work faster and more reliably, and inspire your own custom scripts for your own workflow.
- The Dream of Poor Bazin•: Jerry Stratton at (paperback)
- “All for One and One for All.” When Stephen Price Blair’s letter of introduction to White House Press Secretary Bobby Trevor is stolen by a mysterious Senator, he vows revenge against the most powerful people in DC. He risks his life, and his reputation as a journalist, to protect the President and Vice President from the plots of House Speaker Janet Richardson, and duels the Speaker’s journalists to advance the cause of beltway bipartisanship.
- Have a Merry Scripting Christmas with Persistence of Vision
- The ASCII Merry Christmas from Astounding Scripts was taken from a scene I created in Persistence of Vision. It’s a very simple scene that highlights many of the advantages of using POV to create images.
- Sparkling lights for Christmas
- This POV-Ray scene file will animate sparkling lights against a green background. If you want to make three dimensional images with lots of similar objects and then animate them, this will show you how to do it.
More programming for all
- 42 Astoundingly Useful Scripts and Automations for the Macintosh
- MacOS uses Perl, Python, AppleScript, and Automator and you can write scripts in all of these. Build a talking alarm. Roll dice. Preflight your social media comments. Play music and create ASCII art. Get your retro on and bring your Macintosh into the world of tomorrow with 42 Astoundingly Useful Scripts and Automations for the Macintosh!
- Internet and Programming Tutorials
- Internet and Programming Tutorials ranging from HTML, Javascript, and AppleScript, to Evaluating Information on the Net and Writing Non-Gendered Instructions.
- Our Cybernetic Future 1972: Man and Machine
- In 1972, John G. Kemeny envisioned a future where man and computer engaged in a two-way dialogue. It was a future where individual citizens and consumers were neither slaves nor resources to be mined.
- No premature optimization
- Don’t optimize code before it needs optimization or you’re likely to create unoptimized code.
- Why should everyone learn to program?
- Anything that mystifies programming is wrong.
- Two more pages with the topic programming for all, and other related pages