Temple Public Library Book Sale
Today is the first day of the Temple Public Library Book Sale in Temple, Texas. As I write this, however, I have just returned from their September 1, 2021, sale. It’s held twice a year, and it’s a very nice drive from Round Rock to Temple, perhaps stopping off at Country Donuts on the way up and Johnny’s Steaks and BBQ on the way down1 or one of the many nice restaurants in Temple.
On my first visit, I picked up several books I already owned, or used to. I read Tarzan long ago, and have several of the sequels in my to-read shelf. But I’ve somehow managed to lose my copy the first book. I’m pretty sure I didn’t just throw it out, as I distinctly remember reading it several times. Now I get to read it yet again. I also bought replacement copies of three cookbooks I already owned: hardcover editions of the amazingly eccentric Bull Cook and Authentic Historical Recipes, Beatrice Trum Hunter’s wonderful Whole Grain Baking Sampler, and a boxed set of the Middle Eastern Cooking volume of Time-Life’s Foods of the World series. I don’t use Bull Cook very often, but I thoroughly enjoy browsing through it. Herter’s eccentric rants prove more true, sadly, as the future unfolds.
Hunter’s book, on the other hand, is one of my favorites, and the main reason I keep whole grains on hand. She wrote her book before whole grains were meant as an end in themselves and when the point was making nutritious food that tastes better. She includes simple advice such as to measure oils first and then syrups, because that way the syrup doesn’t stick, and to use honey instead of sugar because it keeps breads fresh longer.
On my second trip here, in August 2018, I completed my set of books in the Southern Living Cookbook Library, when I found The Southern Living Soups and Stews Cookbook•. It has one of my favorite soup recipes in it, and one of by far the easiest to make: just blend fresh tomatoes, yogurt, celery, lemon juice, and salt and pepper in a blender.
Tomato Yogurt Soup
Servings: 4
Preparation Time: 10 minutes
- 2½ cups chopped tomatoes
- 1¼ cup Greek yogurt
- ¼ cup chopped celery
- 1 tbsp lemon juice
- 1 tsp salt
- ¼ tsp pepper
- Combine all ingredients in a blender.
- Blend until smooth.
- Chill if desired.
On that same trip I also picked up Kip Thorne’s amazing Black Holes and Time Warps•. It’s one of those rare books that I can’t imagine not having read now that I’ve read it. From how to detect gravity waves to how singularity research ties together general relativity and quantum mechanics; from how the observable world has expanded beyond the optical to how deeply the equivalence of matter and energy goes, this is a phenomenal book for anyone interested in astrophysics.

My 2018 Temple book haul included a great Ray Bradbury book and Annie Proulx’s universally-acclaimed—for good reason—Shipping News. The Simak collection came from nearby McWha Books.
In 2019 I picked up one of those amazing Ace flip books, a double-feature of John Brunner’s Meeting at Infinity and Kenneth Bulmer’s Beyond the Silver Sky. The latter is a gonzo tale of underwater warriors, wielding tridents and guns and riding sharks into battle. The cover painting alone is irresistible.
While I’ve known of H. Rider Haggard for almost as long as I can remember, I haven’t actually read any of his works until recently. I picked up Ayesha and Benita in a combined edition while traveling through Nova Scotia in the Autumn of 2018, very much enjoyed both of them, and then in the Spring of 2018 while wandering about Los Angeles I picked up a fascinating book about the correspondence between Rudyard Kipling and Haggard, The Record of a Friendship.
On my most recent trip to Temple, I picked up The Works of Haggard, which collects Cleopatra, She, King Solomon’s Mines, and Allan Quatermain. Besides being a collection of great stories, this is a beautiful volume, leather-bound and delightfully heavy with quality paper that feels good as you read. And the writing! Haggard is brilliant at inhabiting the minds of vastly different narrators. His priest, Hamarchi, is a Shakespearean figure of tragic proportions; his lost worlds are wild, and his magic both awesome and subtle. If the only thing you know about Haggard’s characters are how they’ve been translated into modern media, I recommend going back to the source.
The goose on the wing laughs at crocodiles, so goes their saying down in Alexandria; but when the goose is asleep on the water, it is the crocodiles who laugh. — H. Rider Haggard (Cleopatra)
Another brilliant book is James Tiptree’s Brightness Falls from the Air, a science fiction mystery-thriller where everything we need to know is presented up front but nothing is as it seems. This is among Tiptree’s best work, a parlor-room mystery on a far planet, a monument to human depravity and shame.
Also on this most recent trip, and I’m reading it as I write this, I picked up Clyde Tombaugh’s history of the discovery of extra-Saturnian planets, especially his own discovery of Pluto. It’s a wide-ranging memoir-slash-history of a fascinating period in astronomical research. Individual astronomers were competing to discover planetary bodies in the solar system, especially ones that would explain Uranus’s orbit. Tombaugh himself recognized that Pluto’s status as a planetary body large enough to significantly affect Uranus’s orbit was doubtful.

Bicentennial pie!
I also picked up two more cookbooks, relatively local ones. One, Cook ’em Horns is a tome of recipes from University of Texas alumni to commemorate the University’s centennial in 1984. The other is a spiral-bound book from Garvin County, Oklahoma celebrating the nation’s bicentennial. The bicentennial appears to have been an inspiration for a lot of great community cookbooks. My own community growing up had a great one, and I recently discovered another from Fruitport, Michigan. I combined a crust from Garvin and a filling from Fruitport for a fluffy orange coconut pie.
This is not a huge book sale; the main room is relatively small. But the tables are packed above and below, and you may have to move a couple of boxes to see what’s in the box beneath. The cookbook section is especially nice; it’s off in an annex and, if you include the health food books (which I really don’t) occupies nearly an entire wall.
You might also combine it with any of the bookstores along I-35 from Waco down, and make a day of it. I tend not to do that. I have a tendency, once I buy a bunch of books, of suddenly wanting to curtail my trip and get down to reading them.
Temple Public Library book sale
100 W. Adams Avenue
Temple, Texas
Aug. 28, 2024
Christmas in Scandinavia | $0.10 | pamphlet | |
Treats from Arkansas Kitchens | $0.16 | spiral paperback | |
The Best in Cooking in Mineola | $0.17 | spiral paperback | |
Town and Country Cook Book | $0.17 | spiral paperback | |
Hamlet on the Holodeck• | Janet H. Murray | $1.00 | trade paperback |
Atlas Shrugged 50th Anniversary Edition• | Ayn Rand | $1.00 | mass market paperback |
Aug. 30, 2023
1984• | George Orwell | mass market paperback | |
The Winged Man | A. E. van Vogt, E. Mayne Hull | $1.00 | mass market paperback |
Keep the Aspidistra Flying | George Orwell | $1.00 | mass market paperback |
You’ve Done It Again, Charlie Brown | Charles M. Schulz | $1.00 | mass market paperback |
Homage to Catalonia | George Orwell | $1.00 | trade paperback |
Easiest & Best Coffee Cakes and Quick Breads• | Renny Darling | $1.00 | magazine-sized paperback |
Our Cookin’ Heritage | Trinity Women’s Missionary League, Copperas Cove, Texas. | $1.00 | spiral paperback |
Sleepless in Seattle• | $1.00 | ||
Steely Dan: Aja | $1.00 | ||
Jackie Brown• | $1.00 | ||
A History of Weaponry | Courtlandt Canby | $2.00 | hardcover |
Illustrators XXX | Tom Wolfe | $2.00 | large hardcover |
Aug. 31, 2022
The Mysterious Affair at Styles• | Agatha Christie | $1.00 | mass market paperback |
N or M?• | Agatha Christie | $1.00 | mass market paperback |
Blood on the Mink• | Robert Silverberg | $1.00 | trade paperback |
Carolingian Portraits | Eleanor Shipley Duckett | $1.00 | trade paperback |
The Magic Machine: A Handbook of Computer Sorcery• | A.K. Dewdney | $1.00 | trade paperback |
Stories (Laments for the Living/After Such Pleasures)• | Dorothy Parker | $2.00 | hardcover |
March 2, 2022
Tower of Glass• | Robert Silverberg | $1.00 | trade paperback |
Recipes on Parade: Desserts | $1.00 | spiral paperback | |
The Case for Trump• | Victor Davis Hanson | $2.00 | hardcover |
Friday• | Robert A. Heinlein | $2.00 | hardcover |
Sept. 1, 2021
Words That Made American History: Colonial Times to the 1870’s | John A. Garraty, Richard N. Current | $1.00 | small trade paperback |
Garvin County Extension Home-Makers Bicentennial Recipe Book 1976 | $1.00 | spiral paperback | |
The Works of Haggard | Sir H. Rider Haggard | $2.00 | hardcover |
Brightness Falls from the Air | James Tiptree, Jr. | $2.00 | hardcover |
Out of the Darkness• | Clyde W. Tombaugh, Patrick Moore | $2.00 | hardcover |
Cook ’em Horns | Gladys Howard, Margaret Berry | $2.00 | large hardcover |
Feb. 27, 2019
Beyond the Silver Sky | Kenneth Bulmer | $1.00 | mass market paperback |
Meeting at Infinity | John Brunner | $1.00 | mass market paperback |
Starship Troopers• | Robert A. Heinlein | $1.00 | mass market paperback |
Bodyguard and Four Other Short Novels from Galaxy | H. L. Gold | $2.00 | hardcover |
The Best American Short Stories of the Eighties• | Shannon Ravenelk | $2.00 | trade paperback |
Food & Wine Annual Cookbook 2007 | $2.00 | hardcover |
Aug. 29, 2018
The Shipping News• | Annie Proulx | $1.00 | trade paperback |
A Medicine for Melancholy• | Ray Bradbury | $1.00 | mass market paperback |
The New American Revolution• | Tammy Bruce | $2.00 | hardcover |
Black Holes and Time Warps• | Kip S. Thorne | $2.00 | hardcover |
The Southern Living Soups and Stews Cookbook | $2.00 | hardcover |
Feb. 28, 2018
Tarzan of the Apes | Edgar Rice Burroughs | $1.00 | mass market paperback |
Daybreak—2250 A.D. | Andre Norton | $1.00 | mass market paperback |
King, Queen, Knave | Vladimir Nabokov | $2.00 | hardcover |
Foods of the World: Middle Eastern Cooking | Harry G. Nickles | $2.00 | boxed set |
Whole-Grain Baking Sampler | Beatrice Trum Hunter | $2.00 | hardcover |
Bull Cook and Authentic Historical Recipes and Practices 11th Edition | Berthe E. Herter, George Leonard Herter | $2.00 | hardcover |
In response to The bookstores less traveled: These aren’t the bookstores people travel across the country to visit. But if you’re already traveling across the country, you’ll want to take advantage of the opportunity to visit them.
Wednesday’s special is mesquite-grilled ribeye, very worth the visit. This assumes, of course, that the sale not start on Ash Wednesday, which it does this year and did in 2020. I skipped the sale in 2020 because of that, to my regret when sales were canceled throughout Texas and the United States a few weeks later.
- Black Holes and Time Warps: Einstein’s Outrageous Legacy•: Kip S. Thorne (paperback)
Despite being written over almost exactly a quarter century ago, this is still a highly informative book. It is both a description of the then-current state of black hole and singularity theories but also a history of how scientists had arrived at that point; and a highly accurate prediction of what would be discovered “in the early 2000s”.
- Friends of the Temple Public Library Book Sales and Events
- “The Friends of the Temple Public Library Used Book Sale is held semi-annually—in February and prior to Labor Day. More than 45,000 books are presorted into over 90 categories and displayed in a roomy, comfortable setting on the Library’s 3rd floor. Book donations make the sales possible and account for 95% of the sale inventory.”
- An I-35 book drive
- If you’re looking for a day trip to get you out of the house now that spring is here, why not drive up (or down) I-35 and visit some small bookstores between Round Rock and Waco?
- Review: Brightness Falls from the Air: Jerry Stratton at Jerry@Goodreads
- A parlor room mystery on the lone hostel of planet Damiem, amidst a planet-destroying nova front caused by human… what?
- Review: Meeting at Infinity/Beyond the Silver Sky: Jerry Stratton at Jerry@Goodreads
- A wonderful flip book with a couple of wild stories. On the one side, John Brunner is a known quantity; on the other, warriors armed with tridents and guns, wearing flippers and riding sharks into battle.
- Review: Rudyard Kipling to Rider Haggard: The Record of a Friendship: Jerry Stratton at Jerry@Goodreads
- “The title is the literal content of the book, for the most part. H. Rider Haggard and Rudyard Kipling maintained a long-lasting correspondence, broken up only during those periods when they were so close as to see each other regularly.”
- Sydney, Nova Scotia: Ed’s Books and More
- Ed’s is a great used bookstore in Sydney, very close to the water.
- Bull Cook Historical Recipes
- Mere words cannot describe this authentic relic of the nuclear era. Whether you want the Virgin Mary’s favorite spinach recipe or how to prepare for a cobalt bomb, Herter covers it, keeping “as much in alphabetical order as possible.”
- Review: Bicentennial Cook Book, Fruitport Ladies Auxiliary Post 7803: Jerry Stratton at Jerry@Goodreads
- Bread and butter pickles, barbecued franks and beans, creamy orange salad—this Fruitport, Michigan bicentennial cookbook is filled with homey recipes.
- Review: Cook ’em Horns: Jerry Stratton at Jerry@Goodreads
- A big book, with recipes spanning Texas culture: Southern, Mexican, German, Southwest.
- Review: Garvin County Extension Home-Makers Bicentennial Recipe Book 1976: Jerry Stratton at Jerry@Goodreads
- I seem to find it hard to resist community cookbooks specifically meant to celebrate our 200th anniversary. This book represents a small Oklahoma county and a lot of fascinating recipes.
- Review: The Works of H. Rider Haggard: Jerry Stratton at Jerry@Goodreads
- Four of Haggard’s novels cover the gamut of different styles and characters: Cleopatra, She, King Solomon’s Mines, and Allan Quatermain.
- The Southern Living Cookbook Library
- One of the best magazine-related cookbook series is also the one of the hardest to find. The Southern Living Cookbook Library appears to be under the radar of food writers online, but it either had a very low print run or few people want to get rid of their copies.
- The Southern Living Soups and Stews Cookbook• (hardcover)
- A great tomato-yogurt soup that requires no cooking; a fresh mushroom purée; almond saffron soup. Nice stuff.
- St. Mary’s Altar Society Cookbooks
- The missing index for the St. Mary’s Altar Society cookbooks from 1976 through 1981.
- Johnny’s Steaks & Bar-Be-Que
- “From our Texas Pit BBQ to on-site catering, this is southern hospitality at its best.”
More book sales
- My year in food: 2022
- From New Year to Christmas, from ice cream to casseroles, from San Diego to New Orleans, from 1893 to 2014… and beyond!
- Friends of the New Braunfels Public Library Annual Book Sale
- The annual New Braunfels Library sale is well worth a visit if you live nearby.
- Palestine, Texas: The Palestine Public Library
- The Palestine Public Library opens their booksale room about once a month. If you’re in the area, it’s well worth a look.
More libraries
- Friends of the New Braunfels Public Library Annual Book Sale
- The annual New Braunfels Library sale is well worth a visit if you live nearby.
- Palestine, Texas: The Palestine Public Library
- The Palestine Public Library opens their booksale room about once a month. If you’re in the area, it’s well worth a look.
- Georgetown, Texas: Second-Hand Prose
- The Georgetown public library book nook is possibly the best library bookstore I’ve been to.
- Round Rock, Texas: The Round Rock Public Library
- The Round Rock Public Library’s Book Nook doesn’t have many books, but what it has is quality.
- Newaygo, Michigan: Bay Leaf Books
- If you’re passing near Newaygo Michigan, don’t miss this bookstore hidden among the antique stores and art stores of little Newaygo.