The Musketeers

What did it look like to be a musketeer? What was a musket, and what was war like? Sadly, some of the source information on these images is difficult to find, and I saved them so long ago—back in 2002—that I no longer remember where they’re from. They still provide some visualization of what it meant to be a musketeer in the seventeenth century.

Musketeer, firing

Musketeer, firing: A musketeer, after firing his weapon. Watercolor by Jacob de Gheyn II, from a 1608 edition of “The Exercise of Arms.”; musketeers; seventeenth century; 1600s

A musketeer, after firing his weapon. Watercolor by Jacob de Gheyn II, from a 1608 edition of “The Exercise of Arms.”

The Siege of Breda

The Siege of Breda: Detail from Map of the Siege of Breda, the Netherlands, 1625, Jacques Callot. Ca. 1625-1626; Netherlands; war; seventeenth century; 1600s

Detail from Map of the Siege of Breda, the Netherlands, 1625, Jacques Callot. Ca. 1625-1626

Duel of the Musketeers

Duel of the Musketeers: Seventeenth century mounted musket duel.; musketeers; duels; seventeenth century; 1600s

Seventeenth century mounted musket duel.

Wheellock musket

Wheellock musket: Wheellock musket, engraving.; firearms; musketeers

Wheellock musket, engraving.

Louis XIII Wheellock

Louis XIII Wheellock: Wheellock of French King Louis XIII.; firearms; Louis XIII

Wheellock of French King Louis XIII.

Wheellock elaboration

Wheellock elaboration: This is the kind of elaboration that made wheellocks popular even after the flintlock.; firearms

This is the kind of elaboration that made wheellocks popular even after the flintlock.