These are all books that the creators have put completely on-line. You can spend hours browsing through the archives of some of these comics.
- Abbadabba Web Master
- Barry Dreyfuss
- Brad Teare
- Christian Alexander Francis Cosas
- Dan Gibson
- Derek Mah
- Henry Chiu
- John Bergstrom
- John Gaushell
- Lance Johnson
- Mack White
- Matt Feazell
- Michael Lacombe
- Neil Gustavson
- Patrick Brown
- Paul Carstairs
- Randal Huiskens
- Steven Rice
- Todd Aragon
- Open Directory Project Comics Directory
- A very thorough listing of on-line comic books and strips.
- Abbadabba Web Master: Abba Dabba
- Looks like it hasn’t been fed for a while, but there are a few pages of interesting things in Jam and Ugly.
- Barry Dreyfuss: Vintage Comics Viewing Room
- Old comics, taken off the net because of copyright infringement allegations by DC Comics. Still some good ranting available, though. And some great covers.
- Brad Teare: Official Cypher Graphic Novel Fan Site
- Comic using photorealistic images. Apparently no longer on-line, but you download the font.
- Christian Alexander Francis Cosas: c is for comics
- CultuRe Trap, hole boy, and “a sketchbook record of my drunken revelries”. Great stuff, check it out.
- Dan Gibson: GibbleGuts Comics Magazine
- Strange things to do to cats. More adverts than comics. “Beating you over the head with mindless cartoons.”
- Derek Mah: AttoBoy Online!
- Grimm’s Introduction, Walker Swordsbunny, and others. Some very good stuff here. Read “Not with a whimper”.
- Henry Chiu: Henry Chiu’s Art Gallery
- Includes both the layouts and the finished pages for his book, “2nd Chance” and many others. Such as The Snapdragon Chronicles, from the far future: 2012 AD.
- John Bergstrom: Attack Cartoons
- Contains some funny but not tasteless enough “attack” cartoons. Has shown significant improvement in their political editorial cartoons.
- John Gaushell: WasteLA
Waste L.A.: Descent; the photo-comic to begin photo-comics. And you can order it right here. Or read it right here. Descent is one of the best series I read in 1996, and I strongly recommend you check it out.
- Lance Johnson: Eagle-Man’s Skull Bustin' Page
- And don’t forget Mopey Anne Chic!
- Mack White: Mack White
Some of Mack’s comics, presented fully on-line. Includes the Goat Nuns, The Mutant Book of the Dead, The Treasure of San Diablo, and more!
- Matt Feazell: Not Available Comics
- Blinky, Cutegirl, the Fantabulous Matt Feazell!
- Michael Lacombe: Michel Lacombe
- Where to find Michel’s comics, including some on-line works such as Curious Bjorn and A Great Day to Start Again.
- Neil Gustavson: Dayfree Press
- Because stuff sucks, Dr. McNinja.
- Patrick Brown: Patrick Brown-Cartoonist
- Straight from Northern Ireland, read “Tamara Knight” and “Communication”. Good stories.
- Paul Carstairs: Cu Comics
- Aaaagh! Tales, The Body Shop, and The Virginia Gallery. Pretty good stuff here. Look in “Aaaagh! Tales” for “The Lab That Jack Blew Up.”
- Randal Huiskens: ZoomGraphics
- “On-line comics for the next millenium.” Sorry, new millenium. Includes Johnny Zoom. Nice sixties pot ambience, so check it out.
- Steven Rice: The Gifted
- Electric Comics Graphic Novel about “The End”. Pretty wild computer graphics. Intense story. Read it.
- Todd Aragon: Galaxy Heroes
- Galaxy Comics’ Galaxy Heroes. The first original adventure series published exclusively on the web? Includes their V&V stats. If you don’t know what that means, you’re not part of the initiated. The framed version doesn’t work for me, but the unframed does.