If you’re looking for comics creator home pages, see Comics Creators on the Net.
- The Comic Ground
- As of November 5, 2020, the Comic Ground has been shut down.
- Comics as a career
- The text-only archive of career information on Cerebus the Gopher. Many professionals have made their advice public on the net.
- Creative Markets
- A listing of Internet marketing sources and non-net marketing sources for comic books and creation.
- Gutters™, the Comics Art Illustrators Journal
- An old mailing list dedicated to comic art illustrators, archived for future reference.
- Publishing Your Own Comic
- A sort of basic primer for publishing your own comic, by Adam Swan, of Legacy Comics.
- Retailing Alternative Comics 101
- Everyone has concerns about how to keep a store viable in these times. Ancient capitalist wisdom says: diversify. You may run a perfect superhero comics emporium, but your audience is limited to fans of those comics, and if superhero-comics sales are declining, you have no safety cushion. If you add a mainstream comics section you could attract new buyers.
More Information
- Aazurn Publishing
- Their comic book looks interesting, but what’s really cool is a detailed blog of how they started their business up.
- Active Images
- Fonts and lettering information. Comic book fonts, sound effects, and balloons. Sampled via “Hip Flask, Private Hippo”.
- Art Riders
- Previously a print APA, a site for aspiring cartoonists to display their wares. Currently, just his own strips.
- Blambot Comic Fonts and Lettering
- Free and Pro comic book fonts, lettering, and balloons. Includes some nice articles such as on “comic book grammar”.
- Brenner Printing
- Looks like lots of good information about printing comics and how to get them ready for press.
- Comic Colorists Unite!!!
- Resources for comic book colorists, including archives of past discussions on coloring tips.
- Comic-Con.Com
- “The World’s Biggest Comic Book Convention”. From Steve Conley and Rick Veitch. Rick does the keynote address. There are some chats and “booths” as well. This is an on-line convention. They are theoretically going to have a portfolio review soon. No “Sailor Moon” tchotchkes.
- Comics and Sequential Art•
- Probably the best “how-to” book on comics you’ll find if you’re an illustrator, and not a bad book for writers either. Will Eisner discusses panel layout, storytelling, expressiveness, and the uses of “sequential art” in a book that was way ahead of its time.
- Creating Comics Mailing List
- This is a moderated mailing list for comics professionals “or those aspiring” to be professionals. Moderated means that ‘heated discussion’ (otherwise known as flamewars) are not allowed; messages must be approved by the moderator before anyone gets to read them.
- Creating Comics resource
- A wide-ranging index of information for writers, illustrators, letterers, and self-publishers.
- Dave Sim’s advice on self-publish comics
- “Take two weeks and decide to do a page a day; pencilled, inked and lettered. If you miss a day, look at what you did instead. Whatever caused you to miss doing a page that day is an impediment to your career. Look at the impediment. Look at the work. Make a choice.”
- DC On-Line
- DC Comics official site, with Superman and Batman. Also, submissions guidelines, even for writers.
- Diamond Comics
- “The world’s largest distributor of English language comic books.” Is that a boast or a confession?
- Elmo’s Place
- Some FAQs and “Who’s Who in Astro City”. Also Kurt Busiek’s “On Writing for Comics”.
- Eon Productions
- Comic art boards, including vellum and custom. Also, some “ready to ink” samples.
- Graphic Storytelling•
- I haven’t read this yet, but it was written by Will Eisner, so it is likely to be very useful.
- Hi Profile Productions
- Designed to profile “up-and-coming” hot artists. Great idea, they could use one for their graphic design. Also includes an art auction and an on-line workshop. Of real interest is a history of Black and minority comics, a listing of black artists in the industry, and a listing of black characters in comics.
- The How to Draw Comics and Cartoons Site
- Robert Shelley’s site has a lot of video tutorials and a few non-video tutorials on drawing and inking animation and comic books. “I do it for the sheer joy of doing.”
- The How-To Guide to Comics
- Ennead’s How-To Guide for Cartoonists and Comics Illustrators: Cartooning and Self-Publishing Links, including the Cartoonist’s Materials FAQ.
- Indy-Friendly Comics Stores
- Stores that (a) make an effort to stock indy comics, and (b) make an effort to push indy comics. Good listing if you’re a small publisher looking for a mailing list.
- indyworld
Originally a great print magazine, Indy has become the best site out there for getting information Independent and self-published titles. Also includes the “Industry Addresses” compilation for professional use.
- James D. Hudnall
- “Writer-Provocateur”. ESPers and the Age of Heroes. Includes a self-publishing primer for others who want to go the same route and writing info as well. Thanks, James! (Problem: his author doesn’t understand either Java or web browsing.)
- little engine studios online
- The company diary is the most interesting part of this site. “Here I’ll share all of the fun things we do here as I try and make a business out of another man’s hobby.” Includes Small Press Expo notes.
- Mini-Comics.Com
- I have no idea what this is, but it was recommended by Dino so it has to be cool. Something to do with a small press database and message boards where you can “discus topic’s [sic] of interest to the small press community”.
- National Cartoonists Society Home Page
- Award winners and other NCS info. Includes “Cartooning 101”.
- Notes on "On Writing for Comics"
- Originally written for professional science fiction authors, but very useful for just about anybody wanting to write comic scripts.
- Photocomics
- A resource for small press comics in the United Kingdom. Includes a list of photo comics, mostly if not all on-line.
- Professional Cartoonists Index
- Includes “Hogan’s Alley” as well as the Teacher’s Guide to cartooning in education.
- Quebecor
- Quebecor printing in Canada, posters, comics, magazines, in black and white or color. Translate from French
- A Self-Publishing Comics Primer
- “One of the coolest thing about the comics world is that it doesn’t dismiss self-publishers the way the lit world does. Maybe because it’s a less pretentious field, or a newer one, or that drawing talent is more quickly discerned at a glance. Certainly it helps that one of the more prominent awards and grants, the Xeric, is open only to self-publishers.”
- Small Press Comics Chat
- A FAQ and a Prayer. “one of the coolest things about small press is the freedom to do whatever you want, without being shackled by genre, market considerations, or even your own past work. Try it, you’ll like it!”
- Small Press Comics FAQ
- An outgrowth of the Small Press Comics Chat, includes “what should I draw with”, “how do I get published”, and “what are small press comics, anyway?”
- Small Publishers’ Co-Op
- Located in Sarasota, Florida. Magazine printing service.
- South Island Print Services
- Supporters of the Joe Schuster Canadian Comic Book Creator awards, they have a special section of their site for short-run printing of comics: "we do comics.com" and "u do comics.com". No on-line pricing.
- Steve Gerber
From the author of Howard the Duck and Void Indigo and many Saturday morning cartoons. Look around for short stories, comic book script templates, and Steve’s latest comics. Also, read his blog. “Only when a writer has been called a liberal, pseudo-intellectual, oversexed manic-depressive can he be sure he’s fighting the good fight.”
- Understanding Comics•
- Everyone who is interested in comics as an artform or as a medium of information exchange should read this book. You’ll have fun just leafing through it reading the various chapters.
- Vampi the Vegetarian Vampire
- Hey Kids! Draw Vampi!