These web sites are designed around a special topic—most of them, favorite comic book superheroes.
More Information
- Adam Strange Page
- Confirmed and uncomfirmed Adam Strange sightings. Has some nice images of covers that Strange has appeared on.
- Alan Moore Fan Site
- News and discussion, marketplace, and more. Alan Moore fans should definitely check this out! Looks like it may have fallen into shadow in May 2006, though.
- Ambush Bug Archive
- An archive of Ambush Bug appearances throughout the DC universe.
- Anal Retentive Bill Sienkiewicz
- Everything that Sienkiewicz ever pulled out of his arse.
- Anal Retentive Mike Grell
- Everything that Mike Grell ever pulled out of his arse.
- Andrea Pazienza
- Sorry. My Italian is nonexistant. “In giocoliere magnetico della nostra esistenza contemporaneamente lupo e Cappuccetto Rosso.” Something about a magnetic juggler for our existence, according to Babelfish. Translate from Italian
- Annotated Watchmen
- Alan Moore’s Watchmen, picked apart like day-old turkey in rec.arts.comics.misc.
- Anonima Fumetti
- “Centro Nazionale del Fumetto”. The Italian Cartoonists’ Society. Long load time, but if you’re an Italian cartoonist, probably worth it. Translate from Italian
- Aquaman FAQ
- Like, why so many origins for a fishman? Who is this fishman anyway?
- Avengers Assemble!
- An Avengers discussion site, complete roster through the ages, and reviews, cover gallery, more. Much more. If you have ever been an Avengers fan, stop by this site now.
- The Bacchus Index Page
- The “Compleat Comicography” of Eddie Campbell’s Bacchus.
- Basil Wolverton Home Page
- Lots of stuff about Basil Wolverton, including articles about him, by him, and some great scans.
- Boneville
- Bone info, Bone stuff. Bone games, Jeff Smith’s blog. Way cool.
- Classic Felix the Cat Page
- Felix in comics, film, and television. I can’t seem to play the movies, though.
- Crazed Ferret
The Crazed Ferret quicktime/avi movies! Must sees! Getting a bit long in the tooth, and what’s with the Star Trek trailer on each one? Nice examples of early multimedia from the Carnageian era of the net.
- The Dark Knight
- The obsessive-compulsive Batman? Comprehensive list of storylines, fan art, and deep, dark thoughts.
- DC Comics Fanzine
- Fan press on DC Comics, info about DC at conventions, and all DC’s creations. Includes Fan Fiction? The “never-ending battle” appears to have ended in 1999, but its good that the rest of the site is still available. There are some interesting interviews from the mid to late nineties in their features.
- Desert Peach Discussion List
- A list dedicated to the discussion of the Desert Peach comic created by Donna Barr.
- The Doc Savage Library
- Artwork, cover gallery (back to 1966), and one or two odd facts. Also, lots of ads. Mostly focussed on the comic books (the site, not the ads).
- Doom Patrol
- Mostly Grant Morrison’s Doom Patrol (as it should be), but a little about others. Doesn’t look like it’s updated much.
- The Dreaming
- Neil Gaiman signings, news, and creations. News isn’t kept that up-to-date any more.
- Elliot S! Maggin
Fan info on Elliot S! Maggin, including descriptions of his contributions to the Superman mythos. Also including samples from “Last Son of Krypton” and “Miracle Monday”, two brilliant novels. This is a must stop site, folks. Find out why he uses the exclamation!!!!!!
- European Comics on the Web
- An overview of information on European comics available on the web. Hot stuff! From “Achille Talon” to “Zappeurs”.
- FDR Cartoon Archive
- Political cartoons from the presidency of Franklin D. Roosevelt.
- Fluide Glacial
- Le “journal de Bandessinées mondialement connu en France.” That is, if my French serves me, the “journal of worldly comics found in France.” Which it probably doesn’t. Nice images, though. Translate from French
- The Gerber Curse
- This is a fascinating ongoing history of Steve Gerber (up to three chapters as I write this) by an anonymous author who is not Mark Evanier but is fairly knowledgeable about Gerber’s life.
- Get-A-Life Boy’s LSH Blog
- “Continuity has been a problem throughout the almost fifty-year history of the LSH.” Or was that Stating-the-Obvious Lad?
- Golden Age Batman Site
- Cover art from the golden age of Batman!
- Grant Morrison Comixography
Everything ever written by Grant Morrison, including some plays. If you want Grant Morrison, this is the place to be.
- Horse Press
- The home of Paul Pope, “one of the most promising talents that the comics world has seen in a long time.” Creator of “THB”, “Head Trip”, and “Road Trip”. Currently unavailable?
- Hothead Paisan (Homicidal Lesbian Terrorist)
- Gallery of covers! Cast of characters! Sample Pages! Must-see if you are a Paisan wannabe and need to know how to dress and what weapons to carry.
- Incredible Hulk Library
- An oddly-wide-ranging blog, info from the movie, some interesting fan fiction, and a nice cover gallery.
- Invisibles: The Bomb
- News, annotations, plot summaries, and background info for the Invisibles. Buy your anarchy here! It becomes more cool every revolution.
- Jerry Sweet’s Cerebus Companion
- A 130-page book by Jerry Sweet, written in 1989, discussing Cerebus—now two decades out of date, of course. Available in text, postscript, or dvi for your reading pleasure.
- Jess Nevins
- Some information relating to Timely Comics (that’s the long ago Marvel) and some very good annotations of Alan Moore’s “League of Extraordinary Gentlemen”, “The Nail”, and “Kingdom Come”.
- Jewish Comics: A Select Bibliography
- Not a listing of Jewish superheroes, but a listing of presentations of Jewish individuals in comic books, from Leonard & Larry to Wonder Woman. Includes some Jack Chick tracts aimed at Jews.
- Joe Simon
- Information on the licensing and use of Joe Simon’s creations, from Jim Simon, current owner.
- Kryptonian Cybernet
- An on-line magazine devoted to the Superman mythos. Used to be a fun place to be. These are just the archives.
- Letitia Lerner, Superman’s Babysitter
- Kyle Baker’s DC-censored work, “Superbaby”, from the pulped 80-page giant Elseworlds book.
- Long Live the Legion Page
- APA info, back issues of Omnicom, timeline, and Who’s Who on the Legion. Also, a MUSH or two.
- The Lunar Vault
- Lots of references and subreferences that Ted thinks he sees in Grant Morrison’s light-hearted pop romp “The Invisibibles”.
- Maida Carpia’s Comix Page
- Includes some pictures and a Strangers in Paradise page. Also, some nice reviews of what she likes.
- Mike Knauer’s Elfquest Resource Page
- Extremely complete collection of Elfquest links, from chats to mushes to pages.
- Milo Manara
- Italian cartoonist. Apparently the author of the Kama Sutra. Tits and butts do all sorts of weird things here.
- Nightwing FAQ
- Timeline, background, whatever for the crimefighter formerly known as Robin.
- Official Tug & Buster Home Page
- Join Tug, Buster, Stinkfinger, and Genital Ben at Art and Soul Comics. Someday, maybe.
- Rec.Arts.Comics.XBooks FAQ
- The Frequently Asked Questions files for Marvel’s X-Book discussion group.
- Sandman Annotations
- More than you ever wanted to know about the Sandman. Or is there ever too much Sandman info?
- She-Hulk Library
- The She-Hulk was always an odd 80s duck: a lawyer who could turn green with anger. This site has a cover gallery and a few other things, but isn’t as complete as Julio’s Hulk library.
- Silver Surfer Web Page
- The old and the new of the Silver Surfer. Fan stories, drawings, and hate groups. Well, the old and old of the Silver Surfer now. Long, long time since last update.
- Super Pets Home Page?!?
- Streaky, Comet, Krypto, Beppo… Even Biron the Bowman. Somebody needs to get out more often.
- Usagi Yojimbo Dojo
- Letters columns straight from the comics and anything else you need about your favorite Ronin Rabbit.
- Valiant Visions
- News and information about the Valiant universe, price guides on valiant comics, cover library, that sort of thing. Lots of fan info and forums.
- Vertigo FAQ
What do you want to know about the Vertigo line from DC Comics? A decent amount of news links here. Worth checking out. Getting a little old, however. November 1999?
- WARP Graphics Elfquest Page
- “The Wolf has come out to play.” Also, apparently the movie is finally heading into the end game. Or maybe the stalemate.
- Watching the Detectives
- An interesting, if long abandoned, commentary and discussion on Watchmen plus a bunch of other stuff. The older things seem to be falling off the edge.
- Women In Refrigerators
- This very unique site is a list of “superheroines who have been either depowered, raped, or cut up and stuck in the refrigerator.”
- X-Books FAQ Archive
- FAQ Guides to the various X-Books.
- À la découverte de Tintin
- Information about Hergé and his comics, especially Tintin. Et bientôt! Translate from French