Comics are more popular on the net than they have any right to be. The following pages are sorted by how useful I think they are. Your mileage, as they say, may vary. Boiling temperature depends on height above sea level.
More Information
- Ab Irato
- Subversive art and literature. Isn’t all art subversive? Some of it is in English, all of it is interesting. Translate from French
- Baldur Bjarnason
- Audio interviews with people like Scott McCloud and Kurt Busiek. From Reykjavik. Comics as Literature is unfortunately gone, but there’s still some good stuff here.
- Beek’s Books
- Wide variety of good reviews, including a special section for gay, lesbian and bi reviews.
- CAPTION Comics Convention
- More about the beer central comics convention, CAPTION. They keep info on previous Captions for you to read in case you’re considering heading out to Oxford for the next one. “Oxford's annual alternative comics convention.”
- Centre National de la Bande Dessinée et de l’Image
- Something to do with Angoulême and the Musée de la Bande Dessinée. Lots of pictures of people visiting the museum. Lots of pictures of cartoons visiting the museum. Translate from French
- Classics of Comic Book Advertising
- Poorly designed web site with really cool images: many old ads such as “The Insult” and those amazing Sea Monkeys. Check it out! Too bad Silly Putty doesn’t work on the web.
- Comic Book Collecting
- When are these corporations going to figure out that there isn’t a hell of a lot of money in comics? Ah, well, there are a few good links among the ads.
- Comic Book Resources
- One of the most complete comic book resources available, with some decent news archives going back to August 17, 1998.
- Comics Media Archives
- A collection of comics links, to on-line comic strips. I would complain about their nineties-style web page, but at least they update their links, so who am I to talk?
- Comics Shop News
- A bit of comics shop news—what’s late, and why it’s cool that it’s late. Print version only, but there might be a podcast around there somewhere.
- Dave’s Rants
- A year’s archive of Dave’s reviews, Dave’s Rants, LNH Archives, and other stuff.
- Digital Webbing
- Looks like a very impressive job site, though the jobs bit gets a bit hidden in the bling. Publishes anthologies of “aspiring and established talent”.
- DMOZ Comics Section
- The open directory project’s listing of comics areas and the major comics-oriented Usenet discussion groups.
- Du9
- Ami lecteur, lectrice mon amour! Interviews, editorials, reviews. Now with an English section for select articles. Translate from French
- Elmo’s Place
- Some FAQs and “Who’s Who in Astro City”. Also Kurt Busiek’s “On Writing for Comics”.
- EuroBD
- Franquin, Dodier, Hermann, et autres. And an amazingly huge webring of bande-dessinée sites. Translate from French
- Fluide Glacial
- Le “journal de Bandessinées mondialement connu en France.” That is, if my French serves me, the “journal of worldly comics found in France.” Which it probably doesn’t. Nice images, though. Translate from French
- Foolscap
- Bellevue, Washington convention for “flat press” (comics, drawn books, prose) comes highly recommended by Donna Barr.
- Friends of Lulu
- Friends of Lulu is a national organization aimed at getting more girls and women involved in comic books. The group’s main purpose is to promote and encourage female readership and participation in the comic book industry.
- Fringe Megazeen
- An Australian comic-book directory and fanzine directory.
- Grand Comic-Book Database Project
- A plan to put information about all comics on-line in a searchable format. Includes an occasional search engine. Great resource.
- Hero Realm
- Once they had coverage of upcoming movie controversies, such as the “no organic webshooters” movement., interviews with Stan Lee, and interviews with Marvel Comics about their Wall Street problems. Their forums are still active, however.
- Hey Kids! Page
- Convention information, creator information, and interviews. This is the editor of Indy, folks. Head on over and take a look!
- Hi Profile Productions
- Designed to profile “up-and-coming” hot artists. Great idea, they could use one for their graphic design. Also includes an art auction and an on-line workshop. Of real interest is a history of Black and minority comics, a listing of black artists in the industry, and a listing of black characters in comics.
- The History of Comic Books
- The History of Superhero Comics has been updated to comic books in general. Great resource for comics history buffs. Nice cover shots.
- indyworld
Originally a great print magazine, Indy has become the best site out there for getting information Independent and self-published titles. Also includes the “Industry Addresses” compilation for professional use.
- Jess Nevins
- Some information relating to Timely Comics (that’s the long ago Marvel) and some very good annotations of Alan Moore’s “League of Extraordinary Gentlemen”, “The Nail”, and “Kingdom Come”.
- Maida Carpia’s Comix Page
- Includes some pictures and a Strangers in Paradise page. Also, some nice reviews of what she likes.
- New Comic Book Releases List
- A weekly list of comics that should have shipped from Diamond. 1996 Squiddy award winner.
- Open Directory Project Comics Listing
- A wide-ranging listing of comic book related links, from fan pages to reviews (and what’s the difference, anyway?).
- Photocomics
- A resource for small press comics in the United Kingdom. Includes a list of photo comics, mostly if not all on-line.
- Pipeline Reviews
- “A strange blend of pithy commentary, wildly broad statements, and reviews of comics” from the ancient days of the world (or at least the net).
- Even if you don’t read rec.arts.comics, the RAC FAQ contains answers to questions you didn't even dream of asking… until now.
- RAC FAQ Index
- Index to all of the Rec.Arts.Comics Frequently Asked Questions files. If you have a question about comics or some strange esoteric item that only you would be interested in, this is the place to look first.
- Read About Comics
- Lots of news, reviews, and chats about comics I’ve never heard of—and that’s a great thing to find. Look around for the iComics archive, which contains good reviews going back to the nineties.
- Realms of Wonder
- The Realms of Wonder comic book tracking system. Windows-only.
- Sequential Tart
- A webzine about comics published by an eclectic band of women. Good interviews with lots of people, lots of reviews of cool comics, and opinions, opinions, opinions.
- The Todd H. Goldberg, M.D. site
- Including the Phantom FAQ and Prince Valiant index.
- WHAM!! BAM!! POW!!
- Cool Comic Links with Cool Comics Remarks. Lots of bad links, though.
- Women In Refrigerators
- This very unique site is a list of “superheroines who have been either depowered, raped, or cut up and stuck in the refrigerator.”
- World Famous Comics
- Comic book news and trivia? Also, Tony Isabella’s columns, Matt Feazell, Alvin Schwartz, and Don Simpson’s Megaton Man.
- WPage
- An extremely in-depth description of the events leading up to Crisis—starting from the origin of the Flash! Also includes an Amalgam annotation, and GURPS: Godzilla, for role-playing in the Toho universe.