Welcome to Negative Space. You’ll find quite a bit of eclectic stuff here, much of it from before the web. There’ll also be a few hoboes lurking in the corners.
Negative Space
- Jerry Stratton
- Jerry Stratton is a writer, blogger, and reader. You can read his works at the blog, Mimsy Were the Borogoves, the satirical newspaper The Walkerville Weekly Reader, and everywhere fine words are bought and sold.
- Search Negative Space
- Step on in to the Negative Space search engine for all the best in literature, politics, food, and role-playing games.
- Elder Pages of Beelzebub
- An archive of text files from the beginning of the Internet. Most of them are from old Usenet postings regarding guns, drugs, and other politics. “That is not lost which can eternal lie, and with strange cycles even 404 may archive.”
- The Walkerville Weekly Reader
- In the end times, one newspaper dared to call God to task for His hypocrisy. That newspaper was not us, we swear it. Not the eternal flames!
- Mimsy Were the Borogoves
- The official blog of Jerry Stratton.
- Strange Bedfellows
- Politics makes for strange bedfellows, and virtual sex in defense of liberty is no vice...
- Cerebus the Gopher
- Information about comics, comics creation, and meeting up with other comics creators. Serving the on-line comics community since 1991!
- FireBlade Coffeehouse
- Online books, editorials, recommended book and movie lists, and in-your-face politics.
- Highland Games
- Highland Games, for the best gaming links, including free and shareware role-playing games, the Men & Supermen superhero RPG, and the original home of the NAGEE for Shadowrun.
- Neon Alley
- The Internet in literature, signs and portents of the future, and tutorials for today.
San Diego
- San Diego After Midnight
- There is nothing quite like the hunger you get at three in the morning when everyone else has gone to sleep. If you’re hanging with the late crowd in San Diego, come and see where you can time out for a bite after midnight!