From: [k--s--n] at [] (Aphoriel/Kinsman) Newsgroups: Subject: Street Fighter: Scottish Highland Fighting (unofficial) Date: 27 Jul 1994 23:10:07 GMT SCOTTISH HIGLANDER FIGHTING If Sanbo could be considered the premiere style of orthodox wrestling, Scottish Highlander could probably be considered the premiere style of the unorthodox side of things. Scottish Higlander Fighting is a vigorous form of what is best described as regimented brawling. It is a fair bit faster than ordinary wrestling style due to its even focus between grabbing and striking with the arms, legs, anything. Scottish Highlander is also a fairly comic style - it has several innovators in its stable who love nothing better than to work out real-life applications to implausible and sometimes ridiculous maneuvers seen in fiction or lucky serendipity. Schools: Scottish fighters run about in cliques - newcomers wander into a group of fighters (SHF'ers have no real masters or teachers), suffer through a period of hazing, and eventually learn the ropes through endless struggling with members of the clique and other cliques during the various Higland Festivals that occur throughout Scotland. Anyone expecting discipline is apt to be disappointed when learning SHF. Most Higlanders act like terrible sods throughout their training and career, getting drunk, staying up late at night, starting fights at the slightest of insults, etc., etc.. Members: The SHF world is chauvanistic and clannish, such that only very rarely is someone non-Scottish or female allowed to join. Anyone from those groups wishing to learn is better off joining a clique made up of women or non-Scots; these cliques tend to be socially cut off from the others. Concepts: Scottish heavyweight athlete, Bar bouncer, Toughman, Shepherd Initial Chi: 2 Initial Willpower: 5 Quote: "Well, I dinna know, boys.. he's pretty good, but he nae canna compete against old Lancie McThrash back in Dunsfield.. Aye, boys? Aye!" PUNCH Buffalo Punch (1 pt.) Ear Pop (2 pts.) Head Butt (1 pt.) Hyper Fist (5 pts.) Rekka Ken (5 pts.) Shockwave (4 pts.) Head Knocker* (2 pts.) Gut Punch* (2 pts.) KICK Double Dread Kick (4 pts.) BLOCK Maka Wara (4 pts.) GRAB Back Breaker (2 pts.) Bear Hug (1 pt.) Brain Cracker (1 pt.) Grappling Defense (4 pts.) Neck Choke (2 pts.) Storm Hammer (5 pts.) Twirl & Hurl* (4 pts.) Double Slam* (4 pts.) ATHLETICS Thunderstrike (1 pt.) FOCUS Stunning Shout (3 pts.) HEAD KNOCKER Prerequisites: Punch **, Grab ** Power Points: Scottish Highland Fighting 2, Any 3 The famous move that you always saw in the movies was considered impractical in real life, until one Highlander worked out how to be fast enough to actually pull off the stunt.. System: The Highlander must have two opponents adjacent to both him and to each other. The Highlander reaches forth, grabs both their heads, and knocks them together. Both opponents take damage. This moves goes past Blocks; neither opponent may add their Block technique to their Soak total. Cost: None Speed: - 1 Damage: - 1 Move: - 1 GUT PUNCH Prerequisites: Punch ** Power Points: Scottish Highland Fighting 2, Any 3 The Highlander swings his fist in a wide arc to land deep within the abdominals of his opponent. Very painful, and often takes the wind out of the victim's breath. System: Use these modifiers. The Gut Punch is also capable of causing a Knockdown. Cost: None Speed: - 2 Damage: + 4 Move: Two TWIRL & HURL Prerequisites: Grab ****, Athletics ** Power Points: Scottish Higland Fighting 4 This move is famous among bar-frequenting Highlanders as an excellent way to clear an area for fighting properly in, and all it needs is one willing person lying nearby to pull it off.. System: The victim of the T & H must be already Knocked Down. The Highlander seizes the victim by the legs (need not move into the same hex to perform this Grab) and swings the poor fellow around a few times before throwing him through the air. During the swinging around, anyone in a ring of hexes around the Highlander takes damage as written below and is Knocked Down. The swinging continues for quite a while, until the end of the combat turn (such that anyone walking into the ring during this time will also be affected by the damage and Knockdown.) At the end of the combat turn, the Highlander lets go, sending the victim a number of straight-line hexes in the direction of the fighter's choice, a distance equal to the fighter's Strengh score. The throwee is Knocked Down upon landing. Cost: 1 Willpower Speed: + 0 Damage: - 2 (if struck by the whirler) + 2 (if the throwee) Move: Two DOUBLE SLAM Prerequisites: Grab *** Power Points: Scottish Higland Fighting 4 Scottish Highlanders show off their strengh with this move, where they pick their victim up, slam her to the ground, then hoist her up again without letting go to bring her overhead to slam her down again! System: This Grab maneuver ignores Blocks. The victim is hoisted overhead to land for the first slam in the hex opposite where she was relative to the Highlander, then is returned to her own hex after the second slam. The Highlander must move into the same hex to grab, but steps back for the slams, thus effectively not moving from his original position. The victim is Knocked Down. She also takes seperate damage from each individual slam. Cost: 1 Willpower Speed: - 1 Damage: + 0, - 3(for the second slam) Move: One -------------------------------------------------------- Please send any comments you may have to [k--s--n] at [] . -Aphoriel/Kinsman Sean Givan