From: [c--u--d] at [esk] (Craig Thomas Judd)
Organization: University of Tasmania at Launceston
Date: Sun, 5 Apr 92 10:28:10 GMT
============================================================================ ANARCHA AUSTRALIS
Anarcha Australis is set in Australia (though is easily adaptable to most other places) in around 2020. After the Total Economic Collapse brought around in 1993 by the Keating government (insert own government here), Australia turned into a total anarchy. Looting and other crimes turned rife as the prices on commercial products skyrocketed; the government attempted to bring back economic order by re-evaluating the economy, and released the $500 coin. However, it was too late; the entire country collapsed. In the next five years, crime, disease and famine ruled as families attempted to survive in
the total chaos of post-economic collapse. The government, after its initial attempts of stabilisation, faded away.
Now, 27 years after this event, things have stabilised somewhat. The population has been reduced to 3% of pre-collapse. No longer do factories produce goods for the public. If you want food, you must find it or grow your own. If you want to survive, you must either join one of the tiny communities scattered throughout the country, or be well-armed. The countryside is full of biker gangs driving ethanol-powered machines, snatched from the first few days of anarchy. Now, such vehicles are an heirloom, to be passed from one generation to the next. And there are the Ronins from Japan, come down to the North of the country to hunt and hone their skills.
The system for Anarcha Australis operates solely on d10. There are eight stats, five physical and four mental. To generate these, roll 9 d10 and record their separate results. You may then divide these between your stats as you see fit.
CON - Constitution	Gives your level of physical fitness.
BOD - Body	Your physical toughness.
REF - Reflexes	Speed. 
DEX - Dexterity	Accuracy.
ATT - Attractiveness	Physical beauty.
CHN - Channeling	Ability to direct psychic energies, concentration.
LOG - Logic	Ability to reason.        
CRE - Creativity	Ability to think inventively and originally.
CHA - Charisma	Mental attractiveness, ability to get on with others.
When these are determined, you may calculate your hit points and damage levels. You may require a calculator for damage levels.
There are three types of Hit Points, which go down one after the other.
END - Endurance:	CON+CHN:	Ability to absorb damage before it becomes serious. 
STR - Strength	CON+BOD:	Damage that may be taken before falling unconscious.
LIF - Life:	CHN+BOD:	Damage after unconsciousness taken before death.
First END goes down, the STR, then LIF. STR is divided into five damage levels. The levels give a modifier to REF, CHN, LOG and CRE.
Level 0 - No damage to STR                        - Modifier =  0
Level 1 - 1 pt to 25% of STR damage (round UP)    - Modifier = -1 Level 2 - 26% to 50% of STR damage (round DOWN)   - Modifier = -2 Level 3 - 51% to 75% of STR damage (round DOWN)   - Modifier = -3 Level 4 - 76% to 100% of STR damage (points left) - Modifier = -4 
As an example, Ryobi the Ronin has 12 STR points. His damage levels go as such:
Level 0 - 0 pts damage done to STR
Level 1 - 1 to 3 pts damage done to STR Level 2 - 4 to 6   "    "     "   "  " Level 3 - 7 to 9   "    "     "   "  " Level 4 - 10 to 12 "    "     "   "  "
If you like, have only three Damage Levels: 
(none, 1%-50%=-2, 50%-100%=-4), or only two (none, any=-4).
Your character may now choose skills. The number of skill points a character has equals REF+CRE+LOG.
There are different classes of skills. Having a skill in a class will raise all other skills in that class to 0, instead of the usual -1 penalty applied to skills where no related skill is posessed. 
Eg, Ryobi has the skill Martial Arts. This is under the category of Hand-ToHand. regardless of his martial Arts skill level, he has all other Hand-ToHand skills as a 0. If he did not posess any Hand-To-Hand skills (which would be pretty stupid for a Ronin), he would have all skills in the category as a -1.
Guns (DEX based skills)
Sub-Machine Gun
Machine Gun
Energy Gun
Artillery (DEX based skills)
Missile Launcher 
Mounted Gun
Energy Cannon
Agility (REF based skills)
Climbing (CON may be applicable)
Hand-To-Hand (DEX based skills)
Blade Weapons (eg sword)
Pole Arms (eg spear, axe)
Short Weapons (eg knife)
Improvised Weapons (eg rock, chair)
Streetfighting (Brawling)
Martial Arts (CHN may be applicable)
Piloting (REF based skills)
Psychics (CHN based skills)
Healing (ammount roll succeeded by + 1)
Shield (Protects for ammount roll succeeded by + 1 points of damage)
Concentration (CHN based skills)
Spot Hidden
Affect Stat (eg skill roll, by ammount roll succeeded by + 1 points) Sixth Sense/ESP
Charisma (CHA based skills)
Seduction (ATT may be applicable)
Empathy (eg listening skills, mood assessment, crowd motivation)
Construction/Design (CRE based skills)
Artwork (specific)
Sciences (LOG based skills)
Computer Maintenance
Read and Write
First Aid (heals by ammount succeeded by +1)
Computers (LOG based skills)
Computer Program
Computer Operation
Computer Hack/Infiltrate
(Feel free to add more skills or classes as needed)
If a skill test is inappropriate, a stat may be tested on 1 d10; eg trying to lift a slab of concrete off someone. Modifiers to the stat may be from + to -5.
First Aid needs sanitary conditions to operate efficiently. If conditions and equipment are makeshift (ie shirt for bandage), only half the good is
done (round DOWN).
The skill Design should be used when attempting to design a computer program or an experiment for structured research. If this is succeeded, then a roll 
is made in the field required to see if you have enough knowledge in the field to perform the designed task correctly. Other skills may be used in this way, at the GM's discretion.
You may divide your skillpoints between any skills you wish. No skill can have more than 10 points.
Now you have all these lovely skills, you will need to know how to use them. Decide which skill is to be used. Add the rating for the skill (-1 if no skills in the class are posessed, 0 if skills in the class are posessed, or the skill rating if the skill is posessed). You should probably total these ratings up as the character is being created. To succeed in a skill, roll under or equal to the rating on 2 d10. Anything over is a failure. Various modifiers apply to the skill rating:
Difficulty Modifiers
Cinch	+10
V. Easy      +6
Easy	+3
Average       0
Difficult    -3
V. Difficult -6
'Tricky...'  -10
(Modifiers may be anywhere from + to - 10.)
Combat Modifiers : Ranged (To-Hit)
Guns		Bows
	(100m.      +1	(50m.      +1
	100-200m.    0	50-100m.    0
	200m.+      -2	100m.+     -2
Target stationary	+2
Target moving	-1
Target moving rapidly  -2
Normal sights	+1
Laser sights	+2
Night/bad light	-2
	0%		0
	25%		-1
	50%		-2
	75%		-5
	99%		-8
Combat Modifiers : Melee (To-Hit)
Weapon 3ft/1m.+	+1     
Second attack in round -3
Third attack in round  -6
Target unaware	+2
Combat Modifiers : Melee (Damage with striking weapon or bow)
		1-2      0
		3-5     +1
		6-8     +2
		9-10    +4
Affect Stat is an interesting psychic skill, and utilises the same modifying points as used by several other skills. Most of these can be used in conjunction with another skill roll. For example:
Ryobi has a Martial Arts total rating of 13. He has an Affect Stat of 12, and a Shield of 11. In combat, he decides to enhance his chances of hitting his opponent by using his Affect Stat skill. He makes a roll, and rolls 10. This gives him a modifier of +4 to his attack, as he succeeded by 3 points; +1 to give the total modifier. If you fail, work out the modifier in the same 
way, and take away the number from your roll and your hits. All Psychic skills do damage if you fail them.
Eg, Ryobi fails his to-dodge roll against his opponent. He attempts to throw up a shield to absorb the damage, but rolls 15. Not only does his shield not come up, but he takes 3 points of damage from the failed roll. If he'd failed by rolling 12, he would have taken no damage (except from his opponent's attack). If an Affect Stat roll is failed, then a penalty is inflicted as a modifier rather than a bonus. If Shield is failed, you merely take damage. If Heal is failed, you take damage but the patient does not.
The game runs on a cumulative experience rather than levels. Each time a skill is used, award between 1 and 10 exp. to it (I couldn't fit a space
for this on the sample character sheet...). Every time you have a number of exp in a skill equal to the current level x5, you may put it up one level and erase the exp used. (yeah, it's a CP ripoff, so sue me!)
General exp can be awarded, too: these may either be used in skills, or may put a stat up (max.10) for each 100 exp spent. Don't forget to recalculate hits and skills.
Combat takes place in 3 second rounds. Each person (highest REF goes first) has UP TO 3 attacks (at serious penalties for the last two), and may attempt to dodge as many atatcks directed at them as they wish. In order to hit, the attacker adds their weapon skill to their DEX and adds 2 d10. They may also attempt an Affect Stat roll if they wish. The defender adds their Acrobatics 
skill to their REF and adds 2 d10. Alternatively (or if the attack hits) they may attempt to throw up a psychic Shield. They may also attempt an Affect Stat roll on either of those two actions.
After the first round, initiative stays in the same order. Therefore, if a person with low REF ambushes someone with a high REF, the low-REF person retains initiative for the entire combat. New participants may insert themselves anywhere on the initiative list.
Instead of an attack, a player may choose to use another skill. Each skill roll made takes the place of one attack, and is subject to the same multipleuse modifiers as attacks.
Each player may also move during each round. Characters may move as many metres as their DEX+Acrobatics x 10 per round.
Now you know how to use them, you may need to know what you can have. Below is a list of weapons.
Weapon            Damage          Shots             Shots/Attack
Pistol             2 d10         20 (clip)               1
Rifle              4 d10         2 (breech)              1 Shotgun            3 d10         2 (breech)              2 Assault Rifle      7 d10         10 (case)               1
Sub Machinegun	2 d10/shot      50 (clip)    5 (burst, see below) or 1
Machinegun	2 d10/shot      60 (clip)     10 (burst, see below) 
Energy Gun		4 d10       20 (cartridge)       2 (separate)
Missile Launcher Grenade 7 d10   24 (case)	1
	Rocket 9 d10
Energy Cannon		9 d10       50 (cartridge)	1
Sword		2 d10	-	1
Axe		2 d10	-	1
Halberd		2 d10	-	1
Pike	2 d10 -1	-	1
Spear	2 d10 -1	-	1
Knife		1 d10	-	2
Mace/Club	2 d10 -1	-	1
Longbow	2 d10 -2	-	1
Crossbow		2 d10	-                  1/3
Grenade		7 d10	-	1
Kick	1 d10 -1	-	1
Jump Kick	1 d10 +1	-                  1/2
Punch		1/2 d10	-	2 
Hits that take 2 attacks to perform also get the -3 modifier, or -6 if another attack was made. No more than 3 attacks-worth of strikes may be made per round.
With automatic weaponry, each shot in a burst is rolled to-hit separately. More than one target may be fired upon with one burst (which is one attack), but for each target after the first a -2 penalty is assigned to the to-hit roll.
With all these people throwing bullets and blades around, you may wish to avoid damage, other than dodging and psychic shields. Armour absorbs damage; there are no hit areas, so a percentage chance of hitting the armour is given, depending on how much covers the body (ie glove covers 5%). If more damage
is done than the armour has Stopping Power, then excess damage is done to the wearer. Damage is done to armour's hits. When its hits are depleted, it will not stop any more damage. Only an ammount of damage equal to or less than the S.P. is done PER HIT.
 TYPE		Hits           S.P.     Equip. Type
Leather		1 per %          5         Ancient
Chain		2 per %          8         Ancient
Plate		4 per %         12         Ancient
Kevlar		1.5 per %         6         Modern
Laminated Plastic  5 per %         17        High Tech
You will normally heal CHN number of damaged points for each 8hrs slept; fractions also count (eg 4 hours does 1/2 CHN). Resting does half this. (ie 1 hour rest does 1/16 CHN). For fractions, always round down unless 0.5 or greater. Of course, if people have STR damage, they will have less CHN, and heal slowly. Unconsciousness counts as sleeping.
Eating a meal may restore 1-10 points, depending on size and quality. Only 
END points are gained in this way; while STR may still be low, you can still gain some END points to shield yourself against loss of STR. However, damage level modifiers still apply.
If you fail to eat at all in 24 hrs, subtract 1/2 d10 -1 points. If you fail to drink at all during 24 hrs, subtract 1/2 d10 points. 
The psychic ability Healing may be used on others or yourself, to restore hits by the ammount succeeded by +1. If you fail, damage is taken by the healer for the points failed by, -1 (worked out the same as Affect Stat damge above). 
Picking up weapons, their ammunition and other equipment is sometimes a problem: it has been 27 years since anything really new was produced in 
Australia, although some new stuff comes from Japan. Therefore, players should write down a comprehensive list of what their character wants, and then roll individually on the below table to see if they have the item. Items found during the game are up to the GM. A roll ABOVE the percentage given is needed to acquire that type of item.
Ancient (eg sword, pack)		20%
Modern (eg pistol, radio)		45%
High tech (eg energy weapon, laser sights)    80% Large Modern (eg motorbike, rocket launcher)  60% Large High-tech (eg energy cannon)	90%
The ammunition provided with a weapon initially is shown below-
Single Shot (pistol, rifle, shotgun) 1 d10 -1 rounds
Semi or Fully Automatic	0-99% of 2 clips worth 
Heavy (Assault, Energy, Rocket)      1/2 d10 -1 shots
The list of equipment requested by a player is subject to review by the GM. Only one of a weapon may be posessed, and usually no more than 5 different weapons are posessed. If the weapon is small or single-use (ie knife, grenade), then the player may have up to 10 of these - roll for each.
Well, I think that about covers the system. For ease of campaign settings, unless you want to draw up one for yourself, use the area you are living in. Just age it all 27 years, shut off electricity and running water, smash most of the glass at street level and collapse most flimsy structures (eg bus shelters). Add in a few biker gangs and small independent communities in appropriate places, and have a few Ronin wander through (frequently if near Japan, infrequently otherwise). The first problem your players will have is finding somewhere to live and a source of food. Remember, there is unlikely to be any food still in shops! (unless you are playing right after the economic collapse...) This setting means the GM and players know what most of the locations are like, and allows for really twisted gaming! Have fun!
====================Anarcha Australis Character Sheet========================== Player:_______________  Character:_______________  Nationality:_______________  
CON:_____	SKILL PTS:_____
ATT:_____	Pistol	___+REF=___	Handgun	|Spot Hid.	___+CHN=___ Concen. 
		Rifle	___+REF=___	Handgun	|Aff. Stat	___+CHN=___ Concen.
CHN:_____	S-M. Gun	___+REF=___	Handgun	|6th Sense	___+CHN=___ Concen.
LOG:_____	Machinegun	___+REF=___	Handgun	|Persuasion	___+CHA=___ Charis.
CRE:_____	Energy Gun	___+REF=___  Handgun	|Seduction	___+CHA=___ Charis. 
CHA:_____	M. Launch.	___+REF=___ Artillery	|Fast-Talk	___+CHA=___ Charis.
		Mount. Gun	___+REF=___ Artillery	|Empathy	___+CHA=___ Charis.
	MAX  CURR. E. Cannon  ___+REF=___ Artillery|Improvise  ___+CRE=___ Constr. END: ____ ____  Acrobatics ___+REF=___  Agility |Design	___+CRE=___ Constr.
STR: ____ ____  Climbing	___+REF=___  Agility |Artwork	___+CRE=___ Constr.
LIF: ____ ____  Stalk/Hide ___+REF=___  Agility |Engineer	___+CRE=___ Constr.
		Blade Weap ___+REF=___ Hand-Hand|Cook	___+CRE=___ Constr.
Height:______	Pole Arms  ___+REF=___ Hand-Hand|Maths	___+LOG=___ Science
Weight:______	Short Weap ___+REF=___ Hand-Hand|Chemistry  ___+LOG=___ Science
Hair:______	Improvised ___+REF=___ Hand-Hand|Physics	___+LOG=___ Science
Eyes:______	Brawling	___+REF=___ Hand-Hand|Biology	___+LOG=___ Science
						__	Martial A. ___+REF=___ Hand-Hand|Electronic ___+LOG=___ Science
					__/  |	Bow	___+REF=___ Hand-Hand|Comp Maint ___+LOG=___ Science
				/  || |	Car	___+REF=___  Piloting|Read+Write ___+LOG=___ Science
			//| || |	Motorbike  ___+REF=___  Piloting|Comp Prog  ___+LOG=___  Comp
		///| |  |	Helicopter ___+REF=___  Piloting|Comp Op.   ___+LOG=___  Comp
	/___  || |	Plane	___+REF=___  Piloting|Comp Hack  ___+LOG=___  Comp
 ///		| ||_|	Boat	___+REF=___  Piloting|__________ ___+___=___ ________
//				|_|		Healing	___+CHN=___  Psychic |__________ ___+___=___ ________
								Telekin.	___+CHN=___  Psychic |__________ ___+___=___ ________
			ANARCHA	Telepathy  ___+CHN=___  Psychic |__________ ___+___=___ ________
	AUSTRALIS	Clairvoy.  ___+CHN=___  Psychic |__________ ___+___=___ ________
								Shield	___+CHN=___  Psychic |__________ ___+___=___ ________
__________ __________ __________		Weapon	Damage	Shots	ROF
__________ __________ __________	_____________	______	______	______
__________ __________ __________	_____________	______	______	______
__________ __________ __________	_____________	______	______	______
__________ __________ __________	_____________	______	______	______
__________ __________ __________	_____________	______	______	______
__________ __________ __________	_____________	______	______	______
__________ __________ __________	_____________	______	______	______
__________ __________ __________
__________ __________ __________	BACKGROUND		
__________ __________ __________	________________________________________
__________ __________ __________	________________________________________
__________ __________ __________	________________________________________ 
__________ __________ __________	________________________________________
__________ __________ __________	________________________________________
__________ __________ __________	________________________________________
__________ __________ __________	________________________________________
__________ __________ __________	________________________________________