Prohibition Politics
- Black Man as a Cash Crop
- According to Xona, America’s most profitable crop is the Black-American, reaped by the Criminal Justice System.
- The Cartoon Guide to Recreational Drugs (213.7 KB)
- The Birds and the Bees do it, Pigs and Porcupines do it. But evidence suggests that humans are champion drug users. We are born with a natural urge to alter our consciousness. Children spin until they drop for the same reason that their parents drink alcohol. Nature requires it.
- Drug Information
- Links to web sites with useful information about recreational drugs, especially caffeine and cannabis.
- Drug Prohibition Recommended Reading
- Recommended books about the drug war and about recreational drugs in general.
- Drug Sellers On the Net!
- Where to buy drugs on the Internet. Mostly legal drugs, such as coffee and tea, as well as information about drugs, and legal things made from illegal drugs, such as hemp.
- Drugs Around the World
- Links to information about the drug war outside the United States.
- If you support keeping drugs illegal…
- If you support prohibition, you support robbery, assault, higher taxes, and rape.
- Notes on Prohibition
- These are notes that I took while researching a “recreational drugs” comic book. These books also informed all of the writing that I have done for Strange Bedfellows and the Prohibition archive.
- Pocket Guide to Recreational Drugs
- Pocket Guide to Recreational Drugs: A Practical Guide to the Safety and Health Issues of Licit
and Illicit Recreational Drug Use
- Prohibition Politics archive
- Negative Space text archive of files on /pub/Prohibition/
- Robert Randall 1948-2001
- Robert Randall led the fight for medical marijuana, out of necessity: without marijuana, he would have gone blind in the early seventies. With marijuana, he retained some sight until he died in 2001.
- Solve the Drug War
- On December 5th, 1933, prohibition ended. That day, the drug lords were out of business. Today we have a new drug war, but the solution is the same: take away their profits and put the drug dealers out of business!
- Take the Congressional Drug Test!
- The Third Annual Drug Test for Members of Congress and Other Drug Fiends
- Using (Recreational) Drugs
- Links to web pages about the drug war and prohibition.
- Why End Prohibition? (123.1 KB)
- A practical solution to the marijuana question.
More Information
- About.Com Guide to Civil Liberties
Wow! The “Guide to Civil Liberties” covers free speech, gun control, asset forfeiture, privacy, sex, and drugs. The only thing missing is rock and roll, and I probably haven’t looked hard enough. Each article includes the primary sources as well as media sources which are available on the web. Great place to go for information and editorials.
- ACT-Up DC I-59 Information
In a bizarre move in a democratic country, Congress first made it illegal for Washington, DC, to spend any money tallying votes on Initiative 59, the medical marijuana initiative. Then, when the Board of Elections joined in the ACLU trying to have themselves forced by the courts to release the results, Congress again passed a law, making it illegal for the Board to ask the Courts to do this. This archives the text of and debate on the Barr Amendment.
- Action Forum of the Global Anti-Prohibition Movement
“Get Wise! Legalize!” Help end the “bloody and costly” prohibition laws.
- Cops Against the Drug War
“I very quickly began to understand that our war on drugs was a cruel, corrupting charade.”
- Cruel and Usual
“It is difficult to believe that the possession of an ounce of cocaine is a more dangerous or serious offense than the rape of a ten-year-old.”
- Drug Law Studies Over the Years
How many times does science have to say “no problem” before politicians get the picture? A great collection of summaries of major prohibition studies over the years.
- Drug Policy Alliance
A drug policy research institute, they are reprinting some drug policy classics and publishing important new works. There is a lot of useful news here, and information on seminars and conferences. This is one of the two major drug policy reform sites on the Internet.
- Drug Reform Coordination Network
Over the years I’ve watched DRCNet grow into an incredibly useful resource in the field of drug law reform. “The world’s leading drug policy newsletter... raising awareness of the consequences of drug prohibition… DRCNet supports rational policies consistent with the principles of peace, justice, fr
eedom, compassion and truth. Each of these has been compromised in the name of the Drug War.”
- Forfeiture Endangers American Rights
The F.E.A.R. site will keep you updated on forfeiture case law around the United States--and around the world, as the U.S. allows foreign governments to confiscate the property of American citizens. Includes an attorney directory.
- Lair of the infamous tms: Drug Policy Essays
“Some speculations on the drive to alter consciousness.” and other college-level essays about the war on drugs.
- LSD-A Case for Legalization
“The status in many western nations of the hallucinogenic drug LSD as illegal and criminalized is unnecessary and inappropriate.”
- The Marijuana Policy Project
Legislative updates, medical marijuana, and analyses. Calls for action for activists. Please read! The MPP has been doing some amazing work in the last decade and is continuing the fight for sane drug laws today in places like Nevada. They need our support and money.
- Metropolitan Area Narcotics Trafficking Interdiction Squads
MANTIS used to be a Tucson-area drug war enabler with a neat acronym and a patch that made kids want to do drugs: their mascot was a hemp-smokin’ pill poppin’ horse pushin’mantis. Their site is long dead, and the only thing left is this possible explanation: corruption. “More than two years ago, hundreds of thousands of dollars mysteriously disappeared from the Metropolitan Area Narcotics Trafficking Interdiction Squad, or MANTIS.” Big surprise there.
- National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws
Seven hundred thousand marijuana arrests in 1997. Break out the champagne. Also, help them get billboard advertising space in your town.
- Prohibition Web-Ring
A ring of web sites which discuss the obvious and not-so-obvious dangers of prohibition.
- Reformer’s Calendar
Calendar of drug law reform events from DRCNet.
- Strategies to End the Drug War
Political strategies, local action you can take, and persuading individuals. Because “the drug war obviously isn’t working.”
- Warstop: Guerrilla Politics for the War on Drugs
Consider it an intervention program for drug-war addicts. First stop is Gerald Solomon. “If Big Brother’s watching, stare back. He doesn’t like it.”
- The Wickersham Commission Conclusions
In 1930, the Wickersham Commission released its findings: that prohibition should not be repealed and that more money and resources should be given over to enforcement of prohibition. Congress and the states ignored these recommendations and overturned alcohol prohibition.